
ut rush snap bids and cob

by: ???

I went through rush and was dropped from my only house right before preference night.
Does UT do snap bids at all and would I have a better chance getting a snap bid from the last house that dropped me? Also does UT have COB's?

Posted By: ???
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: Go Greek   

Snap bids only happen if a house does not make quota....which is pretty rare here. If you were to get a snap bid, you'd get a call sometime between midnight and early tomorrow morning because if a house doesn't make quota during bid matching, they have until bids are opened to snap up to quota. Don't hold your breath for a snap bid.

As far as COB, after rush is over Panhellenic will set the new "total" number for Fall 2016 (total is kind of like median or average size) and any house below total can COB up to total if they want to. If a house is just a few short of total, those bids usually go to good friends of actives. If a house is a lot short, then they may choose to have some invitation-only informal rush events before extending bids. You can give your name to the Greek Life office and ask that they give your contact info to any houses eligible for COB. Can't hurt but again, don't expect much, especially if those houses released you during rush.

By: Go Greek
by: ???Aug 21, 2016 8:19:05 PM

Thank you I just needed answers to give me peace of mind.

By: ???
#2  by: Hey   

Start talking to girls and actives in particular and actually reach out to the sororities recruitment chairs and let them know you're interested in a COB. Just go for it. I know a girl last year who dropped out of rush and went COB by approaching a specific sorority.

By: Hey
by: ???Aug 21, 2016 10:30:08 PM

Wow thank you for this advice I will do this. I didn't know if I would be too direct doing that but if it worked for your friend I hope it will for me.

By: ???
#3  by: aaaand   

Keep in mind that all chapters COB; you may not hear about it but they do and slots usually go to friends of actives that somehow slipped thru the cracks during rush. if the reaching out to sorority rush chairs or actives doesn't work, get to know them during the year so you can try to COB again in spring or re rush as a soph. Houses usually have slots open up for all kinds of reasons.

By: aaaand
by: ???Aug 22, 2016 7:10:00 AM

Sorry this may seem like a stupid question but I should wait until after bid day to contact the rush chairs correct?

By: ???
by: ^Wrong!Aug 22, 2016 9:28:08 AM

That's not true. All you have to do is look at spring grade reports to see who had spring new members. Those were the few who had to COB.

By: ^Wrong!
by: heyAug 22, 2016 11:42:34 AM

OK......let's rephrase:
all chapters have openings throughout the year because girls drop here and there for one reason or another. For the upper tiers, NO one will tell, but will bring a friend of an active into the fold with no announcment that they COBd.

Bottom line, you can get in through the front door (rush, announced COB) or you can get in via the backdoor (an active bringing you in and getting you approved with no public knowledge that there was an opening. Remeber, these are private groups who don't even have to go thru rush to pick their members.

By: hey
#4  by: Simple Math   

NO!!! As the previous person stated, if the chapters had any spring new members, they would show up on the grade report. No new members listed = no COB. Only KD, ADPi, APhi and SDT had new members listed last spring. Simple math. Those are the only sororities that COBed. That is far from ALL. It's black and white facts. Stop misleading people into thinking it's a common and easy thing!

By: Simple Math
by: srslyAug 22, 2016 10:16:11 PM

True, but year before almost everyone COB'd. So it happens.

By: srsly
by: reallyAug 22, 2016 10:43:10 PM

chapters will COB now thru initiation. Start meeting/talking to everyone to see who may be short and will add....there is an official and unofficial way. chapters will take great girls that may have slipped thru the cracks.

it's called 'werkin' it'.

By: really
by: @srslyAug 22, 2016 11:37:34 PM

Nope. Spring 2015 only Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, KD and SDT did COB. It's all in the grade reports. Statement of fact. That's not "almost everyone." Stop spreading untruths.

By: @srsly
by: hahahaAug 23, 2016 8:25:00 AM

I personally know a girl who withdrew and got in after bid day to one of the bottom big 6 groups IN THE FALL. If you don't think all houses have open slots here and there you don't know the system.

By: hahaha
by: 6Aug 23, 2016 11:34:52 AM

They're taking about spring dumbazz.

By: 6
#5  by: lol   

Is COB for anyone who didn't finish recruitment up until bid day or is it for people who actually withdrew themselves from recruitment?

By: lol
by: bothAug 23, 2016 1:52:19 PM


By: both
by: ^Aug 23, 2016 5:40:54 PM

As long as you didn't receive a bid to a sorority.

By: ^
#6  by: .   

Someone give me a bid! I'm a nice person! 😭

By: .
#7  by: XO   

Not everyone COBs even after recruitment in the fall when total is reset. Only those below the new total are able to COB, and since total is set at roughly the average chapter size after recruitment, only about half of the sororities will have openings, and a lot of those instance it will only be one of two openings given to girls who are already known and good friends with the members.

By: XO
by: @XOAug 24, 2016 6:55:39 PM

THIS! And don't pay any attention to the rude girls. YOU go for it. If girls in your dorm hall are in chapters, find out from their rush chairs if there is a slot open and go for it.

By: @XO
#8  by: .   

Actually I never went through formal recruitment FYI and I transferred, but thank you for the girl to girl support 😑

By: .
by: SpookAug 25, 2016 12:37:29 AM

Should have gone through recruitment. Girls like you don't get in through the back door at decent sororities. Try SDT. You sound like their type.

By: Spook
by: ^^^Aug 25, 2016 3:51:14 PM

even better.
become friends with sorority girls, keep your grades above 3.8, stay cute/stylish and they will give you a bid. Lots of sophomores rerushed and got into top houses this year.

By: ^^^
by: @^^^Aug 26, 2016 3:10:36 AM

Is it a common thing for girls to "rerush?" Are they looked down on because of it?

By: @^^^
by: yesAug 30, 2016 6:31:22 PM

it is common for girls to re rush; have to keep the grades up freshman year and be stellar. I know several who droppped last year and rerushed to get into ChiO, APhi, Zeta....some didn't do as well and went AZD, but at least got a bid and will join greek life, unlike last year.

By: yes
#9  by: .   

Are you implying all transfers don't deserve a shot at a sorority? And I don't want to join SDT I wouldn't get the real sorority experience with them. You sound more like their type tbh

By: .
by: SighAug 25, 2016 3:23:03 PM

No one is saying transfers don't deserve a shot. You had a chance to go through and get the best shot in formal recruitment. If you don't know people, COB is going to be hard because it's mostly friends of friends when they only need a few girls because that's easier. Feel free to reach out to any recruitment chair and see if they have opportunities.

By: Sigh
by: .Aug 26, 2016 8:45:26 AM

You had a chance to join - via recruitment like everyone else. But you're some entitled bish that thinks she should get in the backdoor easy way when she doesn't know anyone. Coming to GR is not going to get you a bid. SDT IS your kind of place so have fun being a permanent GDI instead.

By: .
#10  by: .   

I rather be a GDI than join SDT

By: .

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