
um & a2 new regulations will make fraternities dry

by: Omega

A2 City Council just passed a new ordinance that will give UM power to make fraternities alcohol-free by 2019. UM's recognition is now required by A2 for chapter houses to maintain special zoning status. Enjoy next year because the end is near!

Posted By: Omega
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#1  by: Nice omega   

I’m sure you feel really smart predicting the end of Greek Life, but the change really isn’t that sudden. This zoning change effectively prevents new frats from coming in, it does nothing to the current fraternities. As frats continued to get kicked off this will come into play more but as of right now it doesn’t change much.

By: Nice omega
#2  by: Omega   

The UM Greeks need to know there is three parts to this issue. First, UM recognition requirement which gives a strong incentive for UM to take their oversight responsibilities seriously because they are being pressured by A2. UM is going to start regulating fraternities through the Center of Campus Involvement run by UM professional staff not just the IFC run by students who can protect their friends. Taking power away from students is a huge development. Second, A2 now can use not only ordinance enforcement to crack down on students, they can using zoning status to go after the alumni owners of the chapter houses. Loses your zoning status and its game over. Third, those alumni owners are not going to be willing to put their million dollar chapter house properties at risk to some 18 to 20 year old students can drink beer. They will voluntarily make all chapter houses "dry" to mitigate risk and legal liability. I am not saying this is the end of the UM Greek System, but this is the end of UM Greek System as you know it!

By: Omega
#3  by: Neighbors   

What the frats don't yet realize is now the neighbors have the upper hand. We can call the A2 police and A2 Code Enforcement for ordinance complaints that will be recorded in the city's database plus reported to Michigan Greek Life administrators. Michigan can use these complaints to determine violations of conduct rules for student organizations which in turn can lead to loss of recognition. One recognition is revoked, the city's 2 year probation starts. If Michigan does not restore recognition of the frat within 2 years, the city will end the special exception zoning status for the chapter house. Lose the chapter house, no fraternity or at least one that won't bother the neighbors. City was brilliant to do this over the summer. Students won't know much about it until they return to campus. By then it will be too late. New day is coming for bad acting frats. Your days are numbered.

By: Neighbors
#4  by: @Omega   

You sound like a GDI lmao

By: @Omega
#5  by: Sig ep   

Greeklife will never be dry

By: Sig ep
#6  by: Bro   

Even if all the chapter houses become "dry," the upper class houses will rage on. No one needs the national headquarters or IFC recognition to have a great social life anyway. We can all go rogue. No no one will control us then.

By: Bro
#7  by: Neighbors   

Bro, you're so wrong. The city and UM are going to crack down harder on the upper classmen houses than the chapter houses. The city and UM are not stupid. They know the landlords. They know which frats are leasing which houses. They know the landlords who have already been warned that code enforcement is going to target them too. The landlords just want to get paid. They know students have to live near campus. They don't want the parties either because damage costs them maintenance money. The landlords are on board with the city and UM. Bro, the party "rage" will be over soon!

By: Neighbors
#8  by: Burns   

Amusing/ironic how frat men are obsessed with posting on this web site about social rankings while they are oblivious to the actions by the A2 Council and UM that are going to wipe out the so-called top tier by the end of 2020. Funny thing is that the so-called irrelevent frats are going to be the ones that survive because they won't break the new rules. Goes to show how weak/shallow your entire system really is.

By: Burns
by: hmmJul 21, 2018 3:29:36 PM

Amusing how gdis live on this site more so than people in greeklife. What is up with that?

By: hmm
#9  by: Burns   

Hmm, did it ever occur to you that A2 property owners (adults with jobs) who have had to deal with the problems of your so-called "Greek Life" for decades may read this web site too and have an opinion? You could grow up and behave like the responsible student members of the community, but we know that's not how most of "Greek Life" rolls. You guys cannot even imagine the celebrations we're going to have when UM and the A2 City Council shuts down those frats that think they are above the law. Ironically, our parties are going to be more fun than yours!

By: Burns
by: RUGhtJul 23, 2018 9:41:16 PM

It’s a college town, you are living in college student run campus. Either move to a different part of town or get used to it. Young people are allowed to have fun and freely assemble. If I were you I’d be careful what you wish for with kicking off fraternities because unregulated GDI parties will be just as loud and rowdy when non “Greeks” move in .

By: RUGht
by: Bye Jul 25, 2018 3:30:30 PM

Hey maybe if you don't want anything to do with Greek life, the smart thing to do would be to not live next door to them! Also, If you were smart and grown up then you would realize that if you want all these frats to get kicked off, then without the regulations of IFC and Panhel (that have been in the works for years now to keep things decently under control), all these GDI parties will be even more out of hand. You are going to make things worse for yourself

By: Bye
#10  by: Alpha   

Most houses will easily adapt to the new rules. Only a few fraternities are at risk of being booted. Media reports are overblown about Greek problems. Most Greeks welcome higher standards. Neighbors may be surprised.

By: Alpha

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