
what are the real sorority rankings here?


What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
Page 9 of 9

This post is from 2012 !!! We were all literally in high school maybe even middle school hahahahaha

No wonder it makes no sense !!

By: Wtf

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this fall (2017) the rankings have changed a bit since this website has last been updated
Top Tier:
Alpha Phi (fakest personalities), Theta (athletes)
KKG (did not have that good of recruitment year) DG (nice girls)
Middle Tier:
ADPi (good pledge class/sweetest girls), PiPhi(partiers), GPHi (highest GPA on the row), ChiO(does not have a good sisterhood/members do not go to events)
Lower Tier
AChiO, KD, AGD (least desirable all the way around)

By: queen008
by: 3095   

100% correct

By: 3095
by: lol   

Hi adpi!

By: lol
by: Lol   

Really Adpi?
You’re in the bottom with KD

By: Lol

Seriously? These posts are 5 years old. Who is bumping them??!! Sad.

By: Top 4 sororitys

First off everyone has different rankings for top tier sororitys, middle sororitys, and low sororitys. Overall this is the general consensus at Ucla:

Aphi - known for the pretty girls. Don’t really party that much.
Theta- generally the sporty, fun girls
Pi phi- diverse, chill, party girls
DG- chill girls

Kappa - sorry but you have gone down hill since your last pledge class. Not cute

Chi o- nice girls

Honestly the rest don’t matter if you want a social life

By: Greek girl
by: Lollll   

This is a joke. Hi pi phi

By: Lollll

First off everyone has different rankings for top tier sororitys, middle sororitys, and low sororitys. Overall this is the general consensus at Ucla:

Aphi - known for the pretty girls. Don’t really party that much.
Theta- generally the sporty, fun girls
Pi phi- diverse, chill, party girls
DG- chill girls

Kappa - sorry but you have gone down hill since your last pledge class. Not cute

Chi o- nice girls

Honestly the rest don’t matter if you want a social life

By: Greek girl

First off everyone has different rankings for top tier sororitys, middle sororitys, and low sororitys. Overall this is the general consensus at Ucla:

Aphi - known for the pretty girls. Don’t really party that much.
Theta- generally the sporty, fun girls
Pi phi- diverse, chill, party girls
DG- chill girls

Kappa - sorry but you have gone down hill since your last pledge class. Not cute

Chi o- nice girls

Honestly the rest don’t matter if you want a social life

By: Greekgirl

Aphi/ kappa/ theta

Chi o

Pi phi


By: Real


Kkg / alpha phi


Chi o
Pi beta phi


Kappa delta

By: Truth
by: Yaaa   

This is accurate besides for that I don’t see a lot of difference between kappa and theta. besides maybe their overall stereotypes. Both houses have chill hot girls and they tend to hangout with each other a lot. (They even had a joined kite and key date party last year)

By: Yaaa

The houses vary from year to year but the reality is that no house in the top 3 is going to be replaced by a bottom house unless something happens like they get put on probation and don’t get a pledge class. So to all the posts about other houses moving up LOL

Top houses:

Theta/ kkg/ aphi: (all great houses and the order is dependent on who you ask. honestly you should choose where you fit best because you’re going to have the same social status regardless. I know girls from all three houses and if you weren’t told what house they were in prior then you probably wouldn’t be able to guess)

Dg: barely under the top 3 and so many cool funny awesome girls. Super common to hear girls in the top 3 saying they were torn between their house and dg

Middle houses:

(Cool smart girls tend to be less into partying )

Chi omega
Pi phi

Bottom houses:

(Still some really cool girls but less social life)

Adpi/ agd

Regardless of where you end up the rush process is tailored to make every pnm fit in where they belong. Don’t be so worried about rankings and focus on where you feel the most comfortable.

By: Rush lols

Here is a brutally honest opinion of the houses and as of Fall 2018 pledge classes, most people would rank:

1. Alpha Phi- ~chill~, more diverse this year, talent (sports, entertainment, etc), always strong pc, top frats love them, will be seen hanging at DJ table (Sigma Chi)
2. Theta- ~bubbly~, usually blonde, super fun, high energy, moved up this year, super strong pc, dancing on platform, tight knit group, they know how to have fun, theta can also be seen as tied with aphi (SigEp)
3. DG- very fun, down to earth, trendy, partiers, smart, middle of dance circle usually (mixes w top frats)
4. Kappa- also very blonde, either super sweet or extremely stuck up, dropped down this year, competitive and about looks (SAE)
5. Pi Phi- ~wild~, high energy and crazy fun, seen dancing on platforms, top of middle tier(SAE and sig ep and ZBT)
6. Chi O- ~bros~ as they call themselves, crazy and wild girls but clean up nicely (ZBT, phi psi, beta)
7. G Phi- interesting group of girls but this pc is definitely the best we’ve seen in a while (beta)
8. AdPi- down to earth fun to talk to not really partiers, smart (DTD)
9. KD- social climbers, top of bottom tier
10. AXO- not most social girls
11. AGD- bottom

By: MyOpinion

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