


Is TDX a mid house? All I hear is that they get the worst pledge classes and have the worst parties. What makes them a mid house?

Posted By: PNM
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Anyone that says tdx isn’t mid is either in tke or phi delt or one of the bottom frats By no means r they the best house but anyone in a decent house knows they are def better than all the mentioned houses and sit right with Sammy and theta xi

By: Lmao
by: PNM   

I asked what made them a mid house


A nice courtyard, and the competition below them being not that great.

By: well
by: Lol   

TKE and Fiji have nicer courtyards, get better pledge classes and have better parties so you’re basically saying TDX is a bottom house

By: Lol

Yes, tdx is a mid house. They have a decent group of guys and throw great parties partly due to their great location on the row and great physical house. Notice that any list that gets a large amount of upvotes puts them right near Sammy where they belong. Any people commenting that they are bad are just skeptics (likely from worse houses) that are trying to confuse pnm’s and make there own houses seem more relevant. They don’t really retaliate to the people saying they’re bad (likely cuz they actually have lives) so thats why so many people get away with saying they are bad on this website. Pay attention to the amount of upvotes the negative comments get because it’s usually very few. They are by no means a top one or two house but they are very relevant and have a decent amount of dope guys. Many girls are also loyal to this house.

By: Yes

Just cause TDX is the most active on the site and upvotes their own posts it doesn’t mean their good. Houses that are the biggest jokes on campus had bigger crowds at parties this year. They have a good location that’s literally it. They don’t come close to Sammy and theta Xi who aren’t even that good, and did worse this year than joke houses like TKE zeta psi and Phi Delt. Don’t fall for it, go to rush parties and you can compare the crowds and see their one of the worst

By: Omg
by: Lol   

Tdx definitely isn’t the most active on this site. That honor would have to go tke who writes stuff hyping themselves up almost on a daily. Pnm’s look at lists that get a lot of upvotes and not a lot of down votes because this is where you will find the truth. I never see tdx self ranking they are consistently ranked 6th or so right behind Sammy. Definitely not a top house but very solid. Pnm’s just go through rush and you’ll see don’t rely on lists or rankings to decide where to consider cuz houses will see right through you

By: Lol
by: The truth    

Mid houses at Arizona would be easily be considered top houses at other schools. Arizona is one of the top party schools in the country and all the mid houses including TDX pull in great crowds. The top 4 houses definitely throw the biggest signature parties but that doesn’t mean the mid houses aren’t relevant, they still throw great parties and the ones they have are ALOT better than the bottom houses parties like TKE and Phi Delt. It’s really not difficult, just look at the thousands of ranking lists on this site and look at the ones that have the highest upvotes and the most views. These are the real ranks and you can’t find a single one with TKE above TDX. End of story

By: The truth
by: Pathetic    

TDX is trying to say they’re the best because they get the most likes which only proves they live on this site

By: Pathetic
by: What    

What do you mean “they” get the most likes. They are referring to lists that get the most likes. These lists include EVERY fraternity for the most part and tdx is usually like 6th or 7th.

By: What
by: Nah   

TDX spams the comments anything negative will get 7 dislikes

By: Nah

Imagine thinking that ranks that get upvotes on greekrank proves something

By: Lmao Keep trying TDX

TDX had members that hit girls I wouldn’t rush them they should have been kicked off

By: .
by: Wow   

That’s messed up

By: Wow

You shouldn’t even go on greekrank for anyone’s advice. Everyone on here is trying to fight and make their houses sound better. Realistically the rankings are kinda true and you’ll see it during rush. Tke Fiji and bottom houses just like to argue cuz they want to be better but a couple years ago tke threw a party w aepi (a good house that got kicked) and it was a pre party before dusk and barely got anyone to go the only good party tke has thrown has been with pike. The reason they are good is because of their house and they have some dope guys which is probably why you saw them on TotalFratMove those guys really carry the house. So yes they are better then the bottom houses that argue on here and they do pack their parties out but by no means are they on the level of sig chi but to be fair rankings have changed so much because of houses getting kicked who knows 3 years ago sae and ksig had just got kicked off and theta chi was becoming a top house and now people don’t even know what that is so honestly just don’t listen to greekrank it’s a bunch of geeds

By: .
by: Active    

Wasn’t tdx on total frat move not tke?

By: Active
by: Lol   

Yeah it was TDX that paid to be on it not TKE not a good look

By: Lol
by: Haha   

Someone from tdx is literally one of the people that run total frat move…. But I’m sure they definitely “paid to be on it” lol. If you don’t believe it look at who they follow on ig and who they have been posting.

By: Haha

Biggest self rankers, they’re below Phi delt but above Fiji

By: No

They’re below KA

By: No

TDX lives on this site

By: Yes

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