
fraternity comments


University of California, Los Angeles - UCLA General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 13 of 17

we all know the top tier--sae/zbt/sig chi/sig ep

You can't really distinguish within the tier though...they all offer something different.

sae/zbt--more of the meatheads...typical frat boys. sae if you're looking for a bit more tradition
sigep/sigchi--both a bit more low key, sigep is known as the "chiller" fraternity...they love the greeeen, while all sigma chi's embrace the frat attire---they can all be seen wearing chubbies, sperrys, and likely a polo shirt

By: fashoooo

updated for 2013


1. ZBT

2. Sigma Chi

3. SAE

4. SigEp

5. SigNu

6. Beta

7. Lambda Chi

8. Pi Kapp

9. DTD

10. Sig Pi

11. Theta Xi

12. Pike

13. Theta Chi

14. AEPi

15. Delta Sig

16. Triangle

17. Phi Delt

By: hitlerdidnothingwron

it's dumb to do #1-#17 rankings...
there's tiers, but it's impossible to tell the difference within the tier

Top: ZBT / Sigma Chi / SAE / SigEp

Middle: SigNu / Beta / Lambda Chi / Pi Kapp

Bottom: the rest

By: pointless
by: At least   

They did -#17 and didn't call everyone past #8 bottom tier.

By: At least
by: ehh   

well are any of the other fraternities even relevant?

By: ehh
by: ^   

I'm sure there are more than 8 that are.

By: ^

see ya later zbt. you guys had a good run!

By: bye bye

ZBT - douchey/bro-ey
Sig Chi - hottest guys
SAE - a lot of weirdly short guys...
Sig Ep - cute

everyone else is irrelevant

By: honest

heres the top houses and what i think
1. ZBT- Hot attractive Athletes, cool guys, really fun, alpha type personalities
2. Sig Chi- Hot regular type guys, kinda all shorter, nice guys though
3. SAE- hot guys, kinda reserved, not super outgoing or friendly though
4. Sig Ep- decent looking overall, not the best structured house for parties, chillers

By: top house review

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top houses:

1. sig chi - nice guys, a lot of christians. not a whole lot of bad to say. a lot of girls go here to pre game so they shut down early.
2. zbt - hit or miss--a lot of cool athletes but they also bid a lot of goobers. also got in trouble for their recent antics in a youtube video. we'll see if they last on the row
3. sig ep - only "top" house who seems to stay out of trouble, known as the chiller house. a lot of cool guys--definitely had the best pledge class. got lucky with all the other houses in trouble to get such sicks kids
4. sae - not what they used to be. definitely an undisputed top house at one point, but weak pledge classes + constant social pro has taken this house down a notch.

By: toppp
by: sorority gal   

most true ranking i've seen yet

By: sorority gal

I can only see Sigep staying top, the other three ... well sorry boys.

By: tophouses?

Definitely not
sig ep wasn't even that great until this year
The only reason they have a good rep now is cuz the other houses have been in trouble
Once they're all off sanctions and probation I can gaurantee u sig ep won't even compare to the other 3 houses. It's not even the top house now even with the other 3 not in the clear

By: Sorry sig ep
by: naaa hater..   

they are def top (or somewhere up there) at the moment..they're the only ones that can do anything since they arent on social pro. their pledge class was pretty sick this past fall..it's kinda surprising they didn't get a pc for winter. maybe therell be a spring rush or something and theyll bounce back. even when all the others are back (zbt and sae look like they'll be screwed for a longg time), it's pretty safe to say theyll still be up in that "top tier"

By: naaa hater..

yeah i agree theyll def be in the top teir for sure but theyre not number 1

By: agreed

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