
frat updates?


Hey... I'm really out of the loop with USC Greek Life but could someone please fill me in?

SAE, SigEp, DKE, ATO -- why are they gone and when will they be back?? what happened to their houses?

Sigma Nu, Kappa Sig, DTD -- what happened?? they used to be strong houses.. why are they so low now?

I know things change, but wow, it looks like the Greek system has been radically overhauled!

Posted By: Old school
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All you need to know

By: Pike #1
by: ugh   

not worthy to be in sig ep's house

By: ugh

Sigma Nu is the the top of middle tier. Can push into top with a strong semester.

By: Sigma Nu
by: Yeah   

Stop stealing plants and you might become upper middle tier

By: Yeah

Was DTD once a power house? I mean I know they're pushing the top of the lower tier now and might brake middle in the next couple years, but I thought this was about as high as they ever got?

By: uh
by: two words   

will farrell

By: two words
by: Truth   

will F was no one back in the day

By: Truth

Sig Nu is fine. They're still upper middle though if that social probation rumor is true, we'll see...

Kappa Sig came as close to getting kicked off the row as you can without actually getting kicked off. Their social probation ended last semester. Seems like they're trying to climb based on how many parties they've already had this semester.

DTD was never a top house. They're in SAE's old house now. I'd be surprised if DTD ever rose out of the bottom tier.

Word is SigEp will be back within the next two years, Pike should start looking for a new house. SAE recently got kicked off so it'll be 4+ years before they're back. Haven't heard anything about ATO. DKE I have not heard mentioned in quite some time...

By: .

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by: ^   

Thank you! This is very informative!

By: ^

When sig Nu makes a whole post just to mention they're "supposed" top of middle tier hahaha you're worse than pike

by: ...   

NO ONE is worse than pike

By: ...

Delts (Delta Tau Delta) were awesome. They were on Adams Street, but girls walked over there anyway. They were kind of the "Animal House." But so fun! They had so many great parties there-- and bands-- like "Honk"-- the ultimate surf music band. This was the 70s... some Delts lived in Twin Palms Apartments on Portland with Pat Haden then, and they were buds, small apt building. Other strong houses, mid 70s to early 80s were SAE, Kappa Sig (they always duked it out for "Ironman" ) , Beta (same location on Portland as they are now -- many good looking swimmers and other athletes, girls loved 'em), Sigma Chi, and KA was also decent. Phi Psi was mid-tier at best (girls only turned out for their Phi Psi 500 event) and Lambda was a non entity-- no one went there. So some things change, and some remain the same. Things can change in as fast as just 2-3 years... with SAE and ATO now off the Row.

By: Back in the Day
by: wow   

That's a bummer about DTD. They have a nice house, I hope they can turn it around and don't waste it.

By: wow

Sigma chi was legendary in the 80s. My uncle was in it with Shane foley pat Muldoon Eric close were all in the house at the same time. Their alumni is ridiculous.

By: Back in the 80s

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