
delta delta delta discussion


Delta Delta Delta sorority chapter comments at University of Arizona - UA

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 6 of 10

should be ashamed. you're awful people. luckily, it doesnt affect us at all but i am saddened to see that some house spends hours doing this. get. a. life. you are beyond sad, honestly.

By: tridelt:

and love

By: peace

nice job. you know how to copy and paste. and switch "aephi" to "Tridelta", good job?


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I posted that comment and it wasn't copied/pasted from anywhere else and it's 100% true. Deny all you want but it's the general consensus and everyone knows it.

By: @VVV

actually no it was copied and pasted. sorry. you lie and everyone knows youre a jealous aephi.. oh sorry did i just say that? YES. i did. everyone who goes on greek rank can tell that its aephi doing the bashing... except you guys. its kinda pathetic really.

By: @@VVV

only the good houses have haters.

By: haters

I'm a legacy so I joined this house. I deactivated after my 1st year so heed this as an advice. Joining this house made my social standing in school worse and I found out a lot of them were very fake and I was never able to find the strong sisterhood that I was looking for. One of my sisters stabbed me in the back in such a way that I don't even want to go into details. I no longer associate or want to have anything to do with any of them. That's why I will not let my younger incoming sister make the same mistake I did.

By: Legacy

This is one of many fictitious claims made by some sick girl. We have information about who she is, and we are reporting these incidents. The TRUTH about all Houses is on the Panhellenic website. The rest is toxic garbage.

By: Legacy?

Unlike the false garbage you posted about the other houses, this is actually a true story. I even have names and actual events to prove it. Also, the Panhellenic site means nothing, they're just slaps on the wrist. A sorority can have an unblemised record and have one of the worst sisterhoods like in the case of DDD, not to mention they are one of the least popular houses. Why join such a house when you will be the subject of ridicule from the rest of the greek community for the rest of your college years? Listen to what most people have to say about this house. The majority of people cannot be wrong.

By: @Legacy?

Name the names you lying psycho AEPhi sleaze. ALL your lies will be reported, and your sisters will hate you even more for the trouble you've brought to them.

By: Really?

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