
top frats in the state


What are the overall best fraternities in the state, including other universities like Texas Tech, A&M, Tx State and of course UT? What's like the top 5 in the state?

Posted By: Texan
Page 1 of 2

Is Fiji for sure. Delt is still considered upper middle here and top 3 at those other schools. KA "omicron" is top across the board as well. And SAE and Kappa Sig are also solid.

By: The top
by: Yeah   

I'd say Fiji, SAE, and Kappa Sig.

By: Yeah

I'd say Fiji, SAE, and Phi Delt.

By: Nah

In your dreams

By: Whatever

couple of the decent Greek schools in the state gives some idea of the top 3 or 4.
UT- SAE, Fiji, Sig Ep, Kappa Sig, Delt
SMU- SAE, Fiji, Pike, Phi Delt
TTU- Phi Delt, Fiji, SAE, Delt
TCU- SAE, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig, Sigma Chi
A&M- Fiji, KA, Beta, Delt
TSU- ATO, KA, Delt, Pi Kapp, Kappa Sig

By: Top few at a
by: SAE   

So I see SAE top at UT, SMU, Tech, & A&M. And Fiji at the top of UT, Tech and A&M as well as Delt. SAE may be the best followed by FIJI And Delt. I know for a fact that phi delt is not top at tech, they are behind both fiji and delt there.

by: To SAE   

Above, I don't know where you're getting your information, but it's not correct. I don't mean to disrespect.

By: To SAE
by: ^   

Phi Delt is definitely ahead of Delt at Tech, I have literally never even heard anyone say otherwise. Phi Delt is also ahead of Fiji. Have you ever been to Tech or even talked to anyone from there? Everyone I know who goes to Tech considers Phi Delt top house and Phi Delt and Fiji are the only ones actually considered top tier there, SAE and Delt are like upper middle. I'd put Phi Delt ahead of Delt statewide because While Delt's chapters at UT, TTU, and A&M are very good, they aren't trully top tier, whereas Phi Delt has top tier chapters at 3/4 top Greek schools in the state

By: ^
by: Meant that    

post to be @SAE. I'd actually consider Fiji to be number one, they are top house at UT probably, top 2 at Tech (behind Phi Delt but well ahead of SAE), top 2 at SMU and A&M.

By: Meant that

Phi Delt has been a Texas tradition for a long while now.
SAE is good at most schools I know of in the south.
Fiji alot of good chapters nationally.

By: Name

UT- SAE, Fiji, Sig Ep, Kappa Sig, Delt
SMU- SAE, Fiji, Pike, Phi Delt
SFA- Phi Delt, SAE, Sigma Chi, KA
TTU- Phi Delt, Fiji, SAE, Delt
TCU- SAE, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig, Sigma Chi
A&M- Fiji, KA, Beta, Delt
TSU- ATO, KA, Delt, Pi Kapp, Kappa Sig

By: Best and Top
by: SFA?   

I'd definitely say Baylor is frattier at least and probably a couple others.

By: SFA?

UT- SAE, Fiji, Sig Ep, Kappa Sig, Delt
SMU- SAE, Fiji, Pike, Phi Delt
SFA- Phi Delt, SAE, Sigma Chi, KA
TTU- Phi Delt, Fiji, SAE, Delt
TCU- SAE, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig, Sigma Chi
A&M- Fiji, KA, Beta, Delt
TSU- ATO, KA, Delt, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig
BU- Kappa Sig, Phi Delt, SAE, FIJI

By: Added Baylor
by: Texas State   

KA, ATO, Delt, Pi Kapp, Kappa Sig. Phi Delt isn't even a recognized fraternity there anymore.

By: Texas State

Phi Delt is top at Tech...but then that's it. You could throw SMU in there also.

KA is solid at A&M and WAS good at UT. They are also top at Texas State.

SigEp is top at UT, above average at A&M, average at Tech, and was good at SMU until their recent trouble.

Pike is terrible everywhere except SMU.

SAE is top at UT, above average at A&M, top at SMU, top at TCU, and top at Tech.

FIJI is top at UT, top at SMU, top at A&M.

KSig is solid at UT, average at SMU and TCU, terrible at A&M and everywhere else.

By: Hmm

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by: Inaccurate   

all over the place. Phi Delt is top 2 at TCU as well. SAE isn't top at Tech they've had tons of problems only two considered top tier there are Fiji and Phi Delt. Kappa Sig is top tier at UT and TCU (only behind Phi Delt and SAE if that's what average is) and solid at Texas State and Baylor, but I'm pretty sure one of the bottom at SMU. Would hardly call Pike terrible at UT or Tech, but I guess to you below upper middle tier=terrible. And Sig Ep is above average at Tech. This post was filled with inaccuracies.

By: Inaccurate

I still wouldn't say Ksig is top tier at either Texas or TCU. The top tier at Texas consists of 3 fraternities, the top tier at TCU consists of 2.

By: ^
by: Top tier   

at UT is four fraternities. It was SAE, Fiji, Sig Ep and KA. Not its the same except with KSig instead of KA. Kappa Sig is getting 70+ man PCs from the same schools as SAE and Fiji and they don't do spring rush. They are on a different level than SX or Delt, they are without a doubt and pretty much universally regarded as top tier at UT.

By: Top tier
by: Top tier   

If they don't seem like top tier at UT then I'm not sure you go to UT. TCU I can't comment, but everyone considers them top here.

By: Top tier
by: Yeah   

I agree, UT's top tier is Fiji, SAE, KSIG and SigEp. I think at TCU it's SAE, PhiDelt, Kappa Sig and Sigma Chi.

By: Yeah
by: tx kappa sig   

Isn't quite top tier yet but they're going to pass tx sigep anyday now. Kappa sig was in the top 5 (phi delt, fiji, ato, kappa sig, sae) for the longest time at ut. They have a wealth of tradition and a long list of prominent ut graduates. Sigep is a newcomer estalished in 1930. Sigep has had a meteoric rise but they've topped out. They will never exceed fiji or sae unless one of those 2 stumble. Sigep got where theya re thru the misfortunes of other chapters. They were middle tier for much of their history. Kappa sig will elipse sigep now that the have regained their momentum.

By: tx kappa sig
by: Kappa Sig   

are definitely top tier. They're more comparable to Sig Ep, SAE, and Fiji than they are to upper-middle tier houses like Delt, Sigma Chi or Omicron.

By: Kappa Sig
by: Well   

Not that it matters that much, but KS has already passed SigEp. Also, you forgot to mention KA - they were considered top 5-6 for many years, and today Omicron definitely has strong members. Beta was strong for years as well.

By: Well
by: KA   

Was top 4 like two years ago before before their charter got pulled. Although they were reputedly the biggest douches in the top tier. Omicron is still top 7 or 8.

By: KA
by: Yeah   

That's right. KS took KA's place in the last few years. KA's got pretty crazy, while KS is sort of the gentlemen fraternity. Respectful toward the ladies.

By: Yeah

ka is prolly #5 lets be real. omicron throws down!

By: truth

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