

by: Pnm

Which sororities actually haze and what kind of stories are there since I've heard that some or all chapters haze from different people?

Posted By: Pnm
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#1  by: ttu   

I've heard rumors about frats hazing, but to my knowledge, no sororities haze and they're very strict on that.

By: ttu
by: Not fun!Oct 2, 2017 3:22:10 PM

I call BS on that! Check online for the last 2 years.

By: Not fun!
#2  by: Hey   

Sororities don't haze at all. As an active in a sorority at tech, the closest thing I've had to hazing is having to learn when/ where/ and by who our sorority was founded. Even then, they served cookies and read it to us. You'll be treated like a princess, don't worry.

By: Hey
by: PnmJul 28, 2017 2:16:26 AM

Really? Cause I heard that tri delt hazes. One of my friends who's in a frat told me about his friend going through sorority recruitment and how she dropped out cause she couldn't take it anymore

By: Pnm
by: noJul 28, 2017 7:19:00 AM

Tri delt doesn't haze, and neither does pi phi. If anyone tries telling you sororities haze don't listen to them. We love the new PC so much that we wouldn't put our whole chapter at risk by doing something stupid liike that

By: no
by: Super old newsJul 29, 2017 10:18:47 AM

Yes tri delt had a hazing incident way back before any of us came here. But they wouldn't do that now, completely different people in the house. Same as pi phi. They know better than to haze even if they wanted to. No one on campus currently hazes, I would laugh if my sorority ever tried to haze me.

By: Super old news
#3  by: hmmm   

Pi Phi

By: hmmm
by: PnmJul 28, 2017 2:14:35 AM

What does pi phi do?

By: Pnm
#4  by: Well   

Define hazing?
National fraternity & sororitys are so afraid of getting in trouble now, that houses are getting in trouble for what many think are ridiculous things.
Some sororitys no longer require study hall requirement cause it's hazing
Some frats think having pledges DD Iis hazing..
Of course members need to be protected, but the pendulum is swinging so far that all houses are probably doing something someone considers hazing. Then their mommy calls someone and boom, no more making pledges wear the same shirt & your on probation.\n\n\n\n\n

By: Well
#5  by: Redbull   

Personal servant is a proper definition of hazing, so how can anyone reason the the DD programs are not hazing?

No matter how "noble" DD or other programs are, hazing is very plainly defined and the DD programs break every hazing law.

By: Redbull
by: ddOct 2, 2017 2:23:25 PM

IFC has a DDing form on their website for people to apply. It is hazing by definition, but it saves peoples lives.

By: dd
by: HazeOct 2, 2017 8:06:02 PM

DD is hazing IMO when the pledge is being berated by drunk actives.
Hide behind saving lives (call UBER), but when you tell a pledge they can't go out because they HAVE to DD, and then an active berates the pledge driving you, you puke in their car, you are hazing.
Looking at you PD
Student conduct should look into this....
Why aren't they?

By: Haze
#6  by: Not fun!   

Go online and Google news reports under ‘Sorority Hazing’ or the name of the sorority with ‘Hazing’. If you see several articles about a particular sorority hazing, then keep your wits about you and don’t get stupidly drunk. It might be more accepted than thought.

I don’t think that there is a chapter of ANY sorority that isn’t on social/national probation or hasn’t been recently shut down because of some form of hazing.

Go online to the national organization’s website or the National Panhellenic Council for more information on what constitutes hazing. I have seen it some sorority’s heading under ‘To the Parents’ and ‘Position on Hazing’. The Panhellenic Council has a record of any chapter with a current history of hazing. TT to the best of my knowledge doesn’t have a hazing sorority. ANYTHING that makes you feel uncomfortable, gives you the right to voice your concerns. Take care of yourself.

By: Not fun!

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