
fraternity comments

by: GR Administrator

University of California, Los Angeles - UCLA General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 16 of 17
#151  by: sososo   

sooo top tier: SAE SigEP SigChi ZBT is the consensus?

By: sososo
by: noMay 11, 2013 6:50:36 PM


By: no
by: noMay 12, 2013 12:19:15 AM

umm ya it is. what do you think then? or are you in some lower tier house haha!

By: no
#152  by: l   

i still think ZBT and SAE are the best
sig ep after that
sig chi after that

By: l
by: qqMay 13, 2013 5:26:32 PM

older SAEs and ZBTs may kill it but they're constant social pro has brought in weak pcs in recent years. quickly falling once the older guys graduate. sigchi and sigep have definitely capitalized and brought in some tight classes recently

By: qq
#153  by: ???   

heard sae had their second president this school year get impeached?? is this true?

By: ???
#154  by: da truth   

if SAE is truly off then thats that if they arent tho then the top house i would say in this order are
ZBT, SAE (really those are the top two and its just based on preference), then sig ep, then sig chi
if sae is gone then its ZBT, Sig Ep, Sig Chi
simple as that as far as the top tier goes.

By: da truth
#155  by: ourtoptier   

and sigep is just a bunch of stoners in apartments

By: ourtoptier
#156  by: No   

That's not the top tier
Tier 1 is only four houses and they're ZBT, SAE, Sig Ep and Sig Chi

By: No
by: Umm Jun 13, 2013 12:20:09 AM

And tier 2 should not include theta chi or theta Xi. Sigma Pi is a low kid- bottom tier house that's falling.

By: Umm
by: JesseJun 15, 2013 3:08:10 PM

Maybe so. But on the same level as "Tier 3: AEPi, DeltSig, DTD, Theta Delta Chi, Triangle, Phi Delt"? Come on. Those aren't even real houses at least the other have moved up in the last year and have solid brotherhoods with a good presence on campus. I've never seen any tier 3s wearing letters. Thetas and SigPi are undeniably bottom mid

By: Jesse
by: Can't ArgueJun 17, 2013 9:12:12 PM

AEPi, DeltSig, DTD, Theta Delta Chi, Triangle, Phi Delt are def the bottom 6 houses in terms of rep. Anyone not in those houses can even argue against this fact with a straight face. Tier 2 are all above those (but, I'd swap out Beta or Lambda in SigPi's place).

By: Can't Argue
#157  by: Truth   

The only relevant fraternities:

Top Tier: ZBT, Sig Chi, Sig Ep, SAE
2nd Tier: Lambda Chi, Pi Kapp, Beta, Sigma Nu

By: Truth
by: nice try Jun 19, 2013 9:12:31 PM

Nice try there Pi Kapp ;) lmfao

By: nice try
by: ^Jun 24, 2013 10:26:42 PM

Don't see anything wrong here....

By: ^
#158  by: zbt   

stop calling us goobers it hurts our feelings

By: zbt
#159  by: ^^^   


By: ^^^
#160  by: rising   

From what I've seen/heard, these are the houses that are RISING (doesn't mean they're gonna be top tier, just means that they are slowly rising)

Sig Ep - rising thanks to great pledge class and the fact that SAE & ZBT were on probation earlier; extremely close to A Phi

Sig Chi - rising thanks to solid pledge class as well as the fact that SAE & ZBT were on probation; lots of attractive women at their parties

Lambda - rising thanks to pretty solid pledge class; extremely nice guys who have been throwing good parties; always a lot of people at their parties

Beta - rising thanks to solid pledge class; good looking group of guys; very close to G Phi; each pledge class is definitely getting better and better

Pi Kapp - rising thanks to solid pledge class; lots of out of staters from the South & east coast, very traditional and involved on campus

Theta Xi - rising thanks to pretty solid pledge class; a lot of Europeans and pretty boys; very talented (Zain) who helps the house out a lot thanks to his performances at the philanthropies

These are just the houses that I think are rising; All the other houses are either stagnant or falling. Feel free to comment if you disagree.

By: rising
by: lolJun 22, 2013 2:58:01 AM

That Zain kid shouldn't be in greek life, just like the rest of the Theta Xi house shouldn't be in greek life. Kid should of joined Theater or something.

By: lol
by: AndJun 22, 2013 3:00:09 AM

if you're calling Pi Kapp traditional I suggest you go take a trip to other fraternities elsewhere. Besides their hazing, nothing is traditional about that house.

By: And
by: AgreeJun 22, 2013 3:03:05 AM

Agree with only Lambda. Rest of the houses are stagnant and I wont consider the self-rating Theta Xi's a house let alone allow them to be called a 'rising' house.

By: Agree

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