Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority Ratings at UWF

Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 197 3.49
  • Total Ratings: 197
  • Overall Average:69.8%



  • Reputation:Looks
  • Friendliness:90%
  • Popularity:70.8%
  • Classiness:66%
  • Involvement:70%
  • Social Life:73.8%
  • Sisterhood:69.2%
  • 197 Ratings
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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 4.2 Maybe their gpa wouldn't be so bad if most of them didn't go to every frat party they get invited to. Great group of girls otherwise.
By: Uwf18 Posted:

Maybe their gpa wouldn't be so bad if most of them didn't go to every frat party they get invited to. Great group of girls otherwise.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 3.8 I started out only having friends in my chapter until kappa delta came to campus. I'm so glad to have met some of the girls in this chapter. I' never experienced pan love until they came along. They really do try hard to show up to all philanthropy events. No sorority is a bad sorority and I'm not sure why people have come to bash this one in particular. Come to recruitment with an open mind and consider each sisterhood carefully. These girls are great don't believe these silly forums.
By: :)Posted:

I started out only having friends in my chapter until kappa delta came to campus. I'm so glad to have met some of the girls in this chapter. I' never experienced pan love until they came along. They really do try hard to show up to all philanthropy events. No sorority is a bad sorority and I'm not sure why people have come to bash this one in particular. Come to recruitment with an open mind and consider each sisterhood carefully. These girls are great don't believe these silly forums.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 4.4 This sorority is new so of course there will be haters. Great sisterhood they all seem very close to one another! Got rid of some bad ones, overall KD is a great sorority and is very dedicated to making their sorority better.
By: uwfPosted:

This sorority is new so of course there will be haters. Great sisterhood they all seem very close to one another! Got rid of some bad ones, overall KD is a great sorority and is very dedicated to making their sorority better.

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Respond Report
Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 3.0 True ranking: this chapter is new so their membership base is really a mix. This org has some very strong wonderful members whose reputation was tarnished immediately by several members who are now gone. There is work to be done in this org. To bring it to the level of KDs national reputation. This is not a bad sorority, a particularly good fit for someone who wants to use their leadership skills to help their sorority progress. a bid from them would not be a bad thing.
By: HerePosted:

True ranking: this chapter is new so their membership base is really a mix. This org has some very strong wonderful members whose reputation was tarnished immediately by several members who are now gone. There is work to be done in this org. To bring it to the level of KDs national reputation. This is not a bad sorority, a particularly good fit for someone who wants to use their leadership skills to help their sorority progress. a bid from them would not be a bad thing.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 1.8 Yes these girls are still new but by now they should at least know the names of their fellow sisters. There a few excellent girls in this chapter but for the most part they're lacking in a lot of areas. A lot of the girls are rude and have poor GPAs. How they picked these girls makes no sense. They are not the KD that is known nationally. It'll be a few years til they get their stuff together, if they ever do. They put shame to the rest of the Greek community.
By: uwf16Posted:

Yes these girls are still new but by now they should at least know the names of their fellow sisters. There a few excellent girls in this chapter but for the most part they're lacking in a lot of areas. A lot of the girls are rude and have poor GPAs. How they picked these girls makes no sense. They are not the KD that is known nationally. It'll be a few years til they get their stuff together, if they ever do. They put shame to the rest of the Greek community.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 2.0 Lots of drama, and I mean a lot of it. Do not come here thinking this is the KD you hear about. This is a odd mix of young women. They are not overly involved on campus. They are still so new that their future of where they will settle in the ranks is still unknown. If they recruit strong leaders, with good grades,and few girls who are truly Kappa Delt's they may move to Middle Tier in a few years. However, the top two houses usually get those PNM's.
By: Being fairPosted:

Lots of drama, and I mean a lot of it. Do not come here thinking this is the KD you hear about. This is a odd mix of young women. They are not overly involved on campus. They are still so new that their future of where they will settle in the ranks is still unknown. If they recruit strong leaders, with good grades,and few girls who are truly Kappa Delt's they may move to Middle Tier in a few years. However, the top two houses usually get those PNM's.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 1.4 GPA is terrible! And the sisterhood sucks. PNMs please consider all other sororities before them. true ranking: AXO ADPi (PHISIG/AGD) and then.... KD
By: ARGOtruthPosted:

GPA is terrible! And the sisterhood sucks. PNMs please consider all other sororities before them. true ranking: AXO ADPi (PHISIG/AGD) and then.... KD

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Respond Report
Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 1.8 So what if KD is established nationally? This chapter does not live up to that reputation. I know they are new, but they have not developed a presence at UWF whatsoever. Unclassy girls and no campus involvement. Join an established sorority or wait a few years to see what happens with KD, but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't make it that long.
By: UWFPosted:

So what if KD is established nationally? This chapter does not live up to that reputation. I know they are new, but they have not developed a presence at UWF whatsoever. Unclassy girls and no campus involvement. Join an established sorority or wait a few years to see what happens with KD, but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't make it that long.

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Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 2.0 And LOTS of self ranking to make a weak group look better.
By: Hahaha okayyyyPosted:

And LOTS of self ranking to make a weak group look better.

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Respond Report
Kappa Delta - ΚΔ Sorority at University of West Florida - UWF 5.0 how is it even possible for Kappa Delta to have nearly as many comments as sororities that have been on campus for decades and almost as many comments as AXO who has been on campus for like 7-8years? Seems like a lot of downranking has been going on to prevent PNMs to join a strong sisterhood.
By: :)Posted:

how is it even possible for Kappa Delta to have nearly as many comments as sororities that have been on campus for decades and almost as many comments as AXO who has been on campus for like 7-8years? Seems like a lot of downranking has been going on to prevent PNMs to join a strong sisterhood.

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