
which one??


OK, so I'm an out of state student but I did go to summer camp with some mid tier and top tier girls. What do I need to shoot for? I wonder because I hear you get cut when chapters see you are a legacy, thinking I'm a slam dunk for a particular house. (I'm living at Calloway, if that matters and I'm told it does). I'm liking the girls over at ChiO and DG (my legacy status is with TriDelta and APhi, which I like, too) Thoughts on what to expect??

Posted By: pre freshman
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shoot for all those you mentioned; they are great chapters. lots of strats in Calloway, Hardin, SRD, Towers, etc

By: listen

Put your legacies on your resume. It helps chapters know your family understands the Greek commitment.

Be energetic and totally interested to EVERY house. The girls pick you. You don't really shoot for any chapter. You may "love" one more due to their rep on here, the look of their members, the house, or whatever.... Yet each round you will be cut from more houses as the chapters narrow down how many they can invite back.

As soon as you are cut -- the houses remaining will all be the ones you should shoot for. At pref round you will have one or a couple houses left. (Hopefully). Shoot for all you have left. Those are the women that want YOU the most!

Good luck. Have fun! Respect all houses and open your heart to all of them!

By: Shoot for Greek
by: No!!!   

Do not put your legacies on your resume! Many houses cut legacies to other sororities right away if we know about it because we figure you'll prefer to go there. We may find out about it anyway, but don't make it obvious.

BTW make sure your legacy relatives submit whatever paperwork they use to introduce you as a legacy. You wouldn't believe how often this doesn't happen and we end up not knowing you're a legacy and cut you.

By: No!!!
by: Truth   


By: Truth

@mmmmm no... Let's get rid of those bottom houses you mentioned so your chapter can be the next bottom.

Just so happens I'm in top tier and senior.. I see the big picture. Tiers only matter to freshman and sophomores

Not every out of state PNM is going to get above DG.

By: Greek
by: Yupr   

@mmmmm no. There's not a thing wrong with those so called bottom house girls. I looked them up and they look just like the girls in terms of attractiveness as the top tier girls. Working class? Really? Talk to me in a few years when your careers get going. Many great girls are purposefully picking mid to lower houses to avoid the drama. Grow up.

By: Yupr

You need to try to meet girls from the upper 9 (PBP, KKG, KAT, CHIO, DDD, ZETA, AXO, APHI, DG).

By: huh
by: Newbie also OOS   

Trying to understand how it works. So can I just cut any others?

By: Newbie also OOS
by: @Newbie   

PNM's don't "cut" houses, you rank them in order of your preference to return. So when you're going from 17 parties to 10, you'll put down the 10 that you want to return to if they invite you back and then rank the other 7 in specific descending order. If only 6 of your 10 invite you back, you'll also be invited back to the first 4 of the 7 you ranked who also invited you back.

The only way you won't go back to the houses you ranked is if all of your first choices invite you back that round...which is pretty rare.

By: @Newbie
by: upper 9 is BS   

Term must have been coined by an A-Phi. ive never heard it in my life

By: upper 9 is BS

How is it the number nine house is a good house and number 10 is not. Don't get it they seem similar to me.

by: sororityty   

we know there is def a difference between dg and adpi duh

By: sororityty

If I don't get bids from others.. What's wrong with accepting a bid from the rest: ADPi, AZD, KD ?

By: ?
by: @?   

Absolutely nothing is wrong with them! Every single chapter is full of beautiful, accomplished, involved women. Since you asked specifically about KD, ADPi, and AZD:

KD: #3 in grades and Fall 15 new members GPA ranked #2. KD's are really involved on campus: 2 Texas cheerleaders, the new Student Body VP, 3 Texas Orange Jackets, etc.

ADPi: Panhellenic's Outstanding Chapter for 2015 & 2016. Fall 15 new members ranked #4 in grades. Long history at UT as one of the first six chapters on campus.

AZD: I haven't run across many AZD's so I don't know a ton about them, but from their social media, they clearly have a ton of pretty girls and like to have fun. As for the comment about "lower tier" girls being "working class", that is just wrong. AZD's have travelled to Nepal, Jamaica, India, Mexico, Morocco, Italy, France, Ireland, etc in the last year. Broke girls don't travel like that.

Each of these houses has well over 200 actives and makes quota every year. Campuses that actually have "bad" sororities have chapters who never make quota or even come close.

By: @?
by: Other Schools   

Not to be mean but go to OU or Mississippi if you want to see a true low tier chapter. It's all and I mean all about $ at UT and what's really funny is that most of the girls in the less prestigious houses are probably upper middle class at least

By: Other Schools

Just so I understand. The best sororities don't associate with scum from the working class? Daughters of accountants and teachers and engineers need not apply? I'm going to hate Texas. 😣

By: Wtf

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by: honestly   

really, it's the haves and the have-nots in UT greek life versus the non greeks. The wealth you see in UT greek life is stunning. Girls living in expensive dorms, travelling the world, getting 200./wk spending money, parents paying full tuition and oos tuition, expensive groceries delivered on top of a generous meal plan. Kind of shocking if that's not your own world. All UT houses have girls mostly with this kind of background. I never felt poor til I came here. There are some working class girls in UT sorority life but not many.

By: honestly

Thanks honestly. Do these girls know how out of touch they are? should I even bother rushing? How will people know my financial status? Do all the sororities really care about that? I really had no idea.

By: Wtf
by: lkj   

I think it's a little bit of smoke and mirrors. And also perspective. I know some of these girls. They're not that wealthy, or "blue-bloods". Homes in the 500,000 to million dollar range. Parents making $300,000 per year. Thats upper middle class, not blue blood. Sorry, the really wealthy aren't going to UT.

By: lkj

Where do you go to school? LOL!

By: ^^^^

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