
university of texas at austin sorority reputations


Okay so here are the real sorority rankings at UT Austin IMO

Upper Top Tier: Theta, Pi Phi, Kappa (aka PKT)

Theta: IMO best pledge class. Overall Theta competes with Pi Phi and Kappa (less with Kappa in the past couple of years with their suspension for hazing and having to snap bid like twenty five girls a few years back). Very beautiful girls (not as beautiful as Zeta but honestly any Zeta would have taken a Theta bid over Zeta). Almost impossible to get into unless you know a ton of girls in the chapter, are beautiful, and from an affluent neighborhood. Terrible physical house.

Pi Phi: Their PC’18 had some snap bids and it seemed like this year girls prefered Zeta and Chi O above Pi Phi. Still a top tier house that’s almost impossible to get into. Very beautiful physical house and girls. Again, to get in you need to know people, be beautiful, and be from the right areas.


Kappa: Had a better pledge class than Pi Phi this year. Still has a ways to go to get back on Theta’s and Pi Phi’s level that it was on ten years ago. IMO I don’t think they will ever be quite on the same level as Theta and Pi Phi again. Care about money, looks, and highschool GPA.

Top Tier: Zeta, Chi-O

Zeta: Amazing pledge class this year. Zeta’s PC’18 is not even in the same league as Chi-O and DDD. Very beautiful girls and their house is the best IMO. Zeta only cares about looks. Also they have the majority of UT cheerleaders. IMO they will surpass Kappa in the next few years and it will be PZT.

Chi-O: A lot of girls seemed to prefer Chi-O to Pi Phi and Kappa. However Zeta still got a better pledge class and Chi-O isn’t on the same level as PKT. IMO they will stay around this ranking for awhile.

Lower Top Tier: Tri Delt

Tri-Delt: This year’s pledge class put DDD from Top Tier to Lower Top Tier. PC’18 preferred all the sororities above. Still, I don’t think DDD will leave top tier anytime soon. Focuses a lot more on GPA than the houses above (you still have to be beautiful to get in).

Upper Middle Tier: Alpha Phi

Alpha Phi: Ten years ago A Phi was on the same level as ADPi and KD. However something happened and over the past few years they did a 180. Their PC’18 is incredible. IMO they will surpass DDD in the next few years.

Lower Middle Tier: AChiO, DG

Alpha Chi Omega: Used to be almost in the top six. Every one of their pledge classes is worse than the last. Don’t know what’s happening to them, but they aren’t what they used to be and are going down fast. Don’t have to be pretty to get in.


Delta Gamma: Ten years ago they were a lot stronger of a house than they are now. I feel bad talking negatively about them because I’ve never met a DG that I didn’t like. Very nice/smart girls. Focuses almost only on GPA.If they focused a little less on GPA and more on looks they would def go up.

Upper Bottom Tier: AXiD

AXiD: Seven years ago they were the worst sorority. However their PC’18 was better than AChiO’s,DG’s,KD’s, and ADPi’s. Don’t know much about them but from what I hear they’ve been on the rise for the past few years. IMO will join middle tier in the next few years.

Bottom Tier: KD, ADPi

Kappa Delta: Was a bottom tier. Is a bottom tier. Will always be a bottom tier. Don’t know much about them. The only reason a girl wants to join KD is because ADPi is her other choice.

ADPi: Don’t know much about them either besides for their philanthropy they make pancakes.I don't predict them changing anytime soon.

Posted By: UT Student
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By: Your post is stupid
by: ROFL   

Pathetic thetas pull a 5 year old ranking - which wasn’t even true then 😂😂😂


sit down THETA

By: hay
by: Panhellenic    

Check the date of the post
Fake info then too

By: Panhellenic
by: Lol   

No, we won’t sit down in the back bleachers with krappa!

By: Lol

This is a joke, right? Clearly written by a Zeta. Wrong on so many levels. Zeta did have a great year but you guys are not rushing against PKT. Sorry.

PKT.....very different chapters but all three required major connections to get in. Which is best probably depends on what you think is important. Most freshmen at all three of their pref nights went PKT.

Pi Phi is a good chapter. Mix of wild and good girls. They literally did not have any freshmen come to pref night who had Chi O and Zeta left. Sorry. Those girls were dropped much earlier in the week. Kappa and Theta both took girls from them pref night. I do think they had a couple of snap bids this year.

Kappas did snap bid a few years ago. Three or maybe four girls, I think. 25? Seriously...again...clueless. They are rushing some of same girls as Chi O, Pi Phi, and Theta for sure but they are taking the “good girls” some might say “boring”. That is probably why you think they are the worst. They took a lot of girls Theta, Pi Phi, and Chi o all had at pref though so bet some people don’t agree with you.

Thetas are hot and WILD. They are probably number three IMO. Hot girls but probably no Kappas or Pi Phis wish they were Thetas. They sleep around and had 40 girls pref them this year. I can see why a Zeta would think they are the best though.

Chi O is a good chapter. They are running with PKT girls and are wilder than Pi phi or Kappa...at least the non-Bible beater part of the chapter. Just behind Theta in that respect. Chi O really does drop Hardin girls obviously going PKT on day 1 though. Chi O did end up rushing against Kappa because Kappa branches out more than Pi Phi and Theta so Chi O has to rush against them.

Zeta you did do great this year but you were rushing against Tri Delt, Alpha Phi, and AXO more than anyone else. Your class is beautiful but that isn’t what is most important to some chapters. Sorry.

Alpha Phi got more girls rushing PKT than Chi O, Tri Delt or Zeta because they didn’t drop those girls first day! They got lots of girls who made it through two rounds of at least one of PKT but then got dropped. Tri Delt should take notes.

I don’t know much about the rest.

By: Ha ha
by: @ha ha   

Agreed on everything except AXO. Not a good rush for them.

By: @ha ha
by: Oh    

Sorry, I agree-I didn’t mean to imply that I thought AXO had a good rush. Clearly Tri Delt, Zeta, and Alpha Phi were all rushing against them and all did better.

By: Oh
by: Mel   

Thanks Chi O. Good self promoting here.

By: Mel
by: Yes   

DDD are you listening? This post knows!
Stop dropping girls only because you think they might go PKT. Seriously. GIve your ego a rest and actually _try_ to go for the top girls and you might be surprised and end up winning them over. Or, maybe they will just end up in DDD because they were cut from PKT but who cares! They will still be in your house rushing for you next year instead of rushing for Alpha Phi. Y'all gave so many girls to them this year who would have loved to be DDD but you dropped them! Dumb.

By: Yes
by: Yawn   

Kkg thinks they are ‘Good’ girls

By: Yawn

Since the above poster already commented on the first half of the houses, we need to talk about the second half.

AXiD had a great rush this year, but they have definitely not surpassed KD and ADPi by ANY means. We’ll see where the year takes them, though.

DG has been steadily dropping. They used to be seen as a step above KD and ADPi, but they’ve been slipping with their PCs over the last few years. I’d say they’re all relatively equal now.

KD was a well desired house this year by a lot of PNMs and for good reason. They’re friendly and make everyone feel welcome, and they were really good at that during rush.

Contrary to what the first poster said, I believe ADPi has been seeing the most improvement. This year’s PC is cute and fun from what I’ve seen so far. Wouldn’t be surprised if they continue to improve over the next few years.

By: Dude

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by: Not improving   

I disagree on ADPi. Feel like their PC was the weakest. Nice girls though.

By: Not improving
by: Surprisingly    

AXi’s PC is a lot prettier than ADPi, KD, and DG’s pledge class from what I’ve seen. Not saying that they were more selective. I don’t think ADPi, KD, and DG rush based on looks.

By: Surprisingly
by: ADPi   

I feel like the elephant in the room is ADPi. No one wants to say it because they have a strong tradition and are nice girls and don't really appear to be struggling for numbers or anything.

But no, they are not improving. Where do you even see that? I don't even think they are trying to improve because they don't think there's anything wrong. But just looking at their PC compared to KD and even AXD was a shock. I wonder if anyone is helping them out. If not, they need to.

By: ADPi

i think everyone can agree that this is wrong.
aphi might as well be on the same level as tridelt at this point because tri delt did ridiculously bad this year.
dg is in NO WAY on the same level as achio, they have been going down for years and this years PC proved that. Would put dg on the same level as kd.
cant really rank the bottoms but if i had to choose i would choose adpi as top of bottom, their house is much prettier now and they got more attractive girls compared to other bottoms
axid will always be bottom, nuf said

By: ii
by: Hey   

AXD may be “bottom” but they are great! Pretty girls who are clearly having fun and enjoying life in their chapter. Theyve got a great house. Theyve got great mixers. They have it all.

To be honest, any house at UT would be a great sorority experience with attractive, smart girls. Sure, there are a few nerdier girls in DG and KD and ADPi has some quiet girls but those are all great chapters as is AXD.

Girls that drop rather than be in these houses are making a big mistake.

By: Hey
by: Possible   

Those who say that AXiD will always be bottom don't have their eyes open on this one. I'm a 00s alum from a house that used to sit very comfortably just beneath the Big 6. "They will always be bottom" is what everyone said about APhi 15-18 years ago when they were literally stuck in a hole that was lower than AXiD! That's the truth. I'm worried about my chapter. I don't think they've ever missed quota, but every year since my niece started HS 3 years ago, I look at the PC photos and get more concerned. What happened? Chapters that are complacent about what they think can never happen will be caught off guard by the rise or groups that have their eye on the ball. I am still stunned by the APhi turnaround but I see things from AXiD that make me think they are working something there that my chapter is not. Houses that think all they have to do is take quota and that will keep them comfortably above AXiD will be wondering how they ended up on bottom.

By: Possible
by: Yep   

Agree with ^
I see changes over time in AXiD and think they're not going to stay down for much longer.

By: Yep
by: n   

here’s looking at you, adpi!

By: n

So much wrong about this. Hard to tell if it is Theta, Zeta or AZD self promoting.

Kappa did very well. Better than Theta for sure.
Yes Zeta did well.
DG has been dropping for last few years. Lower tier.
AZD may be pretty but is not classy. From my school they take the girls who are willing to stay in rush that no one else will take.

By: Guest
by: @by   

You know those girls that were left over or that “nobody else would take”? That was just a matter of numbers because chapters can only take so many girls.

Those girls that went AXD are beautiful And would easily have fit in with DG if there was room. They’re actually much more attractive than KD and ADPi.

By: @by

This is actually pretty accurate and is just making the people who think the sororities can’t change ever mad, but every other school has relative rankings that shift over time it’s normal.

By: Um
by: Ha ha   

You are funny. Anyone who goes here knows original post isn’t accurate. Sorry

By: Ha ha

U obviously don't even go here

By: Guest

Pi Phi/ Theta
Chi O
Tri Delt /Alpha Phi
Hard to rank AEPhi.

By: My opinion
by: yes   

That one looks good to me. I personally like Kappa better than Pi Phi or Theta but can see why others would prefer one of other two. Theta girls are a lot more "fun" and Kappa girls are more "nice" girls. Pi Phi has a mix of the two. I see Chi O as a mix of Theta and Kappa type girls just below PKT. Rest looks spot on.

By: yes
by: Guest   

This is the most realistic I have seen.

By: Guest

Why is it that every other day we get some insecure “big 6” girl coming in and posting a thread like this to reaffirm the outdated social hierarchy they’re so desperate to maintain. Foh with this backwards, regressive, and insulting nonsense suggesting being pretty and good looking is the main thing that defines a sorority’s worth, this isn’t 1950 and you’re no longer in high school.

By: Lol

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