
sorority and instagram

by: Insta

I asked this in another thread, but really want to know...If a recruitment chair doesn't follow you on Instagram, is that a bad sign?

Posted By: Insta
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#1  by: bump   


By: bump
#2  by: bump   


By: bump
#3  by: bump   

bumpity bump...inquiring minds want to know.

By: bump
#4  by: sorority   

not at all, especially if your account is public

By: sorority
#5  by: Worried   

My friend's account is public and a rush chair followed her from a sorority she likes. Mine is private and this has not happened to me. I am worried about it.

By: Worried
by: yeah...Aug 8, 2019 9:37:52 PM

You're in trouble, if they like you, they follow u

By: yeah...
#6  by: rtr   

From what I know anyone from a sorority is really not supposed to be in contact with you or its considered "dirty"...I wouldn't worry about someone not wanting to follow you, never know who they have who HAS followed you and has been looking at your account. I had LOTS of chapter girls request to follow me and once rush started I noticed they had unfollowed me. If your that worried about it go public until rush is over.

By: rtr
#7  by: god   

girl. GIVE. IT. A. REST. no one on the site is going to know for sure. sorority life isn’t that deep. just go through rush and see what happens lmao

By: god
#8  by: Bump   

Bump since someone just reposted

By: Bump

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