axid’s rank if we’re being honest…
by: being honest
axid being a “mid” sorority and not even being the top ranked mid sorority but having sigma chi and phi delt (two frats exclusive to top & upper mid sororities) participate in their comp says all that we need to know.
it should be
True Mid:
ΑΞΔ - Alpha Xi Delta
ΧΩ - Chi Omega
&& honestly. i believe they should replace theta in upper mid. they do socials with a lot of upper mids & tops. theta doesn’t. they have hoco with them, theta doesn’t. nobody in greek life seees axid as being “up there” or “good” but they’re def better then chi o for sure. in my opinion, theta too but idk if you guys will receive that bc they’re on this site heavily so idk if i can get true opinions.
u guys agree? don’t get too heated this is my opinion and no rank is changed or will be. just open talk and pls try not to fake likes ir pose as more than one person
#1by: again
this has been posted multiple times. everyone has said acid won’t be upper mid because they are more like chio than piphi and chio. theta is miles above axid. even chio is better than axid. axid has zero frat comp wins, their involvement is just ok, they are not like able and their big philanthropy is what?
#10by: mids
upper mid:
pi beta phi
- -
delta delta delta
- -
kappa alpha theta-
pcs improving
close sisterhood
good frat relations
good srat relations
hoco 2022-paired with dsig
very involved-participates in all frat tiers philos
2021/2022 frat comps won-FIJI Island Princess
fall 2021 Theta Casa frat winner- Sigma Chi
philanthropy event- cookoff for casa (casa)
no drama, nice girls, leaders
rep @ socials-classy
the best house, a mansion
no probation or suspension
leaders in sga
won the greek cup for srat athletics
a theta won ucf homecoming queen 2022
membership-152 active members (164 last spring)
retention-9 dropped active members
in good standing with ofsl
spring 2022 gpa-3.25
- -
true mid:
chi omega-
pcs improving
close sisterhood
very diverse
good frat relations
good srat relations
hoco 2022-paired with fiji
very involved-participates in all frat tiers philos
2021/2022 frat comps won-SAE Paddy Murphy
fall 2021 ChiO Omega Man frat winner - SAE
philanthropy event-wish week (make a wish foundation)
no drama, nice girls, genuine
rep @ socials-classy
great house
membership-156 active members (143 last spring)
retention-6 dropped active members
in good standing with ofsl
spring 2022 gpa-3.30
- -
alpha xi delta-
pcs improving
ok sisterhood
limited diversity-no woc
good frat relations
poor srat relations
hoco 2022-paired with zbt
involved-participates in mostly upper & top frat philos (status driven)
2021/2022 frat comps won-None
fall 2021 Axid Xi Man frat winner-Theta Chi
philanthropy event-football frenxi (kindly hearts initiative)
drama, some nice girls, conceited
rep @ socials-not very classy
great house
membership-154 active members (158 last spring)
retention-8 dropped active members
in good standing with ofsl (just came off this spring, chapter was under conduct review)
spring 2022 gpa-3.28
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by: Nah
Theta is upper mid. The upper frats need comp wins to look good. The mids have been winning a lot and they need to catch up. The guys participating now isn’t a flex