
rush advice???


So, I have a super super strong connection with alpha phi and it's been great everytine I've talked to them. Honestly, not once did I ever get my hopes up about them calling me back (not because I didn't like them because I loved them but they are such a great house and full of funny, great, smart, beautiful girls and I felt like they were too good for me and too good to be true ) but each time they did and each time the connection got better and better and better and now I'm completely in love which really sucks because I feel like that house is so conpletative and hard to get into. But, I'm really really hoping I get to go back to for pref, I guess my real question is how many girls get dropped after pref? Like, if I am lucky enough to pref them is there actually a good chance of me getting a bid from them? I'm just really really nervous and anxious and wish I wouldn't have went head over heels like I did because I'm so scared I'll get my heart broken. (All the other houses are great too and full of amazing girls! But it's just the one my heart locked on and I would really love to be in,if you get what I mean. But if I don't get it I understand it's not meant to be and I'll love any sorority I end up in)

Posted By: Heeeey
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Don't get your hopes up. I'm saying this with honesty I know so many people who were preffed with Alpha Phi and got dropped bid day and it crushed them. Alpha Phi prefs a lot of girls and drops the most out of any house on bid day.

By: @Heeeey
by: for real    

yup. i mean best of luck but dont get your hopes up or theres a big possibility you'll end up crushed.

By: for real
by: truth   

First of all no. Chapters with the highest return rates actually invite the smallest amount of girls to pref. Chapters with the lowest return rate invite the most. That's how RFM works.

Technically, statistically speaking, you have a higher chance of getting your top choice if you pref two top tier houses, rather than if you pref 2 lower tier houses. You're guaranteed a bid regardless though, unless you suicide.

By: truth
by: @truth   

First of all no. Alpha Phi is known for being a house that prefs a lot of girls. They know their worth and they know they'll get a lot of girls back but still pref many girls.

By: @truth
by: ^   

No, that's not how it works. Truth is right. We use the NPC's RFM system to determine invites each round. Those numbers are based only on historic return rates and each sorority is given the maximum number they can invite back. The stronger the chapter recruits, the fewer they're allowed back each round. APhi is a strong recruiting chapter so it has among the smallest number of invites to pref to give. Those are the facts. It's undeniable no matter what gossip you're listening to.

Also, NO ONE gets dropped after pref unless they refuse to list all their pref sororities on their bid card. You are GUARANTEED a bid to one of those sororities as long as you do this. If you are invited to pref, then you are somewhere on that sorority's bid list but possibly not high enough to match. If that happens and you didn't maximize your options by listing all pref sororities, then you will go bidless. That's the only way you end up without a bid if you attend preference parties.

By: ^

No one gets "dropped" after pref. If you get invited to pref, you are somewhere on the bid list. However, if they invite 200 girls to pref, and quota is 105, obviously only top first 105 on that list will get bids. Unless any of those girls in their top 105's choose the other house they preffed. (assuming they are also in the top 105 on that house's list.)

Basically, if you make it to pref, you just have to be ranked high enough on their bid list to get a bid.

Please don't get your hopes up though. Cuts going into preference are always pretty big.

By: truth
by: truth   

Also, keep in mind that Alpha Phi is REALLY good at recruitment. They can make almost every girl that walks through that door feel like they've made a really strong connection. That's why they're a top recruiting chapter. It doesn't necessarily mean the connection is real. Rush is fake and forced. And I'm not just throwing Alpha Phi under the bus. It's all houses. They want to make all the pnms love them. It's not always real though.

Just be open minded if you don't end up with them for pref or on bid day.

By: truth

And if you do pref they will promise you a bid. Lots of girls blindsided last year by this when the put Alpha Phi 1st & didn't get a bid from them.

By: Real
by: active   

YEP. They do this with EVERY pnm because they want to maximize the amount of girls that will list them as their top pick. It ensures that they'll also get their top pick girls and won't have to take girls from lower on their list.

Other houses do this to for the same reason. PNMs, listen to me: Oral bids are not bids. You are not invited to be a new member until you have an actual bid in your hand.

By: active

Does the same go for fraternities like Kappa Sig? I really liked them and I felt like they liked me, but at round 3 nobody had a card out asking me for Info. It was like all social and felt less formal.

By: VRt

Beware, lots of girls think they were offered something, even via Instagram and poof, nothing! That's what we call dirty rushing. Follow you gut!

By: Real

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Just to let everyone know I made it to pref! I loved it so much and I'm so nervous about bid day tomorrow. The ceremony was amazing and made be cry because I could just feel the love and sisterhood within the house. If anyone has anymore advice on how things work after pref and how the cuts are and what not I would love be to hear it! Thanks for all the input and advice so far!

By: Heeeey
by: @Heeeey   

What other house are you preffed with? Let us know if you get the bid from Aphi and best of luck you did your best :)

By: @Heeeey
by: hi   

There's a really useful thread here somewhere with insanely good advice and information on how everything works after pref. Go look for it.

By: hi

nobody cares lol

By: k

They are known to be fake and lots of drama in that house because of it!

By: Yes

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