
um & a2 new regulations will make fraternities dry

by: Omega

A2 City Council just passed a new ordinance that will give UM power to make fraternities alcohol-free by 2019. UM's recognition is now required by A2 for chapter houses to maintain special zoning status. Enjoy next year because the end is near!

Posted By: Omega
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#11  by: Burns   

What the frat bros don't get is they have no political power in A2 or UM anymore. Neighbors stay for years and build personal relationships with the A2 City Council. Frat bros live here a year then leave. They know no one in power. Most don't even vote here. UM doesn't even worry about losing your big donors anymore because your alums are too embarrassed to support your poor behavior. Shape up frat bros and act like responsible young adults or you're the ones who will be moving.

By: Burns
by: bruhJul 25, 2018 1:46:40 PM

wtf are you doing on this site dude

By: bruh
by: dirty30Jul 27, 2018 7:28:44 PM

the way you say "frat bros" makes me cringe so much.

By: dirty30
#12  by: Guest   

Pretty sure Sig Ep was officially already dry

By: Guest
#13  by: backshots   

Does this mean the old Sig Ep house can never be a fraternity house again, because they lost their charter?

By: backshots
#14  by: Questions   

How can the city legally justify making just one type of student housing subject to recognition by U of M? How can the city delegate their governmental responsibility to regulate housing and land use to a third party with no due process under the control of the city? What is the enabling statute in Michigan law that the city is using as a basis for their actions? Using the city's logic, U of M should control all zoning decision for student housing, right? Many questions need to be asked.

By: Questions
#15  by: Rights   

How can the UM Administration believe it is appropriate to threaten members of fraternities with disciplinary actions, including possibly expulsion, for simply exercising their constitutional rights to freedom of association, free speech and privacy? This is unbelievable. Where is the media coverage?

By: Rights
#16  by: Houses   

Which houses have not disaffiliated from the University and why? What is the benefit?

By: Houses

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