
frat rush


Who won Fraternity Rush this year?

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If Pike were smart they would use the new rule of year long recruitment to get the kids that didn’t get bids who probably should have or the ones that just didn’t rush Pike. 17 is an extremely small pledge class for them especially with some sophomores in it so hopefully that won’t affect their Spring Rush.

By: .
by: Thoughts   

I honestly think its pretty dumb to come on here and argue who "won" rush, when everyone is clearly in a different position. I think it might be more useful to bring info to the table like a few people seemed to have done already, or talk about disappointments/surprises. Some fraternities may be bottom or lower tier but their focus is on improving because realistically they won't get the best class.

On PIKE - They didn't need a large number because Pike is already pretty large and got strong numbers last year. Pike might actually be on to something - by being so selective they could stand out among rushees next year. Pike's campus presence is already large and they're pretty much universally considered #1 on campus. Phi Psi took a small class last year and they're doing just fine.

On Kappa Sig - They seemed to have finally learned their lesson on selectivity. They could break into mid-tier pretty soon here.

On Pi Kapp - They definitely took a few rejects from other fraternities, but per usual, they are sticking to their annual tradition of going on greek rank and declaring they got the best class anyway.

By: Thoughts

In no way did Pike mean to take that small of a pledge class. They weren't "so selective" . They gave final invite nights to a large handful of kids who picked either sig ep of phi psi over them. Everyone is talking about how they screwed up so to play it off like they meant to do it is just not true. Obviously they are still dominant because they have great older guys but it could be troubling for them only having 13 freshman in their pledge class

By: .

Sig Ep got the best class

By: Honestly

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by: ^   

You forgot to capitalize all the letters in PIKE

By: ^
by: .   

Even the mid-tier fraternities like Sigma Chi and Pi Kapp have more groupies than they know what to do with... I wouldn't put as much stock into that as you would think. You need smart, dedicated and athletic guys as well as funny guys with good personalities to keep a fraternity running smoothly, not just good-looking guys.

"There is more to life than being really, really ridiculously good-looking... like helping people!"

By: .

Lets be real- the women on campus have a big say in who the best fraternities are and women won't be shying away from Pike any time soon. They would have to really screw up to not be top.

By: girls
by: welllll   

Most large fraternities have groupies but the difference is that Sigma Chi and Pi Kapp have high quality groupies, as do Pike and Sig Ep.

By: welllll
by: Guest   

Its really not that hard at all with the gw sorority girls... they're so easy its kind of pathetic... and all of the top four can mix with whoever they want. What they think does not determine whatsoever who did the best.

By: Guest
by: @ .   

"Sigma Chi" "smart, dedicated and athletic guys"

There are a few good things I could say about Sigma Chi, but athletic is not one of them. Nowhere close. Forced two pledges last year to choose between pledging and varsity sports.

By: @ .

I knew 7 guys rushing Pike. The one who is honestly hands down the funniest and most well liked by everyone he has met up here got cut right after the interview nights. Some of the other 7 chose different fraternities but the ones who got Pike are the guys either little to no personality or a sincere douchey one. Pikes problem is they forget to recruit hard the people like my friend who got cut after interviews that will overshadow the people with bad personalities who just add to the looks and athletics of the fraternity.

By: .
by: welllll   

What did your friend join instead?

By: welllll
by: .   

He got invited back to other top tier ones but he didn't go because he didn't think they were a right fit for him. He'll probably rush spring I'm not sure where though

By: .
by: Oops   

Ha just kidding he's in phi psi or sig ep I'm not positive which one though

By: Oops

Based on what i've heard and seen:

Sig Ep
Phi Psi
Pi Kapp
Kappa Sig
Sigma Chi

By: .
by: ..   

They have a lot of kids that were rejected by other fraternities and some weird guys despite what them and their fans may think.

Pike's class is smaller but much higher quality.

By: ..

Uh no I will still agree Pi Kapp is middle tier average but they did indeed bring in a good class

By: Ha No

Every fraternity brings in some weird guys.I'm not disagreeing that Pi Kapp brought in some weird ones but they also have a larger amount of pretty good pledges for their standards. And by the way Pike FOR SURE brought in some weird guys this year that really just bring some type of diversity to the pledge class. I know some people who went to high school with one of the new Pikes and they are shocked he got in.

By: Ha No
by: Guest   

Was it really that bad? I heard the number was low but I didn't hear the kids were low quality.

By: Guest

I wonder what is going through Pike's rush chairs' head right now. He has to know he screwed up.

By: Ha
by: .   

They did get some good ones and of course picked a lot of foreign people but there are some with horrible personalities and are just athletic and they don't have enough guys with good personalities to over ride that. One of their pledges already dropped too

By: .
by: Guest   

Since when did Pike put so much of an emphasis on taking foreign guys? Athletic I can understand kind of but who cares if they're foreign?

By: Guest

I know I was wondering the same thing! But I guess that is something that is an attractive feature? Pikes pc this year does have a lot of foreign people especially for only having like 13 actual freshman

By: ..

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