
sorority reputations

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What are the sorority reputations at UT? I will be a new student next year and wanna rush, and am curious about the sororities and what the chapters are like here

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#1  by: ?   

You have a lot of time on your hands....

By: ?
#2  by: aaaaa   

why are the bottom six so hardcore

By: aaaaa
#3  by: ..   

Pi Phi: takes mostly girls with money from Highland Park and Memorial areas. No specific reputation here, usually not as pretty as the other big 6. Most girls have a connection to get in here and usually have been told they will be a Pi Phi before rush week begins. Usually gives a few COBs. (Hang w/ Theta and Kappa + Fiji and some SAE)
Theta: Similar to Pi Phi as girls usually have been told they will be a theta before rush week begins. Also girls from wealthy areas who have strong connections. Theta has more pretty girls and definitely a lot of party girls. Usually gives a few COBs. (Hang w/ Pi Phi and Kappa + SAE (Texas Rho) and some Fiji)
Kappa: Like Pi Phi and Theta, usually wealthy girls. Kappa has less party girls and more YL girls than Pi Phi and Theta. Some would consider Kappa top house at UT. Girls are also pretty here and usually have strong connections as well. (Hang w/ Pi Phi and Theta + Fiji and some SAE)
Tri Delt: Really outgoing and fun girls. Usually pretty and most party, a few don't. Some are really nice and some are not at all. Usually need connections but if you are outgoing/pretty enough with a little bit of luck you can get in. (Hang w/ Chi O and Zeta + KA, Sig Ep, Kappa Sig, Delt, Sigma Chi)
Chi O: About 50/50 party girls and non-party girls. Most girls are pretty and nice, probably one of the more classier sororities. Most girls need connections to get in. (Hang w/ Tri Delt, some Zeta, and some PKT + Sig Ep, KA, and some Fiji)
Zeta: Less classy than Chi O and Tri Delt, usually girls who prioritize their reputation and their instagram pictures over everything else. Lots of pretty girls and girls who are good at pretending their pretty. Many cheerleaders and pom girls go Zeta. Definitely party girls. Less necessary for connections. (Hang w Tri delt, some Chi O + Sig Ep, KA, Sigma Chi)
AXO: party girls who could be big 6 but got cut due to lack of connections, unluckiness, or bad reputation. Usually nice and fun. Some are kind of crazy. AXO gives COBs and spring bigs. (Hang w/ some Tri delt, Alpha phi + Delt, some Sigma Chi, some Sig Ep)
Alpha Phi: A lot of girls who go A Phi as a backup to big 6. Usually pretty and party a lot but like AXO don't get big 6 because they are missing something(could be looks, outgoing personality, etc.) or have a bad reputation from high school. (Hang w/ some AXO, some KD/DG + Delt, some Sigma Chi, some Kappa Sig)
AEPhi: Fun party girls. Connections not necessary but people usually have them. Usually hang with Sammy and ZBT.
DG: some cool girls and some weird girls. Usually nice girls, not a ton of super pretty girls though. Some party girls and some not. A lot of these girls didn't have connections when going though rush.
KD: Mostly the same as DG, although less party girls.
ADPi: Not a fan favorite during rush. Nice girls tho who are looking for a sisterhood.
AXD: They struggle a lot during rush. Many girls who get AXD end up dropping. Girls usually aren't big on greek life.

By: ..
by: Accurate AFMar 31, 2019 7:12:02 PM

PKT, Chi O, Zeta, and DG were very accurate. I’d rank DDD below XO and ZTA. APHI and AXO are very similar. Don’t know much about KD or ADPI. AXID is last.

By: Accurate AF
by: lolAug 28, 2020 11:18:20 AM

Aw alpha phi... hating on kappa won’t make you any prettier or cooler...

By: lol
#4  by: ..   

this ranking is outdated af

By: ..
#5  by: Well   

Lots accurate. Girls aren’t really told ahead they will be a Pi phi or Theta but all who end up in PKT know they will end up in one of them.

Chi O and Zeta both run with PKT and Fiji a bit. Tri Delta does not. I would say those two are above Tri Delta. Rest pretty accurate.

By: Well
by: Blue on blueAug 27, 2020 3:04:10 PM

Yea KKG! We are prettier, wealthier, and #1!

By: Blue on blue
by: ut23Aug 27, 2020 3:22:07 PM

I know for a fact a lot of Zeta's pledge class from last year hangs with the top frats, including FIJI and RHO and all the other Big Six sororities.

By: ut23
#6  by: Addendum-DG   

Sorry, ladies. I forgot to include DG. Sadly, that is fairly indicative of this chapter. They are often forgotten. Nice enough girls, but just kinda there. Medium low-ish, ish ish. Circle around KD and ADPi. Get APhi and AXO leftovers. Nice enough. Sorry, DG. I like yall’s pool though.

By: Addendum-DG
by: Ugh lmao Aug 28, 2020 11:46:59 AM

You said nice things about every chapter just to “forget” dg so you could say something rude. That’s so nice!!!!!

By: Ugh lmao

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