Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity Ratings at WLU

Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 213 3.29
  • Total Ratings: 213
  • Overall Average:65.8%



  • Reputation:Social
  • Friendliness:60%
  • Popularity:63.4%
  • Classiness:65.2%
  • Involvement:66.8%
  • Social Life:68%
  • Brotherhood:60.2%
  • 213 Ratings
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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 1.3 clearly lots of ChiO girls are on here because theyre the top sorority on this site by pure coincidence
By: hah okayPosted:

clearly lots of ChiO girls are on here because theyre the top sorority on this site by pure coincidence

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 3.5 All I know is, James better come and sing to me... Then rip off his shirt.. Or I could help...
By: sororityGirl14Posted:

All I know is, James better come and sing to me... Then rip off his shirt.. Or I could help...

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 3.5 Gotta agree with them getting a lot of quality guys, and seriously, Steel was a surprise to go there. I really could have seen him at any of the usual top three frats, but he went there. Maybe that's saying something? I guess we'll see. They need good parties before I can agree with the top three thing. Definitely a solid possibility tho.
By: SoFratPosted:

Gotta agree with them getting a lot of quality guys, and seriously, Steel was a surprise to go there. I really could have seen him at any of the usual top three frats, but he went there. Maybe that's saying something? I guess we'll see. They need good parties before I can agree with the top three thing. Definitely a solid possibility tho.

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 3.3 lets not get ahead of ourselves with this top 3 of frats business.. lets see what they do next before we make such claims. But I will say they got a bunch of quality dudes like James Steel. Lots of good looking dudes too...Also, if every frat could get a 29 person pledgeclass... why wouldn't they? Why didn't Sigma Chi who are one step closer to loosing their charter?
By: cauncydrivePosted:

lets not get ahead of ourselves with this top 3 of frats business.. lets see what they do next before we make such claims. But I will say they got a bunch of quality dudes like James Steel. Lots of good looking dudes too...Also, if every frat could get a 29 person pledgeclass... why wouldn't they? Why didn't Sigma Chi who are one step closer to loosing their charter?

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 3.8 Don't get why everybody is saying they aren't selective, plus, they didn't plan on getting almost everybody they gave bids to, they just got lucky. That's all there is to it.
By: aightPosted:

Don't get why everybody is saying they aren't selective, plus, they didn't plan on getting almost everybody they gave bids to, they just got lucky. That's all there is to it.

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 4.8 Yeah I'd say top 3 frats for sure. My guess is the negatives are coming from envious frats.
By: srt girl14Posted:

Yeah I'd say top 3 frats for sure. My guess is the negatives are coming from envious frats.

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 3.8 This was the most hated frat on campus during rush, just look at the number of posts about them. Somehow, they made a really decent pledge class out of it. Actually, screw decent, it was a good, borderline great, pledge class. Top Three? Idk, we'll have to see how their parties go because it's more than just the pledge class, but their pledge class is easily top three worthy.
By: HonestlyPosted:

This was the most hated frat on campus during rush, just look at the number of posts about them. Somehow, they made a really decent pledge class out of it. Actually, screw decent, it was a good, borderline great, pledge class. Top Three? Idk, we'll have to see how their parties go because it's more than just the pledge class, but their pledge class is easily top three worthy.

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 4.0 Honestly, I have no idea how the hell these guys did so well in rush this year. It's ridiculous. It really shows how much a pledge class can change things. Gotta say they edged Phi Delt out of the top three, and I didn't think they'd ever lose one of the top spots. SAE, Phi Psi, and KA are the top ones now, no specific order. Feel free to disagree because there aren't any actual rankings, but damn, The Phi Psi pledge class changed things.
By: SickPosted:

Honestly, I have no idea how the hell these guys did so well in rush this year. It's ridiculous. It really shows how much a pledge class can change things. Gotta say they edged Phi Delt out of the top three, and I didn't think they'd ever lose one of the top spots. SAE, Phi Psi, and KA are the top ones now, no specific order. Feel free to disagree because there aren't any actual rankings, but damn, The Phi Psi pledge class changed things.

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 4.8 Take everyone? if phi psi could just take everyone... why don't they get big pledge classes every year? Oh wait, maybe its because they did really well this year. Haters always gonna hate.
By: scoopnycPosted:

Take everyone? if phi psi could just take everyone... why don't they get big pledge classes every year? Oh wait, maybe its because they did really well this year. Haters always gonna hate.

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Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ Fraternity at Washington and Lee University - WLU 4.5 Others jealousy is just way to funny........let me guess who?
By: so funnyPosted:

Others jealousy is just way to funny........let me guess who?

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