
attention pnms

by: TTG

Ignore all the sunshine that our friends from Panhellenic are trying to push down your throat on this site and others. The truth is not every sorority is good or worth joining. Some should have been closed down years ago to make way for new sororities or allow for expansion of existing successful ones. These girls touting all houses regardless of reputation are determined to keep the sinking ships afloat at your expense.

Joining a sorority is probably one of the most important decisions of your life. It's up there with where you go to college, your career path and who you marry. You shouldn't settle for anything and you deserve the best opportunity for a sorority experience available. Please take a hard look at your options during rush and if the right opportunity doesn't present itself, consider not boarding a sinking ship.

Have a great rush!

Posted By: TTG
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Page 3 of 9
#21  by: Lolzer   

Nope. I know TTG.

By: Lolzer
by: lmaoJun 24, 2015 9:25:29 PM

no you dont. no one would legitimately tell someone that they post on this site, and what's more that they are banned from posting on here. in order to be asked to stop posting, the person's house would have to know exactly which member is posting int he first place. you are such an obvious liar.

By: lmao
by: LolzerJun 24, 2015 9:41:18 PM

You're wrong. TTG didn't keep it to herself. Someone in the house told her to stop or else it would turn into a bigger problem. I know you're trying to get more info out of me, but you won't. Nice try, though. That's all you get.

By: Lolzer
by: ?Jun 25, 2015 2:19:08 AM


By: ?
#22  by: @lolzer   

You make absolutely no sense. No one would EVER actually TELL people in their house that they are spending their summer going on greekrank and posting about how other houses suck and how joining a sorority is the most important decision of your life. They just wouldn't.

By: @lolzer
by: UmmmJun 25, 2015 12:57:10 AM

Sorry @lolzer. They would tell other people if they thought they were doing the right thing to "steer" PNMs to their house, by their postings here--and it may even be an "off the grid" appointed position. Anyway, either TTG muzzled herself, or someone did. Thank goodness!

By: Ummm
by: @ummmJun 25, 2015 1:29:39 AM

just...no. that makes literally no sense. u tried tho

By: @ummm
#23  by: I agree   

Never settle for anything in life

By: I agree
#24  by: Bump   


By: Bump
#25  by: Is their a dirtier house   

than Pi Phi? Probably not...

By: Is their a dirtier house
by: Dear KappaJul 4, 2015 1:04:13 PM

Learn to spell. It's there, not their. Thank you.

By: Dear Kappa
#26  by: bump   


By: bump
#27  by: hahahaha   


By: hahahaha
#28  by: hahahaha   


By: hahahaha
#29  by: Blah blah   


By: Blah blah
#30  by: PNM   


Thanks for the info and I will not settle!


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