
Future PNMs Rushing !!


Ranking + reasons for rushing

Pi Phi, Theta, Kappa- If you’re looking for a house that is top over all, pretty girls but strict on grades and strict on involvement these are probably what you’re looking for. Descent sisterhood as well
Tri Delt, APhi- Also pretty girls, known for more of their party reputation. Not as strict with grades but still selective and relatively sought after by girls rushing
Chi O, DG- Absolutely great sisterhood, pretty good looking girls, very down to earth but not as social as the others above. Solid place to be!
AXO, KD- Nice girls, sisterhood is slightly lacking but not a bad place to be. Solid houses but some issues with members dropping
Zeta- Was a good house but has slowly gone down hill. Theres a bad reputation on campus but from what i’ve seen the girls in the chapter look happy with their decision. Not strict with grades
AXID, ADPI- Sweet girls, very diverse which is amazing. Not as strict on grades, issues with members dropping but theres still a lot of happy people in their chapters and theres nothing wrong with rushing them!

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Bump this rank

By: Bump

This maybe tge only rank l agree with

By: This

I would put axo up with chi o. They’ve had some sisterhood issues in the past, but they’ve really committed themselves to fixing them. Their new pc is closer than ever. Still not top level yet, but they’re definitely rising there.

By: .
by: Lol   

There is no way AXO is anywhere near xo
One year without a zillion drops does’t fix their issues. Just like adpi making quota one semester out of what, 20, fixes theirs.

By: Lol
by: Tbh   

I agree

By: Tbh
by: No no no    

AXO Lower mid
Their house is weird
Entry stairs & little doorway looks like a birth canal IMO LOL
Once you see it you can’t unsee

By: No no no

Bumping cause the bs ranks are starting to get posted, and this is the rank

By: Bumping

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Yeah this is the tank

By: Yeah

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