


What was quota and did anyone not make it?

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Quota was 81 girls. AXO and Kappa did not make it.

By: -
by: Uh, not 81   

Quota was 69, not 81. You are correct that Kappa didn't make quota (took 68) and some smaller houses like ADPi were allowed to take a lot more girls with quota additions to help even out house numbers. ADPi took 91, AXO and Alpha Phi each took 82, DG took 80.

By: Uh, not 81
by: Well   

80 beautiful new babies ran home to the alpha xi house on bid day 😍

By: Well

Quota was 81 girls. AXO and Kappa did not make it.

By: -
by: ^wrong   

Quota was 69. AXO most certainly made quota. Kappa was the only one that didn't. You have no idea what you're talking about.

By: ^wrong

Who got the most?

By: Quota
by: ADPI   

ADPI crushed it with 91

by: ^wrong   

Exceeding quota by that many is not something to brag about. It means a lot of quota additions of PNMs no one else wanted.

By: ^wrong
by: Both Wrong   

No it means those groups like Kappa who refuse to take their sophomore quota. Which is 10-15 sophomores per chapter. Instead force those girls back in to the overall pool. Leading to bigger classes for groups like ADPi. ADPi might be the chapter on their list with the lowest chapter total therefore the girls get placed there.
In other words. Kappa invites those sophomores to pref night but doesn't put them in their first list. Kappa fills quota with freshmen from their first list. The sophomores end up in ADPi where they also attended pref night no matter where they ranked each other

It's kind of a weird loophole or crack in the floor

By: Both Wrong
by: @both wrong   

You clearly don't go to school here and have no idea how things work. We have an upperclassman quota that is separate from regular quota. Sophomores given bids do not affect regular quota since they are placed in the upperclassman quota. There's no need to waste a bid on your first list on a sophomore as they'll be on your upperclassman list. You don't need to give any upperclassman bids if you don't want to though.

Kappa missed quota because they didn't have quite enough PNMs at pref to get to quota. Pretty simple. Happens all the time in highly competitive chapters.

By: @both wrong

Gosh you sound super sweet!

By: @wrong

Large pledge means lots of quota additions.Pretty common for a lower tier (but not bottom) sorority to have a big class. Happens in the SEC a lot. Look at Gamma Phi at Alabama , AOPi at Ole Miss. Very similar. ADPi at UT invites more girls to pref than stronger recruiting chapters and lots of those girls are not high enough on any bid list to go as part of quota. So they get added to regular quota as quota additions.
Almost every sorority gets a few. ADPi is not the best but they are nowhere near having girls not show up for bid day or failing to take quota. Old , solid chapter just not as socially prominent. Outside of the top and absolute bottom things move around. I expect KD or ADPi to make a move in the next few years.

By: Trye

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Bigger question is what's up with Kappa. My guess is that RFM bit them as a few more girls who Kappa and another top chapter preffed the other chapter and this left Kappa below quota and Kappa decided not to offer a snap bid afraid they might lower their standards.

By: Trye
by: You Tee   

It means the RFM formula was slightly off and had them cut too many before pref round so they were just short the number it would take to reach quota. It isn't that unusual for a top chapter to miss quota by a few as their invite rates are much smaller versus a lower tier house that gets to over-invite. That's how a chapter like ADPi ends up with way too many quota additions and Kappa ends up slightly short.

By: You Tee
by: they did   

Kappa did give snap bids....

By: they did
by: Wrong again   

No it means kappa is selective
It means they won't even take their sophomore quota
They only want the best freshmen
Think about that -- they are allowed sophomores and will not take them
I mean really if you all don't get it by now here it is spelled out -- if you do not get it together to rush as a freshman with all your recs in a row you are doing yourself a disservice
There is no magic to rerushing as a sophomore
You need to make your best go of at as a freshman and stick it through with the chapter you get

If you were a clueless senior in high school who didn't get recs or a transfer student or CAP or someone who didn't go through rush
You might still have a place through COB but the only magic there is actually knowing girls in that chapter
Being Real friends with them
Good enough to tell them you are interested because most won't go out of their way to ask you they will assume if you didn't rush you weren't interested \n\n\n\n\n

By: Wrong again

Some say quota is 68 or 69
With RFM method isn't it a sliding scale and both could be true?

Also I thought this campus had a sophomore quota or upperclassmen quota on a separate bid list.

And in the past some chapters chose not to utilize it and filled only their basic quota. They still take a very few non-freshman but just roll them in to the first quota #.

Wouldn't that in addition to quota additions/maximizing options explain why some chapters have 68/69 and some chapters have 10-15 more than others?

Tri Delta 68 or 71
DeeGee 80
A E Phi 69
Theta 72
Kappa 68
KayDee 77 or 78
AFeee 82 or 83
Alpha Chi 82
ADPi 90 or 91 or 95

So who has Pi Phi, ChiO, AlphaZee, Zeta and Sig Delt #s

By: Varying Reports say....
by: BylawsUpdated 10.1.15   

d. Quota-Total:
1. Quota: Each year a chapter may augment its membership by a new member quota. This includes a freshman and sophomore quota (to be set by Panhellenic) as well as free juniors and seniors. This quota is determined by NPC guidelines.
a. Guaranteed Placement: The following procedures should be followed if women whose bids did not match in the normal course of bid matching must be placed in fraternity chapters who have already reached Quota:
i. The potential new member will be matched to the fraternity chapter she has listed on her preference card that is the smallest in chapter size, as long as her name appears on that chapter’s preferential bid list. By matching her there, that group may exceed quota in order to place every potential new member eligible for guaranteed placement (see ii ) in a chapter.
ii. This procedure shall never include a potential new member who lists an intentional single preference on her preference card or one who has failed to accept or attend any recruitment event for which there was room in her schedule.
2. Total Chapter Size: Total is the allowable chapter size as determined by the College Panhellenic. To allow groups to achieve parity as quickly as possible at the conclusion of primary recruitment, the University Panhellenic Council shall automatically reset total within 72 hours after the completion of the primary recruitment period.
a. Total will be determined by the median chapter size (MCS)
b. Each sorority is entitled to a primary and secondary new member quota plus juniors and seniors at any time during the school year, even if by doing so, the Panhellenic total is exceeded.
c. Once a chapter fills its primary and secondary new member quota plus juniors and seniors, if the total chapter membership is below Panhellenic total, the chapter may continue pledging during Continuous Open Bidding until Panhellenic total is reached.
d. Current chapter total stands at 247.

By: BylawsUpdated 10.1.15
by: 72 HOURS   

So it has been 72 hours

What's new chapter total?
Per above Panhellenic must refugee and set new chapter total

This us how some chapters can COB up to a bigger # even if they made quota +

Also with some chapters opting not to take their sophomore quota or their free juniors, wouldn't they as a chapter begin to shrink? Especially compared to chapters that take their allotted sophomores and juniors and COB every time there is a space?

By: 72 HOURS
by: Ask Your Leaders    

For general questions about Panhellenic:
Kassidy Knight, President:

For all questions regarding recruitment:
Dessiré Ekberg, Vice President of Recruitment:

By: Ask Your Leaders
by: @Varying Reports   

SDT didn't do formal this year

By: @Varying Reports
by: Fill in Blanks   

So who has numbers for
pi beta phi
chi omega
zeta tau alpha

Then the picture would become clear

By: Fill in Blanks

Chi O 72 - from the bid list

By: filled in

And zeta? Also it's interesting that a member of SDT is in charge of Panhellenic recruitment yet they didn't do recruitment

By: B

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