
fraternity comments


University of California, Los Angeles - UCLA General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 10 of 17

Anyone who argues against sae, sigep, sig chi, and zbt being top tier does not know what they're talking about. The attractive girls seriously only kick it with these 4 fraternities. The only reason anyone would join any other fraternity is if they didn't get a bid at one of those 3 (not counting sae since fall rush got cancelled). Nice try lamda and beta..you're on the rise, but no where near a top house. Gonna need some better pledge classes

By: ha

why did fall rush get cancelled?
btw i hungout at sae during the summer
all the boys are good looking and fun
for sure a top house

By: sae

Everything on this website should be taken with a grain of salt. There's a clear divide with 4 top houses (sig ep, zbt, sae, sig chi), and then the houses below them. There's a ton of BS on this site that just isn't true, but it's definitely a fact that these fraternities get the hottest girls and throw the biggest parties

By: frat
by: true   

True there is a lot of BS. It's also BS though that the other houses don't get hot girls. There's hot girls in every sorority. It's also BS that now those 4 throw the biggest parties. All except SigEp are on social probation and will be for a while. Realistically SAE and ZBT are getting kicked off soon. Other frats are comin up

By: true
by: frat   

"true," you're delusional. If you're going to sit here and argue that you're more satisfied with the handful of attractive girls in each lower sorority, as opposed to the top sororities where that's the standard, then have fun with that and continue posting the same old tired comments on this website as if that's somehow going to change anything. Also, if you think that social probation stops the top fraternities from partying then you really have no concept of ucla greek life. Do you think the hot girls just stop going out on Thursdays to wait out the probation of the top fraternities? And lastly, any talk about any fraternity getting kicked off the row is all speculation, but I especially enjoyed your ominous promise that other frats are coming up. By all means though, keep on hating and hoping all you want that top frats fall similarly to phi psi, but just realize that phi psi wasn't shut down by the university, it was by their own national fraternity. As long as ucla fraternities don't do anything drastically out of control, and as long as they have continued support from their national fraternity, they aren't going anywhere

By: frat

Realistically, what are the chances ZBT/SAE get kicked off the row?

By: Question
by: straight   

Well SAE hasn't gotten their SOE points for a while and after their dealings during rush and not even being able to have rush as a result there's definitely a chance they'll be kicked off or at least go wayyyyy downhill. There's no longer spring rush at UCLA and getting just one bad pledge class or heaven forbid not even having a pledge class can really affect a frat.... ZBT has just become notoriously ridiculous in their hazing and the IFC knows it and they're on social probation so if they're not careful there's definitely a chance they could see themselves off the row. Haha every frat everywhere has a lifecycle. You'd be hard pressed to find a frat anywhere that hasn't at least been kicked off once

By: straight

SAE -- ZBT -- Sigma Chi -- SigEp

Not in one of these? Have fun with the lower-tier sororities

SAE will keep strong. they have a lineup of guys just waiting for winter rush to start

By: top four

who do you guys think had the best pledge classes this quarter?

during row walks i liked sigma chi/sig ep the best, lambda was surprisingly okay
zbt disappointing


By: greeeeklyfe
by: well   

Sigma Chi's was super small and SigEp was chill. ZBT definitely disappointing (goin downhill with social probation) and SAE well..... Theta Xi had the biggest pledge class with some 40+ guys and they're surprisingly solid... Lambda was okay as well

By: well

funny joke, when is the last time SAE, Sig Chi or even ZBT had a big party? cause of social prob all they do is drink with each other and a few girls at their houses..lame. Sig Ep has parties but that's about it
and this is a girl btw


Since when is theta xi middle tier? Let's see whose quarterly does better sigma pi or theta xi. I'm not in a house but to say theta xi is mid is a bunch of bs

By: ?
by: ??   

You're not in a house and you feel entitled to comment on any house? Well thats a bunch of bs

By: ??

rumor on the row is sae nationals made ucla chapter cut some of their brothers? don't see how this could be true but everyone on the row is saying it...any clarification ?

By: socialprobation

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by: Wow   

Thatd be crazy. Along with DKE, SAE have some of the most hardcore/nonintervening nationals in the nation. Those guys would have to really screw up badly, to get cleaned out.

By: Wow

lol at how 5+ sigma chi seniors came out of the closet last year. thought it was a joke but current SX's have confirmed

By: sigmachillers
by: haha   

Yep it's true

By: haha

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