
going into rush


Sig Chi/SAE/ZBT/Sig Ep
Lambda/Beta/Sig Nu/AEPi/Pi Kapp
Sig Pi/Theta Xi
Phi Psi/Theta Chi

Posted By: ooooh
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very accurate

By: great

If you're putting Theta Xi that high and DTD that low, you're out of your mind kiddo. Move DTD up to Sig Pi's level or Theta Chi/Phi Psi and drop Theta Xi below Theta Chi/Phi Psi

By: Lmao

DTD should def be way higher

By: whuut

spot on

By: spot

PiKapp are losing their house next year. They're on the verge of being irrelevant
PhiPsi is making big moves up, and SigNu is about to replace ZBT at the top
DTD have events with solid sororities, way better than Triangle, Theta Chi, Sig Pi or Theta Xi...
Lambda and Beta should have their own section along with Sig Nu.
Theta Chi and Theta Xi havent had an event with a single sorority that they haven't fronted most of the money.
Sammy was literally giving rush tours from the front of a garage two years ago. I mean come on...
So much wrong with this list

By: Lol

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by: Interesting   

Why is Pi Kapp losing their house?
Phi Psi is moving up really fast for such a new house, and Sig Nu is solid. But Sig Nu replacing ZBT? I don't know about that one.
DTD has been destroying things too.
Lambda/Beta/Sig Nu section is pretty much universally accepted, agree with you
Theta Xi is a joke, Theta Chi less of one
Poor Sammy lmao

By: Interesting

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