
Truth about alpha phi

by: Phakephi

yeah, this sorority is #1- but look at how many girls drop it by senior year. sisterhood is non existent here. they bully their own sisters. all of them are the definition of peaked in college. half of them are bottle service girls after college. their parents must be really proud. genuinely the meanest girls you will ever meet. shallow and do not care about anyone but themselves. DO NOT RUSH APHI and regret your decision like many people i know did. just look at the statistics of how many girls join vs are there at the end. class is usually 160+ each year and then by the end of 4 years around 30. mean girls x 10000000. extremely hurtful and terrible to one another.

Posted By: Phakephi
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#1  by: SSsS   

Sounds like you didnt get a bid

By: SSsS
by: noJun 28, 2024 6:33:07 PM

actually did get a bid. ended up dropping

By: no
#2  by: Bump   

Bump this

By: Bump
#3  by: lol    

I agree, they’re mean to everyone including each other there is no sisterhood no panhell love. Literally everyone drops it for a reason

By: lol
#4  by: omg   

isnt avery kroll in this sorority?? she seems so sweer

By: omg
by: ruhAug 9, 2024 5:08:36 PM

avrey kroll SWEET?? lmao almost everyone has horror stories about how rude and stuck up this girl is. she’s known for shoving girls at frats and thinking she’s too above everyone else because of her following

By: ruh
#5  by: averytroll   

I find Aphi very distasteful as I use to follow Avery on TikTok and she recently seems like a mean girl. I saw her and some Aphi's comment about how "no one liked" this one girl Liv Schmidt. I talked to my older sister who was in Aphi and said Liv Schmidt was just never there she did her own thing and alot of people did not really know her as she was always traveling and not at school. Liv Schmidt also dropped the sorority she did not get kicked out. My older sister told me that alot of people do not like Avery so it is ironic that she is saying "no one likes someone" when no one at Univeristy of Arizona likes her because she pushed some girls at frats and she is not nice at all it is all a big act. I also find it weird that all of these alpha phi girls are in the comments commenting and tearing down past members. I had to unfollow Avery after learning all of this as well as all she does is repost mean videos about Liv which does not seem like a nice thing to do? I also heard her and Liv never met in person so it seems like jealousy to me... I have heard terrible stories about this Avery girl about mean she is to girls... I think a lot of girls are going to be turned off by Alpha Phi because of her and does she not realize it is only making her look worse posting about her dad and family drama... all she does is bring people down

By: averytroll
#6  by: Scary   

I don't know why anyone would want to be in APhi at this school. The sorority is full of mean girls who hate each other and talk bad about them behind their backs. Search Liv Schmidt Alpha Phi on TikTok and she'll tell you how it really is.

By: Scary
#7  by: Truth   

Do you research, ladies. Aphi literally has like 25 or less girls left in their senior pledge class. They all dropped, which tells you the true story. Pick a house you can see yourself in for your college career because you find your true, authentic friends for life. Best advice I can give you for sure.

By: Truth
#8  by: AL   

Alpha Phi is NOT nor it EVER HAS BEEN number ONE!!! No, no, no…..

By: AL
#9  by: Lol   

Must be rush time ! Insecure girls coming on GreenRank to bash Aphi . Every summer they come on here to try to take down Aphi bc they’re very popular. No one doing better than Aphi would feel the need to talk crap about them. It’s only the houses who are threatened by them.

Girls, go thru rush and pick the house that is right for you! Disregard these toxic comments .. all jealousy .If they were happy in their houses, they wouldn’t be on GR tearing down other houses. Good luck!

By: Lol
#10  by: not lying    

spring 2024 sorority member numbers put out by university show only two houses with higher number of actives than aphi: piphi and chi o. maybe you should be worrying about your own retention instead of spending all your time trying to knock down other houses. put some effort into your own rush instead !

By: not lying

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