
sorority comments


University of Texas - UT General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 121 of 194

Girls. Get a life! Picking a school so you can get into a sorority! My gosh. dumb. Dumb. DUMB! Grow up. And all this about guys and a trust fund...believe me - you don't want "that" guy. Find a young MAN that wants to make it on his own, love him and help him. Now there is a life to live. I'm seriously scared for you. God is going to teach you some tough lessons. Prepare your self to take care of yourself..that is why you are in college not to join PKT and find a trust fund.

By: Messed UP!

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As a member of the sorority community, you will have the opportunity to meet students of various backgrounds with both similar and different interests. Within each chapter, there is a close bond of friendship and sisterhood which only the sorority atmosphere can foster. The ideal of sisterhood is the principal foundation upon which each sorority is built and from which you will receive the greatest benefit. Every member contributes to this aspect. Sisterhood combines the concept of individualism within the framework of mutual cooperation.

As a sorority member you will form friendships unlike any found in other organizations. Sisterhood is not conformity. No sorority is made up of members who are exactly alike. By choosing to become a member of a sorority, you will meet great sisters.

By: Hi

This is so spot on it's scary. Girls remember this and you'll be fine.

By: @For New PNM's...

Any St Agnes girls in big six?

By: Question

I was a Pi Phi and graduated last year, but had Camp Longhorn friends in AXO and Theta. (also another Pi Phi) As long as you went to good summer camps and/or high schools, you?ll know people whether they are or aren?t in you sorority. Camp Waldemar & Mystic are good camps too. CAMPs are what?s best if you don't know people ahead of time. In fact, we did more together than w/our own sororities. But we'd been together since 3rd grade in camp.

By: Camp!!

To below, well, I don't know about Camp Mystic, but unless you have a family history or MAJOR connections, it's harder to get into Camp Longhorn or Waldemar than the Nasa Space Program. But kuddos if you can.


Yes! To the girl who mocked camps, those three big camps are important because of bonds you make while there. If you attended one of those three camps, you will know girls in PKT for sure as well as other chapters. Those camp bonds are truly amazing.....they are some of the best friendships many of us will ever make and your camp friends want you as sisters. It isn't silly, everything is about connections.

By: Camps

These camps are wonderful, but don't get discouraged if you didn't attend one. Some of the top rushees were not campers because they had other interests.

By: Camps

girls from out of state are not allowed in PKT,Tridelt or some of the others? thanks for the heads up. I prefer diversity

By: so.....

Not a matter of diversity....it is just a very competitive system with lots of great girls....many of whom are well known to girls in the chapters ..... wanting spots. I imagine all great Greek programs have the same problem. I guess the camps might make it slightly more difficult because more PNMs know lots of actives....that probably hurts some of those girls too though. They know good and bad

By: @so

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