
blame panhellenic


Thus year was so messed up. Our quota went down because so many girls dropped out. Most of whom were stuck with SDT. They totally messed with the numbers and a lot of awesome girls were left heartbroken and without a home. Not the best bid day.

Posted By: Heartbroken
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KD got 66
AZD got 71

How bout any others?

By: Intel from other chatsite
by: Best new members!   

67 new adpis!!!

By: Best new members!
by: Give credit   

Good for AZD.

By: Give credit
by: Proud   

Proud of all Greeks for recruitment. It is hard but especially excited for the new babies at AXiD because they are such a great group of pledges !

By: Proud
by: DeeGee!!   

Congratulations To Delta Gamma at Texas!! It was a fantastic recruitment and we are excited to welcome 64 New Members (Quota 61) including 25 legacies (44%)!

By: DeeGee!!
by: GreekGirl   

AEPhi has 67.

By: GreekGirl
by: Everyone Else   

So We've Heard from KD ADPi AXiD DG AEPhi and SDT sorta....

Everyone Else?!

By: Everyone Else

how many did SDT get?

by: TexasSigDelts   

Check out their Instagram.
You can count them.

Here's the thing and I'll probably get ripped apart by some of you snarky ones. But some of their pictures are cute.

I've heard on some campuses where all the other sororities actually help the new and/or struggling chapter. Wish Panhellenic spirit would kick in here. Then maybe more girls would get placed overall. And if SDT improved that would help everyone. I read on greekrank and on greekchat about all these other campuses where every group makes quota. All of them. Are we really so elitist and catty at UT that we can't help everyone succeed??

By: TexasSigDelts
by: ^ I agree   

They do have some cute girls. Not saying this to mean but for comparison's sake -- they're better than Bama SDT. They're larger too by almost 20 members.

Assuming it's accurate that their national made them do formal, I think it might be because they see potential for the chapter to improve over time. Their national also came down a couple of years ago and helped them do an expansion recruitment after formal to boost their numbers.

On the other hand, the Bama chapter has done formal once (I think) in about 10 years. In their case I suspect SDT national realizes that this chapter can't realistically compete.

By: ^ I agree
by: yesss   

in a different world, most of those girls could also just as easily gotten bids to other houses, they deserve a chance to find a sisterhood without catty comments about their letters. I admire SDT for being more truly Panhellenic than a lot of the so-called big houses at Texas

By: yesss
by: SDT Sucks   

Seriously? Did only nine NM's show up for bid day? How many were supposed to? I hope those nine members will stick it out and were worth turning the entire Greek system against you! Once again SDT ruins recruitment.

By: SDT Sucks
by: @SDT Sucks   

you don't seem to realize that the fault (if any) lies with UT Panhel and not the individuals in UT's chapter of SDT.

By: @SDT Sucks

Yes, I'm afraid we are so elitist and catty that recruitment has gotten really messed up here. Moms and alumnae are over involved, great girls get cut early and often and them you have the same KKG clones (highland park cookie cutter). I know some great girls who are crushed right now for no good rhyme or reason.happy for the girls who found a home and happy for the houses who got a great class. Let's try to be better representing es of the Greeks system next time.

By: @TexasSigDelts

Did pi phi, theta and kappa get?

By: How many?
by: ?   

Or maybe they're happy and don't constantly need to self promote on Greek Rank.

By: ?
by: @?   

Wow u ran thru this thread and down voted over and over any comment with support for SDT. And then posted a snarky comment. Glad you woke up from your bender.

By: @?

Went down by how much? 3...4? That really makes all the difference? Quota would be slightly lower if any sorority was the 14th it's just how division works. If girls are really fighting over getting just large pledge classes instead of "really large" pledge classes that's a problem...it's hard to know every single person in a 400+ sorority. That's all peanuts.

By: Quota
by: Intel   

Zeta got 62.

By: Intel

This was the worst experience in my life! The legacies did not matter at all to but they made sure to keep them through skit night so that the other big 6 would drop them!

UT Austin needs to move to spring rush. The big city girls are ending up with their same high school friends and not getting a chance to open up their minds and hearts! Parents are paying for their daughters to be emotionally abused at a critical time in their life!

For all you panhellenic women who allegedly are following the "policy and procedures" - God bless your daughters when they turn 18. As mothers of women, we should stand up and support these girls and create a healthier environment.

Each pledge class should be the same size regardless!!!!! The number should be set and not change even if girls drop out. Changing numbers mid way only hurts the pledges. Girls should not have to suffer or be forced into a sorority they do not want to make things "fair" or "even". It is ONLY hurting young girls at a time in their life when they need to be built up.

The Greek System at UT is breaking girls spirit at one of the most critical times in their life, only keeping these young ladies down, teaching these girls to fight each other instead of learning to hold woman up, keeping these ladies submissive and easy to take advantage of because UT Panhellenic has broken their spirit - getting them ripe and ready for the frat boy - tragic!

This is abusive for our girls - We need Spring Rush!!!!

By: UT Greek Alum and Mom
by: GoGreek   

Hi mom- I can sympathize with a lot of why you're saying. For the many girls whose rush did not turn out the way they dreamed, it's a very tough emotional defeat before college even starts.

That said, I do not agree wirh your idea to set quota at the beginning of the week and let it ride, regardless of the number of pnm's who drop. UT uses RFM which is a really well thought out computer system whose formulas ensure that the maximum number of houses make quota and the maximum number of pnm's are placed. RFM uses each house's return rate (number of pnm's who want to go back) to determine the number of pnm's to invite to the next round. This allows strong recruiting chapters to cut more women so that those women can spend more time with the houses where they have a chance at a bid.

UT's campus engages in the most humane form of bid matching- if a PNM maximizes her options, she is GUARANTEED a bid to one of her pref houses. I haven't seen stats from this year but typically 75% of pnm's get their 1st choice. Setting quota after pref allows for all houses to have a high chance of making quota and a bid for all pnm's who maximize. This also allows all chapters to remain relatively the same size. You have seen or heard of campuses where the bottom houses are getting 20 pledges when quota is 80. Several years of missing quota that badly and chapters fold. We have wonderful chapters with 100+ year old histories who wouldn't survive under your quota plan.

By: GoGreek
by: Who are you?   

UUhh -- she didn't say that....

By: Who are you?
by: out of state ZTA alum   

Out of state PNMs going through UT recruitments are at a total disadvantage given the generations of legacies. Every email response I sent to a PNM when they asked for a reference had the statement: good luck with recruitment, go in with an open mind to all the houses and find the house that is the best fit for your personality and comfort. Joining any sorority is a wonderful thing with lifelong friendships. Top 6 or not, that's the truth. Truth doesn't lie.

By: out of state ZTA alum
by: bevot    

spring is too late for rush at a big school like UT - but deferred a month or so would be healthy. Ol miss has rush around october and it works better i think.

By: bevot
by: @who are you?   

Reread the last full paragraph because she kinds actually did insinuate that very thing. I thought it was oddly worded too, at say the very least.

By: @who are you?

Don't like the way the non big 6 are blamed for messing up on greek rank. Maybe if the big 6 took girls other than those from their own zip code it wouldn't have to be so crazy. All chapters need to look at each PNM as an individual and not discount a qualified candidate because she is not from your high school.

By: Jackie

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I just wanted to say to the above person, even if you maximize your chances, you are not guaranteed a bid. I only had one left one skit night and I know they would have dropped me on pref night because of my religious affiliation.

By: :P
by: no   

^ you're wrong. Flat out. If YOU dropped out that's a different story. BUT, if you make it to pref night, and sign a bid card, and list all the pref houses you went to on your bid card, you WILL get a bid to one of those houses. That's how RFM works.

By: no
by: yes   

She is right. Flat out. Your answer assumes a girl makes it to pref. If she had one left skit night and they dropped her the day of pref, she would have maximized her chances, but she would still have ended up without a bid.

By: yes

Does not guarantee a bid to everyone that registers for recruitment. It guarantees a bid to those PNMs who make it to pref round and who list all their pref round sororities on their bid card. Whether Rush is held before classes begin, a month after classes begin, or in January, if PNMs have their minds set on certain sororities, changing recruitment dates won't change them.


UT will be getting alot less dallas girls next fall. seems like very year UT rush gets more brutal and fewer are getting placed. the ut greek rank boards have the meanest comments of any college. its clear you all hate each other and encourage nastiness. hey fyi... no one wants that! i have many friends that were cut or withdrew. they wont be trying it again. most will leave and find a more welcoming group. yall need to pull it together and be the leaders on campus you profess to be.

By: sr2016

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