
rank predictions fall 2018

by: The Ranker

Top Tier:
Phi Psi, Theta Chi, AEPi
Fiji, ASig

Middle Tier:
Chi Phi, Theta Xi, DU/SigEp
Phi Delt, Delta Chi
Sig Chi, DTD
Pikapp, TDX

Bottom Tier:
DSig, ATO, KSig
Lambda, Psi U, Phi Sig, Triangle
Beta, Zeta Psi

Posted By: The Ranker
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#1  by: Close   

DU sig Ep before chi phi, psi u above lambda cuz they have house back, Tdx is bottom now and will still be bottom

By: Close
by: chill duFeb 14, 2018 10:12:37 AM

chill out du you will be kicked out of your own brotherhood like every other merger, good luck

By: chill du
by: NahFeb 14, 2018 1:49:19 PM

DU won't get kicked out the house is theirs Sig ep needs this merger more than DU, DU is still pretty relevant on it's own

By: Nah
by: BruhFeb 14, 2018 2:08:16 PM

You’re fools if u think sigep isnt kicking u tf out

By: Bruh
by: NahFeb 15, 2018 12:11:21 PM

Mergers only blow for top frats joining bottoms. Sigep and du are prolly the closest in terms of rep so it wont be completely one-sided

By: Nah
by: UhhhhhhFeb 15, 2018 2:12:27 PM

The only thing Sig Ep and DU had in common is that no sorority wants to mix with any of these brothers. What is this the third year in a row with no pgp? You guys are definitely not better than d chi, xi, chi phi. You can't even get DG as your pgp?!? Phi Delt is way better and more relevant than Sig Ep/DU

By: Uhhhhhh
#2  by: but   

Who is Zbtke going to merge with?

By: but
by: NobodyFeb 14, 2018 2:17:30 PM

They were pretty irrelevant. The risk-reward ratio of merging with them is not worth it IMO

By: Nobody
#3  by: Truth   

Have you met TDX? Not bottom tier. They just got 25 new pledges, and they are relevant.

By: Truth
by: JokesFeb 15, 2018 12:51:31 AM

Lol and every single one is a goober. Quality over quantity

By: Jokes
#4  by: so um   

but zeta w du sig ep at either du's house or the pit is a major W

By: so um
by: AhahahahaFeb 15, 2018 9:59:34 PM

Ooo zeta so hype lmao

By: Ahahahaha
#5  by: Wait   

Yo you guys are forgetting that du has the best house on campus for parties/mixers/location combined so really they have a shot at rising to top fast

By: Wait
#6  by: Who   

Where is SNU coming from

By: Who

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