
guys spring rush?


Will a lot of recruiting or dirty rushing go on the first few weeks? Who will be the most intense during rush and whats different about Spring compared to Fall?

Posted By: freshman
Page 1 of 2

SigEp, PiKapp, and Phi Psi will probably be the fraternities most rushes will really want (Pike will probably have to convince rushes to come to them). I've never rushed so I can't personally speak as to how exactly it works but I know spring rush means much small pledge classes but about the same process. Pretty sure they're generally half the size of the fall class. I'd assume it's a bit more competitive (especially with those 3/4 fraternities). A lot of this thread will turn into guys/girls fighting over the logistics of which frat is better/more reputable than other but I hope this post actually helps you gain some understanding of the process.

By: Realistically
by: ...   

Pike is much, much harder to get into than PiKapp. Part of the reason pike's fall class was small is they rejected a lot of people. They did real bad in the fall but historically get lots of rushees. Its actually pretty common for one of the good fraternities to have a poor rush, same thing happened to phi psi last year.

PiKapp gives some kids bids before recruitment is even finished. They''re easy to get into. They used to be not that popular but this years freshman seem to like them.

Phi Psi/Sigep/Aepi usually do well and are pretty selective.

Spring rush is generally easier to get a bid overall anywhere though.

The "breakdown" poster is accurate. The "realistically" seems like it was written by a girl that doesnt really get it. Phi psi aepi and sig ep usually take 8-9 guys. Pike takes more, and they look more for straight edge guys to balance out their fall guys. Pi Kapp and sigma chi take 15+.

By: ...
by: Realistically   

I was writing this based off the fall turnouts. I agree Pike was/probably still is more challenging to get a bid than PiKapp however (like you said) it looks like the freshmen class likes PiKapp for some reason so I'd estimate they'll have just as large a turnout as say Pike and SigEp. At the end of the day, people aren't rushing and accepting bids at fraternities just for the pride of saying they got into the toughest one.. they're going where the fit in.

By: Realistically
by: Realistically   

I also don't think any fraternities give bids before the final night so I'm not sure how accurate your statement about PiKapp is. AEPi is also taking a lot of heat right now. That may strongly hurt them come spring rush. Otherwise, I'd say your post was fairly accurate.

By: Realistically

To answer your question - yes, to some extent.

Pike always dirty rushes and has a few parties before rush. Pi Kapp usually has one at their townhouse. Aepi has some I think. Sig Ep used to but I dont think does anymore. Phi Psi I have no clue about.

By: ...

accidentally posted this on the wrong discussion but what's pi kapp jungle and pikes peak? are they open parties? And are there any other ones like them for other fraternities?

By: rush parties

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by: Yes   

Yes, but most of these are off campus. I have never heard of Pi Kapp Jungle but Pike's Peak is an open party where rushees are encouraged to go to.

Lots of fraternities will be having off campus parties and im sure freshman will be let in to them since rush is coming up. Fraternities like pike, phi psi and sig ep probably already have guys they're rushing and invite their top recruits to those parties.

By: Yes

Seriously's posts are dead on accurate.

By: Yes

I don't care what anyone says/anyone replies to this.. pikapp is just as appealing to freshmen as SigEp and Phi Psi. Their PC was excellent and APhi and SK love PiKapps. KKG and DG might not as a whole but there are still people in pikapp that are very close with girls in those sororities too.

By: ...
by: KKG   

She has a point. We don't mix with them because whatever but I have a lot of great friends in Pikapp and as much as Pike doesn't want to admit it - They're much higher than sigma chi.

by: .   

Freshman guys in general may like the three fraternities equally because the freshman class is made up of different kinds of guys. The stereotypical "nice guys" go PiKapp, the more balanced, athletic, and a little douchey guys go Sig Ep, and the guys who live to party go PhiPsi. They really don't compete that much for guys. Freshman girls prefer to mix with Sig Ep, then PiKapp, then PhiPsi. They're all good fraternities and they might be the top 3.

By: .
by: ?   

Some girls may like PiKapp for whatever reason but they're definitely not any more competitive with the top frats than Sigma Chi is.

Pi Kapp is a mid tier frat that desperately wants to be a top house, they're slightly more athletic than Sigma Chi. Has a lot of weird guys that are kind of pushed aside at rush. They seem to have less personality than sigma chis.

Sigma Chi seems content where they are and maybe has better parties. They have more money too.

Those are really the only differences.

By: ?
by: @...   

It's amazing that PiKapp gets so much crap from the one and only Pike. In reality no guys rush both. They're very different. PiKapps are genuine guys who all are very close. Pikes are athletes who think very highly of themselves. Most girls would rather party with the PiKapps although some would side with Pike. It's really a toss up but I'm glad this freshmen class can see through all the bull and is siding with PiKapp.

By: @...
by: Guy   

I'm not in either organization, but I think its interesting because last year Pike was really popular with the freshman and this year the freshman seem to not like them. Just goes to show you every year is different.

By: Guy

Not too long ago, people were saying the same things about Sigma Chi that a lot of alpha phis and sks now seem to be posting about PiKapp, that they were seriously on the rise and on the way to the top because they got one or two good pcs. They seriously leveled off and I expect the same thing to happen to PiKapp. Their pledging/recruitment process and weird brothers will probably limit how high they go. They haven't really ever been top tier with the others and this website is the only place I've heard people claim that. It really doesn't matter how much APhi or SK likes them.

By: ?
by: !   

Pi Kapp is doing better at taking higher quality than Sigma Chi, and with the falling of PIKE and Aepi they have a prime opportunity to move up while Sigma Chi was "on the rise" when every top fraternity was on their A game.

By: !
by: Guest   

Pi Kapp didn't really compete with Pike too much at rush to begin with, it was mainly Sig Ep and Phi Psi that rushed the same guys. Little bit AEPi too. Phi Psi is a lot more likely to move up to top tier than Pi Kapp. Its not like sorority rush where people check out everyone. Most guys look at 2 or 3.

By: Guest

Alpha Phi and SK, please talk to me when you're half as hot as DG, and not a second prior to that.

You can go ahead yammering on about your meaningless opinions but then I'll have to go ahead and mark you down as an idiot.

Carry on.

by: -   

I bet this guy never gets laid.

By: -
by: PIKE   

Guarantee you wouldn't see that to my face.

by: -   

I'm a girl. Id happily do it and then laugh in your face too.

By: -

I do think that Pi Kapp is better than Sigma Chi...less weird, more competitive in sports and rush for Phi Psi/SigEp/PIKE. But I still wouldn't place them in the top. I think they'll be the fraternity to enter Top 3 status once PIKE falls (kind of in that process now). They're within the same tier as Sigma Chi, but at the top of that tier.

by Fall Rush 2014 the top three will EASILY be (in no particular order): Pi Kapp, Phi Psi, Sig Ep. If PIKE wants to remain a contender they better kill it at rush this spring (which I sadly don't see happening).

By: seriously
by: ?   

Pi Kapp is not really less weird or more competitive in sports/rush than Sigma Chi. AEPi is less weird, more competitive at rush and sports than PiKapp. They're above PiKapp.

By: ?
by: @?   

I'm sorry but you're wrong. Pi Kapp is definitely more reputable than Sigma Chi. Pikes may not think so but that's because they're Pikes (lol). And AEPi may once have been above Pi Kapp but after this fall's events AEPi is done. Underground fraternities don't survive at GW. Look back at what happened to SAE when they went underground... once a great fraternity.

By: @?
by: My opinion   

I honestly think Sigma Chi is a bit better than PiKapp. They both have similar issues though.

By: My opinion
by: Breakdown   

If you're a KD or ADPi you think Sigma Chi is better.
If you're an Alpha Phi, SK, or freshmen you think PiKapp is better. This will be the last semester Sigma Chi and PiKapp will be compared.

By: Breakdown
by: ?   

And if you're a rushee/pledge, the two are literally indistinguishable from one another. They have practically identical rush/pledge processes.

By: ?
by: @?   

Ok, you've now revealed yourself as a Pike. Glad to have you. Tell me about your rush process please? Is it the norm for half the PC to drop out? What aspects of your pledge process were so good that the pledges literally just couldn't handle it?

By: @?
by: ?   

I'm not in Pike but I'm pretty sure the reason they dropped was because the class was so small to begin with and once people started dropping it snowballed from there and people didn't want to be a part of it. The Pike pledge process is also more intensive physically than the others.

Its pretty common knowledge Pi Kapp and Sigma Chi have identical rush/pledge processes. Sig Eps pledge process is pretty similar to Pikes as well. Phi Psi is fairly unique and AEPi is very unique.

By: ?

PIKES freshman pc are about as awkward as a group of middle school boys. Look at them and you'll see it but talk to them and their awkwardness will hit you in the face!

By: 7th grade boys

So there's Pike's Peak before rush starts but is there any other fraternity rush parties? I'm not planning on rushing Pike so what about Pi Kapp Sig Ep or Phi Psi's rush party?

By: open parties?
by: Guest   

SigEps or Phi psis you will probably hear about but if you hear nothing then they're invite only.

By: Guest
by: i think...   

Pi Kapp usually has "Jungle Party"
Sig Ep and Phi Psi don't have annual pre-rush winter parties, but my friend in phi psi said they're planning one. If you know guys in Sig Ep or Phi Psi talk to them and I'm sure they'll invite you

By: i think...
by: Jungle party   

whats the jungle party? Is it like Amerikini where its at a venue or at their house? and is it open invite?

By: Jungle party
by: Jungle   

Same as Amerikini. Was so fun last year.

By: Jungle
by: Jungle   

Not 100% sure but I think it's open

By: Jungle

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