


During the summer do sorority members usually reach out?

Posted By: Beep
Page 2 of 2

ADPi is "chapter of the year"?? Haha. By the same group that voted Acacia "frat of the year". Lol! You must be a UT ADPi chapter advisor....go crawl back under your Greek rank rock.

You can still get a bid,

just not from:
PKT for sure

Likely not CHIO DDD ZETA either

With some looks and style you can get:

And then there will always be the rest.

By: Hey

Why do they have rush week if they already know who they want?

By: ?
by: ?   

Because some people on here say it's possible to get a bid without connections and some say it's possible

By: ?
by: Rush   

Rush is for people unlike you.... It's for people they actually want not random nobody's.. Don't waste your time

By: Rush
by: truth   

@Rush: rude.
@?: they have rush week because it's a way to finish up the process while not looking too exclusive by not participating in rush week. those groups that are very exclusive (pkt) don't want to appear too exclusive...get it?

The other sororitys that sort of pre pick (chio, ddd) and target girls (zeta, axo, aphi, dg) really need to see you in person in order to confirm and to pick up extras to fill out their pledge class.

The others: kd, adpi, aephi, azd and sdt will take the girls left over....and NO, that doesn't mean they get low quality girls.

ALL of the girls are smart and poised...just a matter of if you know girls in advance from camp or high school (big 6) or don't but are really pretty (key 3).

By: truth
by: Uh   

Stop with the key 3 crap. there's no such thing. It's something ridiculous girls in the middle tier started saying to make themselves feel better about not being top tier and to feel like they look better than the bottom. The exact same exclusionary kind of crap they lose their sh it over when they accuse the big 6 of it.

By: Uh
by: @UH   

HA HA HA Wow! Touchy. About a label like 'key 3'??!! Chill Out. It's short hand for the 3 mid tiers. And, I don't think anyone at UT is upset with the label of Big 6. It is what it is.

By: @UH
by: beeby   

hey UH: are you KD or something?? Maybe an ADPi?? "mid tier" does not include you. suck it up ho

By: beeby

Within the tiers the chapters compete over some of the same girls.

Don't let this ruin everything for you. You really can still get a bid and have a great time....just don't be stupid and assume that you will get into big 6. It does happen but isn't a regular thing. Also, remember that you are not the only girl without connections. That shows you how all of the chapters really are awesome and get great girls. Lovely, high quality girls are in all chapters.

By: Also

I don't think chapters take nobody's u have to know people period. Or just don't participate in rush ...

by: .   

Why so mean

By: .
by: :)   

Hopefully I will be able to get in one without the connections

By: :)
by: :)   

And hopefully I still have a chance since nobody reached out

By: :)

.....they don't reach out, then you need to reach out.

By: IF....

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by: How?   

Reach out in what way? Isn't that against the rules? Like Facebook and Insta pages or what? If PNMs don't know actives isn't it weird to contact them? If PNMs reach out to actives in a house won't other houses just drop them?

By: How?
by: hey   

omg you're fine!! You can still be in a great house even if no one has reached out!

By: hey
by: sway   

^^^^yes, you can get a house, just prolly not big 6 + 2.

By: sway
by: Plus DG   

Because aren't they huge GPA cutters

By: Plus DG


By: funny

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