
sororities: who's on the rise?


Since no one can ever seem to agree about who's ranked in what order, what are some opinions on what houses are rising, falling and staying the same?

Posted By: hello
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Alpha Chi Omega: same

Alpha Delta Pi: people were saying they're rising but they had a rough rush, so falling

Alpha Gamma Delta: rising

Alpha Phi: rising

Delta Delta Delta: rising, really good pledge class this year

Delta Gamma: they seemed to be falling but I heard they got a good pledge class so rising

Gamma Phi Beta: same

Kappa Alpha Theta: falling

Kappa Kappa Gamma: apparently they got a so-so pledge class so staying the same I guess

Pi Beta Phi: falling for the last couple years

so basically,

rising: AGD, Alpha Phi, Tridelt, DG
same: AXO, Gamma Phi, Kappa
falling: ADPi, Theta, Pi Phi

By: alphabetical order

I'm a junior so I can only talk about the past 2.5 years

Top tier:
Theta and Pi Phi have been falling the past few years.
Kappa and DG are just so historically "top house" they will always be the top 2 and stay the same

Middle tier:
Adpi had a rough rush so they are falling. Tri delt was rising the past few years but this rush stayed the same or fell a little, lost a lot of girls to other houses. Gamma Phi had a ridiculously good rush considering the position they were in a few years ago and is definitely rising.

Bottom tier:
AGD got some cute girls actually and is definitely top of the bottom tier, only bottom because they are so small because they're new, if they have a rush like this next year they will move into the middle tier so rising. AXO is rising as well because they got a strong PC and as USC accepts less "typical" type of sorority girls there's more people coming through who actually want to join "middle" and "bottom" tier houses because those girls prefer those values and connect better.

IMO the middle tier will become the new top tier in a few years as PNMs coming through value the type of people over superficial characteristics, but only time will tell.

By: fighton95
by: fighton95   

forgot about alpha phi because they're forgettable, awful retention but cute girls so I'd say staying the same but tri delt might wedge them out

By: fighton95
by: Uhhh...   

Kappa does not have a long history as the top house at USC. They have only risen to the #1 spot in the last 10 years. DG is more of the "historically" top house.

By: Uhhh...
by: Wrong   

Kappa has been tops at USC for decades.

Go back.

Used to be Tri Delt, Pi Phi, DG, Kappa. Tri Delt fell behind. Theta renovated their house into what it looks like now and made a huge jump from the middle.

Early 2000s it was Pi Phi #1, DG and Kappa tied at #2. Theta kept rising. Pi Phi had a disaster, disaster, disaster rush 2005 and started a slow descent from their position. Theta killed it several years in a row and late 2000s it was DG / Kappa / Theta. As standards have gotten harder, Theta dropped again because there are no longer a million hot girls to fill 3-4 "top" pledge classes.

This is facts. Anybody with relatives / older siblings that have gone to USC will tell you the same. The rest is sorority propaganda.

By: Wrong
by: Wrong   

Also should be noted that ADPi was the bottom of the bottom in early 2000s, and Alpha Phi was a total whatever...not awful, but no reputation. They have both risen so much that anybody who went to USC early 2000s would disbelieve you if you said how things are now.

By: Wrong
by: Wrong   

And because why not, top frats in early 2000s were:

SAE / Sigma / Lambda / "old Beta" that were kicked off are were in the Caribbean apartments underground
Then Pike

Phi Psi slowly started rising after new house.

AEPI and TKE were completely irrelevant.

There you have it. Those of us with older siblings know all this.

By: Wrong
by: lolno   

have you actually seen gphi's pledge class?
gphi is on a sharp decline and will be overtaken by agd next semester if agd can pull off another good rush

axo will always be a bottom house although their pledge class did have some cute girls

also aphi has bad retention because so many of their members resent not being in a "top" house

By: lolno

Kappa has been tops at USC for decades.

Go back.

Used to be Tri Delt, Pi Phi, DG, Kappa. Tri Delt fell behind. Theta renovated their house into what it looks like now and made a huge jump from the middle.

Early 2000s it was Pi Phi #1, DG and Kappa tied at #2. Theta kept rising. Pi Phi had a disaster, disaster, disaster rush 2005 and started a slow descent from their position. Theta killed it several years in a row and late 2000s it was DG / Kappa / Theta. As standards have gotten harder, Theta dropped again because there are no longer a million hot girls to fill 3-4 "top" pledge classes.

This is facts. Anybody with relatives / older siblings that have gone to USC will tell you the same. The rest is sorority propaganda.

By: Wrong

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rising: DG, alpha phi, tridelt, AGD
same: kappa, gamma phi, axo
falling: theta, pi phi, adpi

By: rising/falling

Clearly, you are in AGD. Everyone gave you Panhellenic love when you re-colonized, but you don't reciprocate and seem fixated on dissing other houses that you perceive as your competitors. You don't bring yourself up by trying to bring others down. Panhellenic love, y'all!

By: @lolno
by: what   

AGD is mentioned like 3 times in this entire threat. I'm so tired of gamma phi trying to blame AGD for their low rankings. I'm in a top house that isn't even affected by this and it's annoying

By: what
by: @what   

"I'm in a top house"

uh huh sure hun

By: @what

APhi looks really pretty this year. I'm from out of state but see the FB pix.

By: sup

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