fraternity comments
by: GR AdministratorUniversity of California, Los Angeles - UCLA General Fraternity Comments
#121by: fashoooo
we all know the top tier--sae/zbt/sig chi/sig ep
You can't really distinguish within the tier though...they all offer something different.
sae/zbt--more of the meatheads...typical frat boys. sae if you're looking for a bit more tradition
sigep/sigchi--both a bit more low key, sigep is known as the "chiller" fraternity...they love the greeeen, while all sigma chi's embrace the frat attire---they can all be seen wearing chubbies, sperrys, and likely a polo shirt
#126by: top house review
heres the top houses and what i think
1. ZBT- Hot attractive Athletes, cool guys, really fun, alpha type personalities
2. Sig Chi- Hot regular type guys, kinda all shorter, nice guys though
3. SAE- hot guys, kinda reserved, not super outgoing or friendly though
4. Sig Ep- decent looking overall, not the best structured house for parties, chillers
#127by: toppp
top houses:
1. sig chi - nice guys, a lot of christians. not a whole lot of bad to say. a lot of girls go here to pre game so they shut down early.
2. zbt - hit or miss--a lot of cool athletes but they also bid a lot of goobers. also got in trouble for their recent antics in a youtube video. we'll see if they last on the row
3. sig ep - only "top" house who seems to stay out of trouble, known as the chiller house. a lot of cool guys--definitely had the best pledge class. got lucky with all the other houses in trouble to get such sicks kids
4. sae - not what they used to be. definitely an undisputed top house at one point, but weak pledge classes + constant social pro has taken this house down a notch.
#128by: tophouses?
#129by: Sorry sig ep
Definitely not
sig ep wasn't even that great until this year
The only reason they have a good rep now is cuz the other houses have been in trouble
Once they're all off sanctions and probation I can gaurantee u sig ep won't even compare to the other 3 houses. It's not even the top house now even with the other 3 not in the clear
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by: At least
They did -#17 and didn't call everyone past #8 bottom tier.