
spring rush


What's the verdict on Spring rush for frats? How'd everyone do?

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Pike took a lot of decent kids
phi psi took a few good kids
sig ep took a few good kids
pikapp took a lot of weenies
sigma chi took a lot of weenies
kappa sig took all the weenies

By: accurate

Phi Psi seems like it did really, really well. Sig Ep took a really small class but the guys they got seem good. Sigma Chi took some weird guys.

Those are the only three I know of.

By: .

Pike got lucky. They got a lot of guys to rush on the basis that they thought it would be easy to get in, so they had a lot to pick from.

Sig Ep took a few really good ones, same with Phi Psi.

Pi Kapp did about average for their standards.

Kappa Sig did well for their standards.

Idk others.

By: -
by: @-   

Thats not really luck, thats making the best of a bad situation.

By: @-

Pike did decent, considering how badly they did in the fall.
SigEp barely took anyone, but they're solid guys, as was expected.
PiKapp took classic PiKapp kids... Solid but nothing special.
Sigma Chi dropped the ball in rush this semester... Some very very cool good looking kids, and then a lot of weird kids.
Kappa Sigma actually took a very solid pledge class... The two rowers who took bids aren't going to be pledges until the fall, but solid spring guys.

By: List
by: Phi Psi   

Did very well

By: Phi Psi
by: Lol   

Sigma Chi's PC is all squids... Not sure where you're getting the "very very cool good looking" kids part from.

By: Lol
by: hahahhaha   

are you serious Sigma Chi? You're pledge class is weirder than ever Pi Kapp stole every single one of your normal kids

By: hahahhaha

Pike- Did as poorly as people thought. Brothers themselves started to call it "nerd rush" and that they were just trying to get kids to boost their horrible gpa from their fall class, but realistically Pike just got really weird kids at rush. Took Sig Ep and Pi Kapp spring rushee rejects. No one wants to be associated with Pike anymore.
Sig Ep- Very selective and took kids that although may be douchey, fit in with Sig Ep perfectly. Stole most of Pike's recruits.
Phi Psi- Got a lot of good kids who fit in with Phi Psi
Pi Kapp- Probably got one of the biggest rush crowds and had to cut a ton. Just as last semester they did really well despite the hate they get
Sigma Chi- Got all their good recruits stolen by mainly Pi Kapp but also a few others. They claim they are pumped for their spring pledge class but who really knows

By: truth
by: ?   

Thanks pikapp?

By: ?
by: accurate   

ehh this is pretty accurate sig ep killed it but also I think Pike got recruits stole by Phi Psi as well mainly Sig ep though but I do know for a fact Pi Kapp took some from Pike also. Sig el's rush crowd was smaller but it was more specific and very competitive. Phi Psi had a good crowd mostly guys who like Sig ep already knew they wanted to join there. Pi Kapp supposedly had a lot of kids and kept like 10 of them. Sigma Chi had a lot of people come who rushed else where.

By: accurate
by: Thank you   

to this poster. Pike crapped the bed once again and it is actually a fact that sigep, phi psi, and yes, even pikapp stole their top recruits while they were forced to extend bids to many of their rejects. I even have freshmen friends who weren't invited back anywhere but Pike.

By: Thank you

...Sig Ep and Phi Psi did the best?

Sigma Chi probably did the worst out of the relevant fraternities. I'd imagine Pi Kapp's class is just a bunch of typical pikapps. I heard KS did a decent job too

I'd like to see a picture of Pike's class...i heard they got around 15 guys, but we'll see how many of them stick with it. might have em all drop like the fall.

By: so...
by: Phi psi   

Did better than sig ep. Sig ep only took four or five guys.
They both got good guys, sig ep just got less of them. Spring rush isn't too important though. They both have done well this year overall.

By: Phi psi

What is everyone making these judgements on? Sheer looks? Are you kidding me..? If so, Phi Psi's PC sucks..Pike took a bunch of losers..SigChi's PC sucks..PiKapp is awful..and SigEp blows too. Clearly, no one did well this spring round!

By: truth

Literally half of you guys are just making this up as you go along. There is no way you could have seen everyone's PC in a matter of days, unless you're a stalker (which honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point)

People know sigma chi and phi psi because they put their photos up on social media... The rest I have no clue about but sig ep always takes small classes so im not surprised they did again. Pike and pi kapp usually take bigger spring classes to pad their gpa

By: Lol

Phi Psi's PC looks a little weird but they also did really well in the fall and never recruit all that hard for the spring
Sig Ep didn't take many kids at all but all of them fit in with Sig Ep. I really like the few I have met.
Pi Kapp's PC seems to be popular I've personally met a few and they were awesome
PIKE- Got a big PC but it is more quantity over quality for them as this point. They did get a few good guys but the rest do not fit in and are awkward
Sigma Chi- Lol got their good recruits stolen
Kappa Sig- I have no idea but I'm sure they did alright for what they wanted

By: yaaaa

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Honestly it was a weak spring rush... Even by spring standards. I don't get why some of these other fraternities take so many people.

By: Nope
by: Agreed   

probably why phipsi and sigpep took so few kids

By: Agreed
by: PhiPsi   

Took 12.

By: PhiPsi
by: nope   

their pledge class picture had only 8 guys...so i doubt they took 12

By: nope
by: Yup   

They gave 12 and 8 accepted.

By: Yup

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