fraternity comments
by: GR AdministratorUniversity of California, Los Angeles - UCLA General Fraternity Comments
#142by: yep yep
quoting "topppp" from an early post:
"top houses:
1. sig chi - nice guys, a lot of christians. not a whole lot of bad to say. a lot of girls go here to pre game so they shut down early.
2. zbt - hit or miss--a lot of cool athletes but they also bid a lot of goobers. also got in trouble for their recent antics in a youtube video. we'll see if they last on the row
3. sig ep - only "top" house who seems to stay out of trouble, known as the chiller house. a lot of cool guys--definitely had the best pledge class. got lucky with all the other houses in trouble to get such sicks kids
4. sae - not what they used to be. definitely an undisputed top house at one point, but weak pledge classes + constant social pro has taken this house down a notch."
As real as you get!
#143by: frafratfrat
with almost all the top houses off of prob: it's looking like sigma chi, sigep, and sae will rule
zbt will still go hard but they're skating on thin ice which is unfortunate...still definitely a top house but things are they're gonna have to be low-key thanks to their antics last quarter!
#147by: agreeeed
quoting "topppp" from an early post:
"top houses:
1. sig chi - nice guys, a lot of christians. not a whole lot of bad to say. a lot of girls go here to pre game so they shut down early.
2. zbt - hit or miss--a lot of cool athletes but they also bid a lot of goobers. also got in trouble for their recent antics in a youtube video. we'll see if they last on the row
3. sig ep - only "top" house who seems to stay out of trouble, known as the chiller house. a lot of cool guys--definitely had the best pledge class. got lucky with all the other houses in trouble to get such sicks kids
4. sae - not what they used to be. definitely an undisputed top house at one point, but weak pledge classes + constant social pro has taken this house down a notch."
^^^^very hard to disagree with this!
#148by: lehgo my eggo
swerveee. sae is off the row soon those dBags mess up too much. their last pc suckss too hahaaa. zbt--im shmacked! prez got impeached cause of that ishhh. don't even consider these top housesss. the cutest girls now only head to sigma chi and sigep. sig ep is full of stoners but they're chillllll. their freshman are pretty tight. spring pledges are kindaaa wack though. sigma chi has dopeee older guys. younger guys idk though. girls seem to like the house so whatever. beta and lamda are middle tier. not top houses but have nice guys. don't rage hard or pull beeezys though! so ya here da rankings
sigmachi/sigep top tier. (some consider zbt and sae but depends who you talkin to)
#149by: ....
^^^ im sorry but by far the top two houses on the row are ZBT and SAE
the top two houses are definitely those two without question. other houses like to make up reasons why they shouldnt be or aren't but when it comes down to it they are. those two frats get all the top sororities, have the best parties and so forth. sig ep and sig chi come after those two and all 4 make up the top tier.
a break down on the houses:
ZBT and SAE are both the super fratty houses. muscular hot guys, amazing parties, top sororities pretty similar overall cept ZBT tends to have more actual athletes and SAE has guys that look like athletes cuz theyre ripped.
Sig ep are the chillers/ stoners but r pretty cool and have good parties as well. sig chi are nice guys, try a little too hard but overall still a good house with cool guys
trust me im in a top sorority here and im just being 100% honest.
#150by: nananana
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