
kappa is disgusting


I'm so shocked that Kappa made the decision to take down their 2014 Pledge class pictures from the 575 Productions website. But they left up their present pictures from other classes. Their excuse was they wanted to protect those members. But you don't want to protect the other ones from the other classes? WTF????

Smart PNM is right. It's all about image. You know that most of the girls are still average (with a mix of strange looking girls) in your other pledge classes, right? You know we're not stupid and know the game that's being played, right?

Posted By: PNM
Page 1 of 1

How do they expect those girls to participate in rush? That's right. Most of them were going to be in the kitchen, anyway.....

By: Seriously?

youre a mean ass pnm. probably a good thing that you're bashing kappa bc they wouldnt take someone as petty as you. and neither would my (so-called mid tier) house.

By: god

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by: @god   

First off, you're not "god".

And someone should call them out for their BS. Why aren't you defending their 2014 pledge class. I'm sure they're not feeling to good right about now. That's why I don't think you're in a mid tier house. I think you're a Kappa. They're all over these boards doing damage control and it totally shows. They should be apologizing to their not so pretty members and figure out a way of being inclusive. Instead, they're alienating their own "sisters". Disgusting.

By: @god
by: god   

Well, I am in another house. And I'm sensitive to people commenting about people's looks because about the only time people do mention my house on here is to say that we are full of "nice" but "unattractive" girls when that's not true and we are so much more than that.

And I don't believe you're a PNM, because you're way too invested in making specific houses look bad to not already be in a house at USC. Not sorry.

By: god
by: @god   

If that's true, then you need to stop using "god" as your handle. It just makes me keep thinking you're a Kappa.

By: @god
by: @god   

One other thing. If you really are in another house and you're sensitive to people saying that the girls in your house are nice, but unattractive, why aren't you feeling it for the 2014 pledge class? Why are you defending the girls who call your sisters unattractive and obviously, think their own 2014 pledge class is unattractive?

By: @god
by: Actually   

Dear god, it's me Margaret...I couldn't resist.

Seriously, god, what the PNMs are saying makes sense. The top houses try really hard to get the prettiest PNMs. They don't have the below average looking ones because they're nice and go by personalities when deciding on PNMS. They get them because that's what's left.

She also asked you why they took down their 2014 pledge pictures, but not their other ones. You never answered that. Makes me think you're not part of a mid-tier house, at all, and that you're just pretending to be ADPi or any other girl.

By: Actually
by: god   

I'm not defending girls who call my sisters unattractive. I never see girls in other houses doing that - I think it's generally guys who say mean things about my house, because girls in other houses wouldn't care. Why would they? If they thought we were unattractive, wouldn't that be good for them because it would make them look better, right? I think it's usually frat guys who come on here and say rude stuff about the way sorority girls look.

As for your second question, my house would have taken down pictures of our pledge class too if people were bullying girls over it. That's why we don't even make those albums public in the first place. Girls should have the choice of whether or not pictures of them are shared with the world. That's why we generally only share photos on our social media of girls who have submitted them or given permission.

I'd actually be more worried if they didn't make the album private, because that would show that they don't care if their members are being bullied. When I did PR for my house, I used to just share pictures I thought were cute, but after a few girls asked me to take them down because I didn't ask if it was ok first, I switched to only sharing pictures that our members emailed to me or that I was explicitly told were fine to share!

By: god
by: Actually   

with all due respect, god (and she's right, you need to change your handle), I think you're a little naive or a Kappa.

If they were really concerned about bullying, they would've taken down all of the pictures, not just the "average/below average" ones. Also, none of the PNMs know who these girls are and none of the girls in the pictures were singled out. I think Kappa took them down so that they wouldn't look like they don't feature their less attractive members. If they're out of sight, they're out of mind.

By: Actually
by: god   

"She also asked you why they took down their 2014 pledge pictures, but not their other ones."

I can't answer that for sure. But logically, it was the only album linked on this site and the only one people were saying mean stuff about, so that's probably why that album was taken down in particular. To be honest, Kappa is really stupid for making their present pics public, and if they aren't complete idiots they should just take down all of their presents albums asap. If the other poster is to be believed, they're the only house that had them online in the first place, so they should follow what every other house is doing and keep that stuff private so people can't come on here and attack the way their sisters look. You should protect your sisters at all costs. That's what being in a sorority is about.

Having been hurt in the past by what people have anonymously said about my own house, I've grown up and realized that it's easy to be mean when you're anonymous, and people say things they never would otherwise. I still read this site sometimes just out of habit from my PR days, but it really has gotten more vicious recently. Seeing threads with the names of individual girls, and posts where several people actually had the gall to answer questions like "Who's the hottest girl in each house?" with first and last names was just unreal.

That was a novel, sorry. I guess what I'm getting at is that all of this kind of stuff makes me understand why people view greek life as toxic.

By: god
by: Actually   

I forgot. Your point about frat guys saying the girls in your house are unattractive is very unlikely. Guys don't care about that kind of stuff. They're not interested in saying a girl is this or that. They just want to get laid.

By: Actually
by: god   

Maybe I am naive, but I don't like to think so. I really do believe deep down that USC greek life has a ton to offer, and that includes every house. I can say for a fact that I have amazing friends in almost every single sorority, and that I have met smart, accomplished, amazing women in every house!

They may not have been singling out one individual girl, but what they did was just as bad, because it encouraged people to go through photos of dozens of individual girls and decide how attractive each one was based on nothing more than a single presents photo. Maybe it was bad lighting, or they didn't know their picture was being taken when it was? That doesn't even matter anyway, though. What matters is that being in a house has so much more to do with what's inside than what's outside, and that's true for all houses at USC. I'm in my house because I connected with the girls, and it was a mutual decision: they loved me and I loved them. Regardless of what those girls looked like, they're in their house for the same reason I am in mine.

This'll be the last comment I make on this. Sorry again for such long comments! I hope what I'm saying makes sense, and I hope all the pnms on here find a house they love.

By: god
by: Actually   

Just read your post, god. If you can't answer for sure why Kappa took down their 2014 pledge pictures and not the other ones, then I wouldn't attack a PNM for noticing this. It's pretty much guaranteed that PNMs are going to go on the 575 Productions website and look up more stuff. The link wasn't even live. In the end, if you put yourself in the shoes of a Kappa 2014 pledge, wouldn't you wonder why the other pledge class pictures are still up?

By: Actually
by: Actually   

Well, I think each house has a different culture. It sounds like you're in a house with a solid sisterhood. However, not all of the houses are like yours. Also, going on the 575 Productions website gave the PNMs, who caught these threads early a chance to see real pictures, not carefully selected ones for FB or insta. They shouldn't be limited to what the houses want them to see. They should have the freedom to get all the info they want before rushing.

By: Actually
by: @Actually   

You're right, I agree. But that's true for every house. They all show you what they want you to see. Not just Kappa, trust me. I've liked the Facebook pages of every house out of Panhel spirit, and it's always the same conventionally attractive, photogenic girls getting posted over and over on those things.

If you want to get an idea of what the average girl in any house is like, go onto their Facebook page and look at the girls who like that house's posts. Chances are, 99% of them will be girls in the house (or alumnae), and if you click on their profiles you'll see that the majority of them aren't the ones who are showcased on facebook/twitter/insta/tumblr etc.

If you care a lot about how a house looks and want to see the real representation of a house, do what I just said. You'll see what the average girl in a house looks like. Have fun!

By: @Actually
by: Actually   

I see your point, but you have to scratch your head and wonder what's going on when they actually take down pictures of an "unattractive" pledge class without touching the other ones. That shows a complete disregard for the feelings of the members of that pledge class. I don't care which way you argue this, it looks very bad.

By: Actually
by: @Actually   

It does look odd. I hope they take all of them down. It's likely that it's just because the other ones weren't linked here, but they need to take them all offline ASAP.

By: @Actually
by: @Actually   

It's all kind of funny to me too that people are singling out that pledge class as supposedly unattractive, because from what I remember, back in September everyone on here was saying they and DG supposedly had the overall "best" ones (or in greekrank speak, the most conventionally attractive ones, because we all know people on here couldn't give a crap about personality, god forbid!)

But now, just because they're the only ones that gave the public access to photos that represent everyone and not just the super "hot" members (gasp!!! the horror!!!!), people are kind of surprised that the reality doesn't match up with the image portrayed on social media. Truth is, every house at USC has a few super "hot" girls, and the rest are in their house for other reasons than their looks, whether that means they're a legacy, they have a great personality that meshed with their now-sisters, or they were very accomplished.

I wish every house would share photos of every sister, but greek life is so superficial I doubt that'll ever happen, sadly.

By: @Actually

bump because the peeps have got to read this


Ok, "PNM"

or should I say "Smart PNM"

make it a little less obvious boo

By: Haha
by: PNM   

Nope. Not "Smart PNM". Wish I noticed what she did though. ;)

by: Haha   

Ok, Smart PNM :)

By: Haha


By: Truth!

The 2014 pics are back up and just hidden.

By: Whaddaya know?
by: LOL   

kappa trying tohide this!


This is going to sound weird but I actually think it's really nice that they are the only house to actually have their presents pictures online. They're literally the only house I can find presents pictures for and that makes me wonder why other houses don't put theirs up. Shouldn't the other houses be proud enough of their members not to feel the need to hide them from other people and only showcase the "hottest" ones on their Facebook pages? I like being able to see every single person in a house.

By: pnm
by: Truth is    

Most girls who now attend SC just aren't that pretty anymore. Even Kappa has suffered a little.

By: Truth is
by: Um   

They suffered a lot

By: Um
by: pNm   

I don't think they left the presents pics up for the world to see. I think they only expected their own members to see them. I wouldn't give them that much credit.

By: pNm

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