
sorority comments


Washington and Lee University - WLU General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 27 of 27

Below post has it right. This is how most people rank these girls

By: Agree


By: truth

mmm yea you stir that pot, gurllll

By: here we go

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By: this is the 'truth'

KD/ADPi - fun party girls
KKG/ChiO - lady like and sweet
Theta - amazing athletes
PI Phi - nice and kind

By: Not a ranking

All of this posting needs to stop. Who ever is doing it clearly does not understand that most of us, who have an ounce of maturity, actually have friends from one end of the row to the other. I can honestly say I have something kind to say about at lest once person in each sorority. Additionally, some of my very best friends are in different sororities and this is not because rush didn't work out right, rather we made adult decisions about where we saw us fitting in the best. The constant bashing really needs to end. There are beautiful, sweet, smart girls in each and if petty people cannot understand this they need to attend a school where your sorority is your only existence and your are forbidden to speak to someone not in your greek organization. There are hilarious ADPis; Saint-like Kappas, PiPhis that will help you in any situation, Thetas that are beyond wonderful in so many ways, Chi Os who you want your brother to marry, and KDs who you wonder how they do it all.

By: la

learn to spell correctly, please. "Chi Ho's who you want your brother to marry" Out of all the girls at this school, I think only someone with beer goggles would choose to marry a chi ho. You obviously don't go here 'la'

By: below

Please be mindful.
The following is from the Washington and Lee University
Handbook re - The Honor Code:
The Board of Trustees believes that one of its primary
responsibilities is to encourage the development and
maintenance of an environment within the University
community, which best permits the realization of our
institutional goals. Those goals, according to the University's
Statement of Institutional Philosophy, include the pursuit of
our educational purpose in a climate of learning that stresses
the importance of the individual, the personal honor and
integrity of all students and their harmonious relationships
with other members of the greater community. In this
context, the institutionalized extracurricular and social life of
students should contribute to these goals.
Students must nonetheless remain
aware that they are members of a University community
whose traditions, image and reputation can be harmed by
negative actions and behavior

By: w&l

If you have a desire to learn how to earn from $ 500 per day and work only for yourself, then write to us at email: admin@makemoneyonline.universalxyzdom.xyz

By: Deweykeele

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