
complaint from a new member


There isn't enough drinking going on... in the states everyone gets drunk on bid day... I didn't get drunk on bid day :( let's have some fun pls

Posted By: New girl
Page 1 of 1

Clearly aphi or TriDelt pledge using the term "new member". They should've explained to you during rush that your not allowed to drink at an event if your NPC

By: Lol

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by: Nm   

New members drink during bid days ALL THE TIME in the states maybe I just joined the wrong NPC, I have no desire to join a wannabe sorority like nu sigma pi looool

By: Nm
by: Um   

Wow this girls pathetic, I seriously hope you're not a new member of my sorority, not even Nu Sigma Pi deserves you Jesus

By: Um
by: well then   

& this ladies is what an un-classy individual sounds like

By: well then
by: lol   

How would you know that the drink in the US?? all NPC sororities here don't drink on bid day.. pretty sure most of the locals don't either. Save the org you're in and drop now.

By: lol

Holy crap, I hope you you get dropped. If all you wanted was to drink on bid day, then you should have joined any number of the non-Panhellenic sororities that do not have STRICT rules about drinking on bid day. Smh.

By: Oh lord
by: lol   

^ PREEACH, I'm local and even understand that NPC rules are there for a reason & should be respected if you're in one, this girl is a joke

By: lol

Locals don't even drink on bid day so

By: Hm

NPC rules were made to be broken, Ottawa u must be one of the only schools that are fairly consistent with keeping them... seriously go on other GRs and there's nothing but stories about "Chi o pledges throwing up all over Greek row after bid day" etc not saying I want to see that but it's reality, our school is definitely one of the most strif

By: Helloo

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