
official fraternity rankings 2018-2019

by: Ranker

Top Tier:
Theta Chi, Phi Psi (affiliated), AEPi
Fiji, ASig
DKE, Chi Phi, Pike

Middle Tier:
Theta Xi, Delta Chi, DU (merged)
Lambda (merged), DTD
Sig Chi, Pi Kapp (affiliated), DSig

Bottom Tier:
TDX, KSig, ATO (affiliated)
Psi U, Triangle,
Beta, Zeta Psi, Shady

Posted By: Ranker
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#11  by: schlomo frat boy   

Oy vey what’s it take to get a good new yawkkk bagel here, the schmear is so much better in MANHATTAN. Did I mention I’m from new yawkkk? I mean if my Knicks jersey and Mets hat and overall repulsive disposition didn’t give it away. you like cocaine? tbh i don’t know how you in-state kids even deal with this stepped on Michigan sniff, my high school in Jersey had raw fish scale everywhere. You ever been to the Hamptons? well no, we don’t technically own a place there, but my parents rent this airbnb spot once a yr - peep my ig you’ll see like 30 pics. if ur thirsty i got an open tab at skeeps, order whatever (it’s the only way girls will talk to me). so yea, update on the internship sitch, so no i didn’t get the goldman sachs offer i told everyone for the last 3 years id get. but i did get in with this shop off the turnpike where ill cold call senile old ladies all day trying to sell them annuities. yuh yuh yuh

yes, I know I’m balding, hairy, greasy and look 37 years old but i swear I’m 20. did i mention my dad drives a tesla. u up? pls respond.

By: schlomo frat boy
#12  by: whatsgood   

Phi psi is in phi delts house (dry) for the first semester because their old house is in disrepair but they’ll be fine

By: whatsgood
by: DryAug 29, 2018 7:16:37 PM

So Phi Psi will not be having any rush events with alcohol at their main house this fall? Awkward PC coming for them.

By: Dry
by: ^LOLSep 16, 2018 4:57:49 AM

Dude,Phi Psi is the ballers of drinking in the Phi Delt house. LOL, Phi Psi is drinking more in a week than the kicked Phi Delts drank in a semester in the Phi Delt house!

By: ^LOL
by: ^drankSep 16, 2018 11:50:17 AM

LMAO, now the Phi Delts can drink beer in their old house at Phi Psi parties like everyone else and it's cool. Go figure.

By: ^drank
#13  by: mmm   


By: mmm
by: NoSep 2, 2018 1:51:32 PM

I’m sorry but asig is not better than DKE period

By: No
by: NahSep 5, 2018 10:26:07 AM

DKE only became relevant since frats are going rogue

By: Nah
#14  by: stopppp   

DSIG STOP with this !!! It's embarrassing!

What a bunch of losers

By: stopppp
#15  by: Um   

TDX definitely above Dsig

By: Um
#16  by: Um   

TDX definitely above Dsig

By: Um
#17  by: ifc   

ranks are good, but the frats affiliated and disaffiliated are more split now

By: ifc
by: Dis ifcSep 3, 2018 7:26:43 PM

Affiliated frats just sucking up to UM in 2018 to avoid problems with the city. But, watch what happens in 2019 when the disaffiliated hold fall rush and affiliated can't. No one will stay affiliated.

By: Dis ifc
#18  by: hey   

who even is affiliated anymore???

By: hey
#19  by: Frat   


By: Frat
#20  by: sam   

no way chi phi in top tier . down with xi and du

By: sam

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