
UMD Frat Rankings - Explained


Relevant Frats - Have a packed social calendar and are the frats that throw darties every available weekend. They have a chapter, good recruiting, and plenty of satellites. Some obviously better than others but can be broken up into four groups.

Upper Top: Sig Nu, Phi Delt

- Easily the top two frats at UMD. Sig Nu has experienced a grow like no other since merging with Figi. Have probably the best relations of anybody. Phi Delt has consistently been top and has been the most consistently great Fraternity at UMD for the past 5 years. The top spot can go either way between these two but they belong in a tier of their own. Will exclusively social with Aphi, Theta, Tridelt, and KD.

Top: Ato, Sig Chi, KA
- The next three to round out the top 5. They will social pretty much with Aphi, Theta, Tridelt, and KD but will also get some of the other four relevant sororities in the mix. Ato has been had probably the best rush of any fraternity the past year and has cemented themselves as the third best fraternity after being low top for a while. Sig Chi has stayed the same and will always be in the 3-4 spot. Easily a top a house and an extremely well run organization with a lot of great guys. KA has been getting some heat and is likely the fifth best now after being two for so long. Probation and bad rushes have hurt them but they haven’t lost any relations. Losing Yale will hurt but I don’t see them falling out of the top 5 unless kicked off campus or the trend in their rush continues.

Lower Top: Dsig, Lambda, Zeta Psi
- Relevant and Solid houses that will darty together and are very similar. They are the most desirable frats for Axid, Aopi, Axo, and Zeta. Will also social sometimes with the top 4 sororities. Dsig has been having great rush classes and keep getting better and better relations. Lambda used to be top 5 but has been on probation a fair amount leashing to a bad spring rush, but they still have great houses and incredible relations, will likely bounce back this fall. They also have garden and have apparently gotten an old chapter house in old town as their social house which will likely help alot. Ever been to a Zeta Psi darty? Enough said. These kids can throw down, keep growing as well.

Upper Mid: Alpha Delt, Tep, Beta
- Last of the relevant or “top” frats. Alpha Delt has been sneaky killing it under the radar. Instead of going on Greek rank and boosting themselves they’ve put in alot of work and are getting a chapter house. Blue is great for darties. Tep and beta still relevant.

Following these frats there are still some pretty large fraternities that will have a fair amount of socials, however they will be with not as desirable sororities.

Middle: Theta Chi, Zbt, Sae

Lower middle: Agr, Psk, Sig Phi

Then comes the rest…
Upper Bottom: Sig Ep, Phi Tau, Alpha Sig

Lower Bottom: Phi Psi, Chi Phi, Sammy, Du, Sig Tau

Final Ranking:
1: Sig Nu, Phi Delt
2: Ato, Sig Chi, KA
3: Dsig, Lambda, Zeta Psi

4: Alpha Delt, Tep, Beta
5: Theta Chi, Zbt, Sae
6: Agr, Psk, Theta Chi

7: Sig Ep, Phi Tau, Asig
8: Phi Psi, Chi Phi, Sammy
9: Du, Sig Tau

There’s been a lot of self ranking on here and organizations like TEP will probably down vote this into oblivion or even pay to have it deleted. The truth is this and it is subject to change in the coming years but this is how things will be for the upcoming school year.

Posted By: Nice one
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This better get bumped throughout rush because it’s the cold hard truth. Also keep in mind within the tiers it’s kind of interchangeable.

by: thank u   

Tep up a tier, thats just blatant disrespect. Im not saying they are better than dsig or zeta psi but they are miles ahead of adphi and beta

By: thank u
by: YES   


by: Yo   

Phi delt and Sig chi are top 2 easily idk why ppl think sig nu is better

By: Yo

Probably the most well written post I’ve ever seen lmao. This is pretty accurate

By: Okay
by: i like   

this post is overall great like you said, but i think lambda kinda sucking themselves off in this. Interested to see how fall rush goes for the relevant frats

By: i like
by: Accurate post tho   

Wouldn’t be umd greekrank without lambda sucking themselves off

By: Accurate post tho

although im 99% sure someone in lambda wrote this i dont disagree with it

By: good job

Lambda used to be top 5 bruh im weak

By: 🤡
by: Yes   

It used to be fiji, ka, lambda as the top 3 frats a few years ago

By: Yes
by: Bruh   

Ok that is blatant cap. Back in the day in was Fiji phi delt ka ato Sig chi AEPi

By: Bruh

Yep down voting starts now

By: Here it comes

Lol TEP spam downvoting everything. Everyone else agrees this is consensus boys suck it up

By: Bruh
by: just the fax   

when the only changes asked for in this entire comment section are about mOviNg tEp uP you know this rank is consensus

By: just the fax

Pretty accurate, just a note that phi delt and sig nu also social with axid

By: truth

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by: bump   

axid is starting to really distance themselves from aoii and zeta. could see them in the same row as kd and theta soon

By: bump


By: ye

Does the merge w AEPi really boost Beta that much? They were bottom of the rung before merging.

By: questioning

Accurate. Cry about it

By: Yeah

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