


Why are kids from small towns considered acceptable to the top tier but suburb kids are not?

Posted By: Curious
Page 2 of 2

speaking as someone who comes from "old money" - hate the term by the way - I'm ashamed to see all of this. You'd think we'd be raised better than to judge people based on where they live, and educated to think more insightfully about status symbols. But apparently not. People on here have the nerve to call others "middle class," and themselves "high class." You know nothing about it if you're pointing fingers carelessly and throwing such a multifaceted word around. So stupid. I love Greek Life here at Texas, but sometimes it's hard to associate its hoity-toity reputation with the shallow ignorance spewed during rush and in general. Don't think for a second that even the "top" chapters mark some exclusive enclave of sophistication that no one else was born to have. That is so far from the truth.

By: sorry
by: How old is    

your money? True story, one HP solcialte to another, bemoaning the "new" money types. One says to other, "how do you define Old Money?". "if the family money came from before the war, of course"..."first world war or second?".."neither, the Civil War". Seriously. Oh well, Dallas barely had 2,500 people in 1861 and HP only came about after 1900, guess its all new money on that scale.

By: How old is
by: right on   

the mark

By: right on
by: BAM   

and that's the point--there is NO old money in Texas--but hey, it's all relative, right?

by: @Sorry   

Can I get an AMEN 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

By: @Sorry

The fuq cares. Money is money. Fuq you and your declining antique money that your deceased great great grandpa happened to get while by buying a lucky piece of land, while I rack in the dough from a top tier job I landed through my own skills.

New Money > Old Money

This is 2013. No one cares about you and your oil money that you probably don't even know where it comes from.

By: Who
by: uhhh....   

you just made yourself look stupid
oil money = new money

By: uhhh....
by: ^   

not according to the kids who obsess over it on this site, but in reality yeah it's not. Money is simply money, and whatever application of elapsed time, pressure, heat, etc. is required for new money to be converted into old money is of no obiding concern to me. In this I agree with "who."

By: ^

You are saying the supposed top sororities only take girls from small towns and elite neighborhoods. Looks so not matter at all. Interesting groups, the feats must view the sororities differently.

By: So

that is way to funny

By: MOGO^^^

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I am from another state in which some of the "suburbs" are considered the much more established areas in which to live (Oak Park, IL and Mountainbrook, AL are good examples of this - I am not posting my actual location on this site). The suburbs at UT sound way different, and I am concerned - after reading these posts - that if I am from OOS, I might not be given a fair chance at rush if I am from a place perceived as a "suburb". Would this hurt my chances, even if I am a legacy for one of the "big six"? Part of the reason I want to go to UT, is that my mom's sorority is not that great at the schools in my state, but it's one of the top tier at UT and seems to have girls that I would have a lot in common with.

By: Curious
by: what's up   

If you are a legacy to the big six, everyone will know and you will be released by most all other chapters after round 1. So you just better hope you are a great fit for your mom's legacy chapter and you better hope your mom is REALLY involved with her sorority because if she isn't, your legacy status will mean nothing to your legacy house but it will mean everything to the "non" legacy houses and you will end up with nothing on bid day. I assure you, you will be released by the remaining 5 big 6 chapters, and 100% by AXO, DG, ADPi. You will more than likely be released by Alpha Phi, and KD unless you make some kind of earth shattering impression. ALL the houses play a numbers game during rush and they only want to invite girls back they think they have a chance for. So I would not be so concerned about where you live, but how you are going to survive this process if you are not a good legacy match. Most of the top 9 sororities at UT can fill their houses with legacies that come through the process. They can't take you all. Not all legacies are created equal and it is important to realize that. Being an in-house legacy has the most pull (that means you have a biological sister in the house). Then being a daughter of the same exact chapter, ie, your mom was a Texas Tri Delt. Then a legacy of Tri-Delt who's mom is a mover and shaker in national sorority...you see how it works. So if you mom was just Plain Jane Tri-Delt well, you get the picture.

By: what's up
by: don't worry   

I wouldn't worry about that. I've heard that some of the Big 6 zip code cut and will look up your house on the tax rolls to see it's value. Since you're OOS, they probably won't know that where you live is a suburb. Also, some girls only put their legacy information on their social resume going to their legacy chapter and omit it on the ones going to all of the other houses. That way they won't know your status and will keep you around longer. Good luck!

By: don't worry
by: warning   

You are right, many girls try to not disclose their legacy status but trust me, it comes out. There are apartments filled on west campus with Zetas rooming with Tri Delts, KDs rooming with Chi O's, every combination exists. It is really hard to hide legacy status. Despite what goes on here on GR, 95% of the girls in the Greek System like the girls in the other houses and they talk. They go to class with each other, they dine with each other, Rho Chis report information back to their own chapters, etc (of course they are not suppose to, but let's get real)

By: warning
by: Thank you!   

This information is very helpful! @don't worry: I feel a little better after reading your post, and I appreciate the tip to put my legacy info on my social resume. Wow, I had no clue they did zip code cuts, but that actually makes me feel relieved that they can see for themselves if my family background will fit nicely. @what's up: This sounds like a very intense rush process compared to most schools. My mom was actively involved in a chapter that ranks high nationally, and she is actively involved in the alum chapter where we live. Both of my parents are considered "movers and shakers" socially and professionally, but I realize that many girls will be able to say the same. Hopefully my GPA and extra curriculars will work in my favor (I was offered a substantial scholarship for these, which is my other reason for choosing UT). Thanks again! :)

By: Thank you!
by: Thank you!   

@warning: Thanks to you as well! I am happy to hear that the sororities get along we'll and hang out. It sounds like an awesome Greek life at UT. I am admittedly nervous after getting the scoop, but hopefully it will work in my favor. Crossing my fingers, saying some prayers and going shopping for a killer rush wardrobe!

By: Thank you!
by: Legacy   

Do your best to hide your legacy status from other groups like the person above mentioned but count on it coming out. Also make sure your mom send in the proper legacy paperwork to her chapter. You'd be shocked to see how sometimes relatives forget to do that. If your mom has a few sisters who have known you for a lot of your life have them also send in letters of support which will show there's still a connection there. Good luck!

By: Legacy
by: Great advice!   

@Legacy: I really appreciate this helpful info. My mom is still good friends w/ girls from her chapter, even though that university is also in a different state, so I will find out about getting them to write letters of rec for me. One of my mom's Jr. League friends, who is an active sustainer w/ her, recently told us that she was in the UT chapter "back in the day," so hopefully a letter from her can help too. Honestly though, it looks like there are many amazing houses, and I would feel blessed to end up w/ just about any of them. I would love to be able to share letters and sorority secrets w/ my mom, but I just want a bid from the right house for me, after reading more about it. My mom is friends w/ some wonderful women from other sororities that have chapters at UT, and she is working to get letters of rec from them too. I am nervous, but excited to see what happens!

By: Great advice!

Just remember that every girl that goes through UT Rush has a perfect GPA and has a dynamite resume to go along with it. AND all of these girls are also gorgeous and have precious personalities. You will find yourself asking "Where did all these smart, gorgeous girls come from?" Well, the answer is "It's UT." BUT keep in mind, it is NOT who is the best sometimes but who knows who when it comes to certain sororities at UT. AND that is the truth. YES, some sororities have to select because of zip code, lots and lots of money, and/or who called who to get them in the back door and you will know if that is you right up front, day one. Then other sororities get to make choices according to who they really like and who would really fit their mold. BOTH sets of girls are NO better then the other which is why we are ranked in the Nation as the best all around. Enjoy Rush! Enjoy where you end up! And enjoy the next four years of Greek life! It doesn't get any better!


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