
the real deal


Let's get real here. This is the difference between the "top" houses, "mid-tier" houses and the "bottom" houses.

1) Number of attractive girls: top will have about 4 very attractive girls, mid will have about 2-3 and bottom 0-1 in their pledge class.

2) Number of average to unattractive girls: the rest of the girls in whatever house, except that the average and unattractive girls will be slightly thinner and have better hair in the higher ranked houses.

For example, look up KKG Presents at the 575 Productions website. Most of those girls are very average or below average. Looks like top houses put their prettiest girls on insta.

3) Personalities: the top houses will have more self-absorbed narcissistic girls (look it up). That accounts for the "cool" factor. Not too cool, imho.

4) Intelligence and Wealth: same across the board. There are smart and wealthy girls in every house.

So, I'm just going to go for the house with the girls I like the most and have things in common. There'd probably be less cattiness on this board if everyone else had done the same.

Posted By: Smart PNM
Page 2 of 12

Lighting has a lot to do with how pictures come out. Not fair to judge anyone by a couple less than perfect photos....

By: Fine Art Major
by: Smart PNM   

Um. No. A discerning eye can adjust for poor lighting. But less attractive features or odd body shapes can only be made worse with poor lighting.

By: Smart PNM
by: Fine Art Major   

It's not so simple. In fact, I heard that was photographer was fired after this round of photos. I have seen that many houses employ soft focus adjustments on most of their girls shots.

Let's face it, SC girls in general just aren't as pretty as they were a few years ago. For most houses, Brains, Looks and Wealth just don't come together as a package as they used to.

By: Fine Art Major
by: Smart PNM   

Doubt they fired the photographer because they used the same one for the senior brunch at the end of the school year. Same level of looks there, too. Let's just face it, those Kappa girls are not that good looking, period.

By: Smart PNM
by: Actual Smart PNM   

Uh...I didn't post the last comment in this thread. Someone is pretending to be me. Stop.

By: Actual Smart PNM
by: Smart PNM   

Nice try "Actual Smart PNM". Your vapid comments can't compete.

By: Smart PNM

Again, how do the girls in the house (which I noticed is most of them) feel getting excluded from FB, instagram and other social media? Why won't anyone answer this question?

By: Smart PNM
by: Uhhh   

It kinda works like this. The select few pretty girls are like the stars of the show and the rest are like the supporting cast. You'll find a lot of the supporting cast in the kitchen (literally) during rush.

By: Uhhh
by: So-called Mid tier girl   

My house doesn't exclude non- pretty girls from social media posts. We love and are proud of all our members and showcase their accomplishments and adventures on social media. Of course, like all the houses, we do put our prettiest girls front and center as "door girls"/greeters during Recruitment. But, no-one is consigned to the kitchen! Our members' moms handle the kitchen stuff. ALL of our members circulate among and talk to the PNMs during recruitment, and no, we are not a tiny house, we easily fill Panhellenic quota every year in the Fall and do not do any kind of Spring Recruitment.

By: So-called Mid tier girl
by: Smart PNM   

@So-called Mid tier girl - thank you for your post. You're the first one to actually write something that's honest and makes sense.

By: Smart PNM


By: Bump
by: pnm   


By: pnm


By: xoxo

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By: Bump

@Smart PNM,

I think it's good that you noticed this stuff before rushing. I didn't and wonder if I would've been better off joining a house with a solid sisterhood. It's easy to get wrapped up in the whole fake prestige thing and then once you're on the inside, you realize that most of the girls look just like the girls in every other house (even the so-called "bottom" ones).

The attractive outgoing pledges end up being the queen bees and get a little cliquey at times. It can kind of be like being in high school again, even though you're in the same house.

To answer your question, it hurts the girls whose pictures don't make insta and all that. But the girls running things don't care because this stupid image thing is so important. Having exchanges with a certain frat is so important. And you should go to the frats' FB pages, too. Guess what? Most of them aren't that hot either.

In the end, you should really go for the house that feels like home to you. Don't drink the kool-aid. You'll just be disappointed. Just be you.

By: in a "top" house
by: Smart PNM   

Thank you @ in a "top" house. We think you're awesome for writing this and I'm sure all other PNMs are thankful, too.

By: Smart PNM

After reviewing everything on this site, it's clear to me which house everyone wants to be in but won't admit it: Pi Phi. Jealousy talks, and everyone seems to be talking about Pi Phi above all else. My friends from home agree.

By: Smart PNM
by: Smart PNM   

Nice try. Improve your writing style before pretending you're me.

By: Smart PNM
by: First time poster   

I would actually rather die than be in Pi Phi. No respect. No job offers. No sisterhood. I'd rather be in literally any other house. By no means am I jealous of anything they have to offer.

By: First time poster
by: Oh boy   

^when you post stuff like that it jinks you. That would suck if you actually died.

By: Oh boy
by: @oh boy    

Yes, because that's how life works. Just like MySpace chain messages...

By: @oh boy
by: well...   

I don't think it is clear everyone wants to be in Pi Phi. But, it does seem like everyone is talking about Pi Phi and Kappa most on these boards.

By: well...
by: Oh boy   

^my space chains are different. You said you'd rather die. The gods have heard you.

By: Oh boy
by: Uh oh   

Seriously, first time poster, I would stay holed up for awhile. My sister's classmate wrote something like that and ended up caput.

By: Uh oh
by: Smart PNM   

@First time poster: Then obviously you haven't been paying attention here. Pi Phi is clearly the realest house at USC.

By: Smart PNM
by: First time poster   

I was in pi phi. Tell me about how 'real' it was.

By: First time poster
by: Smart PNM   

@First time poster: I highly doubt that. You are obviously just a jealous Kappa.

By: Smart PNM
by: First time poster   

Yeah... You caught me. I'm jealous of a house I dropped out of. Good luck with recruitment girls, maybe you should spend your time putting effort into that and your sisterhood instead of trolling greekrank.

By: First time poster

Oh, my fake "Smart PNM," I would get your own handle, please. You're cramping my style.

Seriously, I would never tout myself as being spectacular like you just did. Only self-absorbed and vapid girls do things like that. And don't get me started on the incredibly thin comment. Anorexia is a serious issue and I've had one very close friend of mine deal with that as a gymnast.

My original post was meant to keep things real. I don't like it when people BS and project that they're something they're not. The so-called "top" houses aren't really that special, after all, and I was just pointing that out.

By: Smart PNM
by: Bump   


By: Bump
by: Pnm   


By: Pnm
by: Bump   


By: Bump

firstly this chain is hilarious and to anyone who has reached the end of this chain at this point and read everything thus far: shut up and stop being unhappy with competition. who doesn't love a little healthy competition? ill tell you who. losers. stop tearing eachother down. whats the point? if youre a pnm, if youre an active, whatever, the most you'll get out of greek life is 4 years (maybe 5 but its pushing it) like honestly who cares. im VERY happy currently in the sorority that i am in. i respect every sorority, because i have friends in ALL of them. tbh every sorority is totally the same give a take a few of the choice girls the houses use on their tumblrs and instagrams to portray whatever vibe the particular house is going for that year. get a clue people. nobody in the greek system whos normal actually cares about this site and the only reason I'M even posting is i know as a pnm i looked at this sites religiously and this year at rush i was totally in my head and nervous because of posts like these instead of meeting girls that i would actually end up being friends with. stop projecting hatred its toxic, and not good for the ENTIRE system. prez nikias hates us anyways so we might not even be here next year.

By: hahahaha

Actually, I think they post their best looking girls to give PNMs the impression all their girls look like that when clearly that's not the case. I also don't like this misrepresentation. It's like we're being lied to. Or kind of like a bait and switch. It isn't a vibe thing. That's about all I could get from your ramblings.

by: Bump    


By: Bump
by: Bump   


By: Bump

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