
delta delta delta discussion


Delta Delta Delta sorority chapter comments at University of Arizona - UA

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By: tridelt

you guys keep copying and pasting stuff that was written about you and putting it on tri deltas page. like seriously could you even be more obvious? lol

By: to aephi-

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great house. i love how they dont care what people think of them. im definitely hoping to be invited back during rush.

By: amazing

It seems like they've compiled all the girls that couldn't get into other houses into this one. The group is completely random, unattractive, and most of all DRAMATIC. If I had a dollar for every time I've seen a Tridelta throw a fit while out at a party I'd own the bank. Its kinda funny actually. They think they've improved so much when in reality they are still as weird and really rude, if not more, as before.

By: UA Senior

holy cow.. you girls just dont stop do you?! aephi, its time for you girls to get off your computer and go hit the gym. you really need to leave tri delta alone. honestly just because they're a tiny bit better than you doesnt mean you need to attack them.

By: to aephi

completely agree with below. (my friend wrote that and we are both in sigma kappa) AEPhi bashes on everyone sooner or later. And today they chose tri delta. girls- stop it now. we need to support eachother. and tridelt doesnt deserve your negativity. they are suuuch a great group of girls. and they're confident enough not to go onto greek rank and bash. so please leave them alone. love, sigma k <3

By: also to aephi

its funny how aephatties think that no one realizes that they are doing the bashing.

By: hahahah

tri delt is good.dont listen to the rude comments.

By: ddd

I wanna throw up. Tridelts suck. they trick girls into wanting their house during rush and then when they get in, half of them drop! but they initiate them right away so they can't join other sororities. if you join tri delta you will get initiated before you realize how bad it is. then you won't be able to rush another house. DO NOT GO TRI DELTA!!!! DO NOT DO IT! TRUST ME!

By: OMG!!!

oh hey there aephi

By: @omg

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