
sorority reputation/stereotype

by: Potential

I know I shouldn't over generalize and go into rush open minded, but I still think it's important to know the general reputation/stereotype of each sorority to get an idea where I might fit in best. So, what are the over reputations/stereotypes associated with each sorority here?

Posted By: Potential
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#11  by: Fact   

This is true, DG and ADPi have declined as Alpha Phi has risen.

By: Fact
#12  by: UT fan   

Pi phi is top
Kappa is 2nd
Chi O next
Used to be PKT but theta has tanked

By: UT fan
#13  by: UT fan   

Pi Phis are top -coolest and have most silver spur sweethearts and cheer and pom girls
Kappas are next - nice girl next door types
Zetas are pretty and known to hang most with football players
Chi Os are studious
ADPis are fine but not amazing
Thetas and Alpha Phis have worst reps

By: UT fan
by: Theta?Oct 16, 2022 7:12:17 PM

UT Theta's have to have taken note about Theta being shut down at SMU.

By: Theta?
by: Panhell 22Oct 16, 2022 8:18:13 PM

Theta had 13 girls drop out of pledge class before initiation this year! Says a lot about the way they treat each other
Must not have enjoyed that kitty litter after all

By: Panhell 22

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