
@smart pnm


@ Smart PNM (the original, REAL one) Many of us followed your posts and applauded and echoed your efforts to debunk a lot of the crap on GR. Will you please tell us which house you chose after all this? You put a lot of thought and research into your choice, so whatever your choice was, I certainly won't diss it. But, I, other PNMs and others are naturally curious about how things unfolded for you--hopefully well.

Posted By: Want to know
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Thank you so much for your post! I'm so glad that you appreciated the research I did to show myself and all of you that the houses are basically the same on a superficial level. On a deeper level, there were differences (sincerity, democracy among sisters, etc.).

I ended up at a house I love! I can't imagine being anywhere else! I'm keeping it to myself, for now, because it would go against my original post. I don't want to influence anyone to join my house. I really hope that going forward, girls choose the house that fits them without paying attention to self-rankings on GR. I wish everyone the very very best!

By: Smart PNM

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by: ^   

Plot twist: she went Kappa.

By: ^
by: Smart PNM   

^^Hahaha. Yeah, no. I will tell you that I did not go Kappa (but that's it guys!). Hahaha. However, I agree that it would be funny if I did, infiltrated and revealed all the skeletons in their closet. That would freak them out, wouldn't it? ;)

By: Smart PNM
by: Smart PNM   

Just one last thing. I'm checking out now, so if anyone else writes in saying they're me, they aren't. Thanks and hope you all have a great time!

By: Smart PNM
by: Want to know   

I'm sooooo genuinely glad you're happy, yay! You did a lot of good on GR, Smart PNM. Wishing you a splendid time on USC's Row, which is not quite as awful as this website would lead one to believe. And I'm sure you will get involved in some of the many campus orgs and opportunities--more rewarding than Row politics!!! Wishing YOU the very, very best-- you go girl!~!!!

By: Want to know

There never was a real smart PNM. All fake, all fabricated. She is all the posts above.

By: no so fast

Smart PNM is fake. Look at the times between OPs post and "Smart PNM's." 8 minutes... so it probably took her 3 minutes to type her fake response (to herself) and then she waited a few more minutes to post. Very unlikely she just happened to be on GR when "someone random" made a post directed toward her. No idea how anyone believes she wasn't an active member this whole time. If you did you should just leave USC and go study at University of Arizona.

By: smart pnm
by: Want to know   

Nope, not true. I am "Want to know" and the posts under "Want to know" are mine. The posts by "Smart PNM" are someone else's posts. Perhaps not the original "Smart PNM," but not mine.

By: Want to know
by: ^   

It was her.

By: ^
by: ^   

her = Smart PNM

By: ^
by: Such a Liar   

fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake and more fake.

By: Such a Liar
by: @Such a Liar   

Oh, Kray Kray Girl. Still living in your delusional world. The truth to a Kray Kray Girl is like water on the Wicked Witch of the West.

By: @Such a Liar
by: @Such a Liar   

wait. your post was 4 minutes after ^, so you must've written those posts and your Such a Liar post. that would make you fake, fake, fake.

By: @Such a Liar

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