
to clarify the last ranking....


DG/KKG/SK depending on the type of person you are
ADPi (barely lower than ChiO)

- DG and KKG have different vibes but go hard yet are also heavily stigmatized while SK can be just weird and not look the best
-SDT and PiPhi are very different, but depending on what kind of person youd rather hang out with, youll rank one above the other.

Posted By: alright
Page 1 of 2

AEPhi you literally did worse than SDT this year. Like that was a thing everyone was talking about, everyone was shocked that SDT beat out AEPhi and AEPhi tanked so hard. I can't stand SDT (screw hazing) and even I can admit that. You look so dumb putting your horrible pledge class above Chi O/ADPi/KD/SDT's. In fact, I'd say Pi Phi's PC was better than yours.

This is accurate:

DG/KKG/SK depending on the type of person you are

By: girl
by: 7famk   

Agree with this rank, although Pi Phi is better than SDT at this point. SDT got the better pledge class but after the hazing incident and losing their house, it doesn't make a difference.

By: 7famk
by: Rofl   

Bragging about mixing with pi kapp? Thats how you lose your credibility sister.

By: Rofl
by: LOLZ   



AEPhi this is jokes. You were even worse than SDT in rush this year and everyone knows about it.

By: 7famk

Alpha phi is not any better than DG... Certainly not any more attractive. In fact, less so if anything.

By: Guy

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AEPhi has some really weird vendetta against chi o and adpi...like just because literally everyone would rather hang out with/rush them doesn't mean you need to come on here and try and make them look bad.

By: No

Everyone knows AEPhi is a crappy chapter... But in past years they always beat out SDT, then this last year SDT got the better pledge class. Chi O, ADPi and even KD are significantly more prestigious.

By: hey

Lol @ alpha phi thinking they're better than DG.

by: Girl POV   

Lol at you thinking you still matter.

By: Girl POV

1. Alpha Phi is better than DG, 99% of people on campus think so. The other 1% are the seniors in Pike. DG is still good but it's obvious which is better by most standards.

2. I have mixed sufficiently enough with ADPi and KD to say that I really can't tell the difference between their pledge classes.

3. Despite the hazing situation, I'd still mix with SDT over AEPhi. AEPhi has hot older girls but their pledges are unusually bad this year.

By: not pike
by: no offense   

but if you'd rather mix with SDT you are not in a good fraternity. AEPhi juniors and sophomores are epic. anyone that thinks otherwise is crazy. people would rather go to AEPhi parties than SDT, ADPi or KD.

By: no offense
by: no   

"Epic" is not the right word at all.. "decent" is correct. I'd rather mix with aephi than sdt overall but if it's JUST based on the pledge classes id choose sdt's. aephi really is not a good sorority, I dont know any fraternity besides aepi who no longer exist that ever got excited by them. to me they're bottom tier.

By: no
by: Lol   

Not pike is a sigma chi. He is insecure because alpha phi mixes with them but dg doesn't. The fact alpha phi hangs out with sigma chi is a huge red flag in my view.

By: Lol
by: ha   

Alpha Phi is respected so much because they are open to everyone and mix with everyone (except the major creeps like tke). That's part of what makes the whole campus like them. The sororitys that WON'T mix with mid tier frats are a red flag in my opinion. I couldn't name a top tier frat that won't mix with mid tier sororitys. DG is the only one that turns up their noses to non Pike/Sig Eps

By: ha
by: @ha   

Umm no. Alpha phi mixing with pi kapp and sigma chi is the equivalent of pike or sig ep hanging around with KDs and ADPis. Which is laugh out loud just to think about. DG actually has standards which is a good thing.

By: @ha
by: 00   

Sig Ep just had a mixer with KD like a week ago, and Pike & ADPi mix too so your point is not valid...

By: 00

Sigma chi does not hangout with KD outside Greek Week. Standards? Are you serious? No frat respects DG except Pike upperclassmen.

By: Girl POV
by: ?   

Sig Ep hangs out with DG all the time now. Phi psi does too

By: ?
by: --   

Phi Psi and Sig Ep also hang out with other sororities that are upper or middle tier. Every "top" chapter (frat or sorority) mixes with middle tiers, DG is the only one that refuses to. It contributes to their horrible reputation.

By: --
by: yes   

^^ correct

I know Pikes and SIg Eps hang out with mid tiers like KD and ADPi, and top tiers like Aphi and SK hang out with Pi Kapp and Sigma Chi. DGs have their heads up their asses and are literally mean to anyone that isn't DG/Sig Ep/Phi Psi/Pike. It's sad and makes them the opposite of classy.

By: yes
by: Uhhh   

Pike and sig ep do not hang out with adpi or kd. They barely even hang out with kappa or chi o.

By: Uhhh
by: w   

there are always KDs and Kappas at pike parties, and sig ep has strong ties to adpi.

Believe it or not DG, upper tier frats do hang out with people besides you.

By: w
by: fro   

I can confirm that KD mixed with sig ep recently and that sig eps also like adpi. only DGs are unwilling to mix with non-top fraternities. whether that is good or bad i dont really care, just saying.

By: fro

Phi Psi and DG sophomores and juniors are tight as hell so definitely not just Pike upperclassmen. Sig Ep chills with DG too.

The best pledge class out of any sorority are the DG juniors - 100%, no arguing. They have some of the hottest girls at GW in the class who are fun and nice as hell.

By: well...
by: You sure?   

Idk those Pi Phi Seniors could really give them DG jr's a run for their $`

By: You sure?
by: --   

DG juniors are 2nd to Alpha Phi's sophomores.

By: --
by: yes   

1. Aphi Sophomores
2. DG juniors
3. KKG sophomores

Top 3 classes here. DG and APhi freshmen get honorable mentions but both lost a lot to Chi O/KKG/Sk and don't compare to the above 3.

By: yes
by: Frat   

No other pledge class on campus comes close to the DG juniors....

By: Frat
by: fro   

aphi sophomores are better but dg juniors are 2nd.

By: fro

aephi this is a joke, you are bottom tier.

1. aphi
2.3.4. sk/kkg/dg
5. chi o
6. adpi
7. kd
8. pi phi
9. aephi
10. sdt
11. phi sig

By: w
by: Duude   

Perfectly accurate!

By: Duude
by: ?   

Thanks alpha phi?

By: ?
by: fro   

adpi and kd are both better than aephi, pi phi, sdt, and phi sig. This is coming from a guy who is "upper" tier. aephi used to be better but their pledge class is awful this year

By: fro
by: get it right   

chi o
phi sig/pi phi/sdt

By: get it right

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