
bids for fall 2016

by: Rushee

Are any of the top or upper mid tier fraternities still giving out bids? Or is rush for them pretty much over.

Posted By: Rushee
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#1  by: Almost   

They'll hand out a few more over the next 2 weeks, but most of them are where they want to be at in terms of size. If you get invited to something it means you can still get a bid though

By: Almost
#2  by: gt   

Which fraternities are doing well and getting the best pledge class? How do they compare so far?

By: gt
by: PAug 3, 2016 8:38:22 PM

No one knows this info unless there is someone who's friends with rush captains of every fraternity and goes out of their way to ask. Wait until school starts then people will judge

By: P
#3  by: Orange   

Top (Sig Ep, Fiji, SAE) probably are near done with around 45 guys right now, with the rest of their bids gonna be given out this week at Austin State. They already know who they want
Upper mids(ksig,ka,delt,sigchi) if i were to guess have 20-35 signed guys, and another 10 or so guys sitting on their bids. If you're starting rush this late, you'll have to make a really good impression to get in to any of these chapters. They'll give out a lot of bids at Austin State, try to get the guys sitting on their bids to sign, and if there are any left over spots they'll snap bid the coolest oos kids that show up last second. At the end of rush these top 7 fraternitites (not counting zbt) will probably have around 50 man PC's

By: Orange
by: bevoAug 3, 2016 8:26:06 PM

If you're not from hp, memorial, westlake, a prestigious private school etc you have basically a 0% chance at top except MAYBE sig ep. If you are were popular and played sports in hs, and decent looking but from a suburb instate the 4 so called uppermids are the best you can do.

By: bevo
by: Yeah^Aug 3, 2016 8:36:21 PM

True except if you look at Sigep pledge classes they still have a decent amount of guys from suburb high schools but they're the 'coolest', richest and best looking of the bunch

By: Yeah^
by: ^Aug 3, 2016 8:43:07 PM

I agree still sig ep is mostly from feeder schools. There are a few from suburbs unlike sae and fiji, which you have a absolute zero chance of getting into from a suburb lol. Sig ep looks for a very specific kind of guy, good looking and for lack of a better term a douchebag. The whole dry house and balanced man thing may hurt their chapter though

By: ^
by: bevoAug 3, 2016 9:09:20 PM

Also i think it's worth mentioning for people who don't know any better, that the top 8 fraternities(sae,fiji,zbt,sigep,ksig,ka,delt,sigchi) on campus are extremely expensive, so on top of what is said above about the qualities they are looking for, your parents/you probably have to be pretty wealthy. When counting dues and other randoms costs, the 8 big fraternities can easily cost around 6-8k a year.

By: bevo
#4  by: Rushee   

How should I reach out to the chapters and is austin state an open event or invite only?

By: Rushee
by: longhornAug 3, 2016 8:35:52 PM

you gotta be invited, honestly if you haven't been invited by any of the fraternities listed above by now you probably don't have a chance. Check out pike they are probably the only other respectable chapter outside the big 8 fraternities, or hope for a snap bid to one of the upper mids

By: longhorn
by: PikeAug 3, 2016 8:42:48 PM

Yeah they already had their Austin state but try to suicide them or ato. They're not the great eight but still pretty good everyone under them starts to become irrelevant in UT greek life

By: Pike
#5  by: Austin state   

If I went to to their dallas/houston state and was invited back to their Austin state. Is that a good sign or just kind of a normal run of the mill thing they do for all rushees?

By: Austin state
by: longhornAug 3, 2016 8:27:24 PM

good sign they won't invite you back if they're not interested

By: longhorn
by: Austin stateAug 3, 2016 8:41:11 PM


By: Austin state
#6  by: what?/   

explain austin state and dallas state, etc???

By: what?/
by: SorryAug 4, 2016 11:16:49 AM

The fraternities throw big parties/rush events in each of the big cities Houston, Dallas, Austin. If u didn't know this info by now and you were planning on rushing this fall ur in trouble if you were after one of the upper mids, most chapters have already had all their state events I've heard a few of the bigger fraternities are having Austin state Friday and Saturday this week and maybe one or two fraternities will throw one next week but idk the schedule

By: Sorry
by: SorryAug 4, 2016 11:21:24 AM

Also the vast majority of bids are given out at these event, especially Austin state

By: Sorry

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