
attention pnms - best advice on gr!


Ignore all the sunshine that our friends from Panhellenic are trying to push down your throat on this site and others. The truth is not every sorority is good or worth joining. Some should have been closed down years ago to make way for new sororities or allow for expansion of existing successful ones. These girls touting all houses regardless of reputation are determined to keep the sinking ships afloat at your expense.

Joining a sorority is probably one of the most important decisions of your life. It's up there with where you go to college, your career path and who you marry. You shouldn't settle for anything and you deserve the best opportunity for a sorority experience available. Please take a hard look at your options during rush and if the right opportunity doesn't present itself, consider not boarding a sinking ship.

Have a great rush!

Posted By: TTG
Page 1 of 5

Yes, this was originally posted earlier in the summer. However, many of my friends suggested it be reposted for new girls on GR who are considering rushing this fall.

No fake PNMs here. I'm as real as gets and so is my advice!

Have a great rush!


These are the kind of posts you'll be posting in 30+ years:
(by Ashamed Alumna, aka DG Alum Mom - around pp. 20 on GR)

As an alumna of USC, a mother of a daughter who will be attending USC in the fall, and a proud lifelong member of Delta Gamma, I have to say that finding this site makes me feel ashamed. Several mothers mentioned it at our weekly book club last night [ON A FRIDAY NIGHT] and I have to admit that we laughed.

Don't settle in the name of panhellenic spirit. Go for the house that you know fits your beauty, brains, and personality.

Also, please do not take this as an attack on the lovely women in lower tier houses. I am sure they have found great success in their lives after college.

However, while there is nothing wrong with being unattractive or socially awkward, it is just a fact that if you are either of these things, you aren't ever going to fit in with a top house.

This post is tragic. There is absolutely no way you are a psychologist.

Trust me, honey, I already have one. I have not been diagnosed with any personality disorder even after 10+ years of regular therapy, but perhaps you should go see one of your peers for a little checkup next week. I suspect pathological lying to be an issue in your life. Sorry you would never be accepted into my house! Tata!

By: TTG's Future
by: Completely Fake Post^^^^^   

Don't believe anything!

By: Completely Fake Post^^^^^
by: Completely Fake Post^^^^^   

Completely Fake Post^^^^^

By: Completely Fake Post^^^^^
by: whoops   

just echoing what you said, didn't mean to imply that your comment that this post was fake was fake itself. that dg mom post is so obviously fake and so is the fake kappa post. we got in to usc, we're smarter than using names as obvious as "dg alum mom" and "TTG" what a freaking joke

By: whoops
by: I hope you're not a mom   

Please tell me you are trolling, because if not this is ridiculous. The fact that you, as a mother of a young woman, are saying things like "don't settle in the name of panhellenic spirit", or talking about "lower tier" houses, means you have learned nothing about the value of the greek community. Screw the rankings, sororities are about finding a home where we feel like we can be ourselves, where long after college you still feel connected to your sisters, not just their bank accounts.. Shame on you for perpetuating the negative stereotypes that continue to drag down our community. My mother, a highly involved sorority mom, would never even think to say these things..

By: I hope you're not a mom

This needed to be reposted for all the new girls

By: Thanks TTG

So, in case the PNMs missed it the first time, they can go back and look at the original threads and see exactly how whacked out KKG and DG truly are. That's how it struck me, anyway. "TTG" (Kappa) attacked her own alums and everyone else who dared disagree or have an opinion differing from hers. Many of the original posts of "DG Alum Mom" seem to be gone.

By: Yes
by: lol   

DG is paying to have the bad posts about them removed. I've noticed it happen multiple times where posts get deleted within a few hours, which means they're paying.

By: lol
by: @Yes   

The DG Alum Mom posts are Ashamed Alum posts. You can go on p. 20 of GR to find them.

By: @Yes

Don't believe anything!

By: Completely Fake Post^^^^^

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TTG is not a kappa. I'm her and I am not in Kappa.

By: Sorry
by: TTG   

I'm not in Kappa and never said I was. Go ahead and keep blaming Kappa if that makes you feel more important.

by: You Silly Kray Kray   

You didn't have to say you were. Other people did that for you.

By: You Silly Kray Kray
by: TTG   

So you know, I'm definitely not in Pi Phi either



By: bump


By: bump


By: bump

I don't get why this one keeps getting bumped. Which sorority you join is not even close to the most important decision you will make in your lifetime. It just had to be said because there are some very naïve people reading this board. Seriously, why write such a ludicrous post and then continue to bump it.

By: ok ok ok

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