
the TRUTH about UT sorority recruitment


okay so UT sorority rush has a reputation for being EXTREMELY competitive. people say it’s impossible to get into big 6
unless you are bff’s with rush captain. NOT true. in reality, it’s really not that difficult to get into big 6. the easiest way to get into it is if u have connections. easy. done. if u don’t have those connections, people on this site say recruitment is impossible. they say that if u don’t have connections AZD is the only possible sorority u could get. not true. news flash - if u 1.) have good social skills 2.) are pretty 3.) have money, then congrats! u most likely will get into a top house - including PKT! are u still doubting me?? think about it. the top 8 houses (u know exactly which ones i’m talking about) are all competing for the same girls lmao. why do u think there’s a group of 5-10 socially awkward weird girls in every pc of EVERY BIG 6 HOUSE. bc everyone’s competing for the same girls!! and there aren’t enough cool girls to fill every pc!! which leaves room for cool, pretty, rich unconnected girls, BUT there just aren't enough going through recruitment. hence why there are weird girls in every single house, inckuding pi phi kappa and theta
! and if ur saying to urself “but i have good social skills, i’m pretty and my family has money!” but didn’t end up in a top house, u probably are delusional lmao. UT sorority rush really isn’t that competitive. have connections, be pretty, be rich, and have good social skills. the last one if the most important

Posted By: big 6
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How about fraternity rush, is it similar where if you're oos but have money and are social you can get a bid for the top houses [sig ep, zbt, ka, ksig] even if you don't have connections?

By: ?
by: Ksig   

Hello again kappa sig

By: Ksig
by: S   

Kappa sig is not a top frat. It’s below ka and delt but better than machi.

By: S
by: lol   

but then what about the others mentioned, can you get on the rush list/bid without connections if you're oos but are not poor

By: lol
by: no   


By: no

Is there even going to be a rush this year? Will all of the Kappas that went to Florida a week after the country was told to not travel still be in quarantine?

By: Rush?

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by: UT   

No one went a week after we were told not to travel. You’re stupid. UT’s break started off when people just thought that NYC, Cal, and flying were a bad idea... Besides, several diff frats and sororities went to FL, but it wasn’t even where there was or is a problem...

By: UT

@UT24 most people during rush don’t even like PKT anyways (except ppl who know they’re going to get it) I’d say favorites are normally chiO, Tridelt Axo maybe zeta depends on your personality.

By: Uh

you're just simply wrong. Theres so many people who are known in each house going through recruitment. If you're lucky you might get top 6 but if you're not already known most likely you won't even be looked at.

By: no

Ok so I do agree that it’s not impossible to get a bid from a top 6 house if you are social, outgoing, and carry yourself well. However, connections are hands down the most important thing to have for the first couple rounds of rush, or else you will likely get cut from houses where you don’t know anyone. It’s not that sororities will specifically cut girls they don’t know, but rather they can only invite back a small percentage and keep the ones they know or had come to rush events in the spring. Connections like this will definitely help during the first couple of rounds when most girls who go in without knowing anyone sadly get dropped right of the bat from a majority

By: UT rush
by: agreed   

the first few rounds are really a matter of luck if you’re unconnected. if you’re pretty, sociable, trendy, smart, rich, etc. aka a desirable pnm then it’ll definitely increase your odds but it’s a numbers game sometimes. now on the other side of rush, after we all score, actives will get the opportunity to defend or speak about a PNM and have them moved up or down the list. you see girls at the bottom or cusp just slide further down. if a top house is not having a good year, you have better odds of getting in if you’re unconnected lol.
on a side note i have an acquaintance who i admit would fit in perfectly into my house and everyone is always shocked she got dropped so early on by us. i could tell she’s lowkey bitter abt it and i later found out she got dropped because an active she went to high school with didn’t like her that much and said she would be a better fit elsewhere. since no one else could vouch for her other than the girl who rushed her for 15 minutes, she got dropped. that’s just how it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

By: agreed
by: Yes   

These two comments are the truth. It is just a numbers game and girls in the chapters hate it as much as PNMs who get cut. It is no fun to cut girls who are great just because no one knows them well enough to push them.

By: Yes

I wish that was true....but it isn’t. There are tons of great girls going through rush...way more than the roughly 400 big six can take. The chapters in big 6 cut lots of girls that fit your description above. Our rush teams literally have to cut freshmen girls chapter votes to keep because our cut numbers are so brutal.

By: Wish
by: advice   

So true, I'd say the UT rush pool in general is a lot better than most schools (if you got into UT you're smart, and most rush girls are well put together and ambitious too). It really is a numbers game then, and it helps so much to have prior connections when you're only talking to each girl for about 4 minutes during open house. I really believe this is why great, but unconnected girls get dropped from everything and connections/tradition have dominated UT rush for so long.

By: advice

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