
gpa requirements


I signed up for rush. I'm a sophomore, and I just saw the recruitment book that lists the "minimum" GPA for sororities. I miss the GPA for some by .008 (meaning I have a 2.692, and sororities list the minimum as 2.7). Will they really cut me for that tiny amount? I got one bad grade in a class that ruined my GPA. I plan on taking it for grade forgiveness, but should I not bother with rush because most sororities will automatically cut me, or are they a little flexible?

Posted By: Justcurious
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P.S. I know I won't get into sororities which require a really HIGH gpa.

By: Justcurious

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So I don’t know about every chapter but mine personally doesn’t cut based on GPA unless you’re on academic probation or if you mention having low grades. I wouldn’t say anything about it during recruitment and I’m sure you’ll be okay.

By: idk
by: idk   

Plus I’m pretty sure most round up, so you’d be at a 2.7

By: idk
by: Justcurious   


By: Justcurious

You will be fine! Yes some may drop you, but that is okay!

By: Don’t worry
by: Justcurious   

Thanks. But how many? According to the recruitment guide, only 4 sororities allow a GPA of 2.5. Of those, two (KD and Tri-Delt) are among the hardest to get into, and one has one of the highest overall GPAs. Only four require a 2.75 or over, though. So if those four cut me, I'd expect that. But I'm hoping the three that say they require a 2.7 won't cut me with a 2.692. I have friends in two of those three so that's kind of why I'm rushing.

By: Justcurious
by: ok   

okay. sweet PNM. you need to take a deep breathe and calm down. GPA is extremely important to most ( but not all) sorority’s here at UCF. KAT has the highest, while DDD and KD have some of the lowest. GPA is important because at UCF @ OFSL will our a chapter on probation if they have to many girls below a certain GPA, thus why some cannot take you if you do not meet a certain GPA requirement. Also, sometimes, for example my sorority we are not allowed by our nationals to take anyone below a 2.7 GPA so even though we may LOVE you, we will have to let you go or we get fined, etc.
go in with an open mind and open heart. make connections and remember your values and you’ll find your sisters. do not stress out, do not let some not having a house divert you, and do not let tiers influence you.
good luck sweet girl!! I hope you find your tribe!

By: ok

I'm not "worried about tier." The two sororities I have friends in, that I'm worried about, are mid-lower tier. So that's my point. If I get cut by KD and Tri Delt because I'm not their type and then get cut by ADPi, AXiD, XO, DZ, Theta, Kappa, and Zeta because of my grades, that only leaves three that would invite me back. That's not very good odds. No one wants to go and be humiliated.

XQ, AXiD, and DZ are the ones that say they require exactly a 2.7 so those are the ones I'm curious about.

By: Justcurious
by: Panluv    

You will be okay! Don’t stress it , you’ll make friends any sorority you join. Don’t worry about it just go through recruitment week!!

By: Panluv
by: .i mean.   

listen, You seem to have an already negative outlook on rush.
I have a sister who had a GPA at 2.5. She went to day three and got cut. You will be cut because of your GPA and that again is because nationals will NOT allow certain chapters to take you.
Now, you have friends in chapters, ask to right you a letter of recommendation. Tho to some chapters that means little to nothing because one sister does not equal all sisters.
also, you won’t be humiliated because no one will know who likes you, who doesn’t, who keeps you, and who doesn’t. so honestly, if you are going to negative going into recuritment you will get dropped because it will show.
go in with an open heart and open mind. get over this negativity, be strong and have courage and you will get a house. you will be okay, you be loved and valued, and you won’t get embarrassed because TRUST me, those girls on the inside are way more stressed then you and are trying to make everyone happy.
with that being said, get excited and do not stress. you’ll have fun if you let yourself have fun.

also, side note, you forgot gamma phi, so you’d have four houses to lean back on.

and please do not focus on the sororities your friends are in. you literally may not even like them.

By: .i mean.

I cannot stress this enough but PLS go in with an open mind. I went through recruitment with houses that I was obsessed with and wanted to be in, my fave house dropped me the first day and you know what I know it was for a good reason. It sucks not ending up where you thought you belonged but trust me, trust the process!! Don’t like certain houses because you know people or if they have houses or if they are the prettiest, because at the end of the week you will end up where you need to be with girls who share the same values as you! The whole GPA thing ya it matters but don’t let that freak you out, everything will fall into place plus your rho Gamma is there to help you every step of the way that week so You are in good hands with questions!

By: pls pls pls
by: Justcurious   

To be clear, I don't think worrying about being dropped by all but one or two houses the first day really means I don't have an open mind. This was really just a question about whether sororitys round to the nearest whole number. Anyone know?


By: Justcurious

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